Friday, April 29, 2011

Costa Rica 2011

April 29,  La Fortuna (near Arenal Volcano), Costa Rica
Up early even though did not have to get up!  Not good!
But out for coffee and breakfast.
Did not do much today, went for a short walk around town, bank, and even a bit of shopping.

Nice swim in the pool and then out for dinner.
April 28,  La Fortuna (near Arenal Volcano), Costa Rica
Off and running at 7..15 am!  Very early, but at least had a chance to have breakfast!
First to Hanging Bridges.  Several bridges the cross valleys with some in the canopy of the rain forest.  Very neat!  Saw a viper, red frog and a couple of birds nests as well as a tarantula.
Then to La Fortuna Waterfall.  Walked down several steps, they said 400 to this nice waterfall.  Could not swim under the waterfall but were able to get in a small pool downstream.  Very cool but refreshing.  Interesting as many fish swimming in the pool, could have been trout!
Lunch at same place as yesterday and then off to do the Volcano hike.  This hike was through some sugar cane that had to be 15 feet high.  Then on to the lave flow from the 1992 eruption.  This flow was more rocky than lava but still interesting.  Rocks/lava was fairly light, not what I expected.
Then off to the Tabacon Hot Spring.  Huge place with 19 different pools.  Some of them fairly natural and some regular pools.  All very nice.  A real maze of pathways to the various pools and spent a lot of time trying to find my way back!  Water felt great and the setting was very nice.  Rain forest type trees every where, sometimes so thick you could not see the sky!
Finally got home at 9.30 pm.  Long day, very tired, but nice to get out and do some walking and get some exercise while seeing some sights!
April 27, La Fortuna (near Arenal Volcano), Costa Rica
Up very early to catch the shuttle bus to La Fortuna.  Left hotel at 7.30 am but nice as arrived at new hotel at about 11.30 am.  Room not even ready.  Trip did not even seem that long as ended up traveling with 3 girls from New Jersey that have just finished medical school and traveling in Costa Rica and one from Barcelona.  Very interesting to talk to them.  Cancer, cardiology and emergency medicine will be their specialties.

Then spent the afternoon walking around and checking out tours and making travel arrangements.  Finally done, and hopefully have not confused the dates!  Confusing trying to deal with this weekend travel and then trying to arrange travel to Guatemala City next week as well!
April 26, San Jose, Costa Rica
Easy day.  Went off and wandered around the city area again.  Like a different city with people on the streets and the shutters of stores open!  Surprises at each one as I had no idea what was behind the shutters!  Bar and restaurant across the street! And many shops along the pedestrian mall.
Went to the Museum of Gold.  Just ok, for the price.  Fairly expensive.  Did show some of the history of the currency in Costa Rica.  The most interesting part was that many of the plantation created their own currency in order to pay the workers.  These could then be used to purchase goods they needed!  Was late 1800 or early 1900s that a common country currency was established.
Then just spent the rest of the day walking the mall, sitting in park!  Met an American that lives in San Jose.  Interesting chatting with him.  Ex army and has retired here.
Finds it cheap to live.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Cosa Rica 2011

April 25, San Jose, Costa Rica
Another 8 am boat tour and then a 1 hour walk through part of the National park that parallels the beach.
Similar animals but this time we did see baby caimans!  Mother close by with babies sunning themselves on a log!  Still a very interesting boat ride.

On the walk we saw some spiders and ants, but also some howler monkeys!  Looked like they were sleeping in the very tops of the trees above us.  Apparently you are not supposed to stand underneath them as they will drop things on you but also you are supposed to keep you mouth closed, for the same reason that you never look up when birds are flying over head!  No problems!
The lodge is quite nice.  All four walls this time, but no windows on 2 sides!  They are screened this time.  Nice balcony with 2 rocking chairs out front.  Very neat to sit there and watch monkeys in the trees!  All cabins are on stilts as are the walkways.  It does flood in the rainy season.  Just at the end of the dry season now.  Weather was great, only a bit of rain one night!
April 24, Tortuguero (means Turtle home) National Park, Costa Rica
Off on boat tour of canals at 8 am for a couple of hours!

Saw white faced monkeys, spider moneys, caiman, many types of heron (blue, tiger), Jesus lizard (walks on water), iquana, other small lizard.
Very interested trip!
Had the rest of day to ourselves so went for a walk on the 2km trail and did a short kayak trip.
Then relaxed by the pool, tried to sleep but could not. 
Hilarious as a bunch of white faced monkeys showed up in the trees near the pool and everyone was out with their cameras.  Not sure which group was putting on the best show!
April 23, Tortuguero National Park, Costa Rica
Very early start!  In van by about 6 am!  and on the road.
Mostly pavement but the last 1 1/2 hours was big stones!  
Drove through the mountain pass, very lush and green.  
Stopped for breakfast and we could actually see the smoke rising from a volcano that became active about 3 years ago!
Along the way stopped at banana packing house.  This was Del Monte but Chiquita is just down the road.  They also have their own airport and airstrip!
Both huge operations.  The bunches of bananas are wrapped in plastic and hauled to the plant by a system of overhead tracks, pulled by a man!  He pulls several, maybe 15 to 20.
Also saw a 2 toes sloth and a red frog.  The frog's sweat is poisonous.
Then got a 11/2 hour boat ride.  Many birds along the way.  Very nice.
Arrived about 1 pm, and long trip.  Went into have lunch.  Full hot buffet, that was pretty good.
Went on tour of the turtle beach and a short walk through the main town of Tortuguero.  Mostly hostels, guest houses and restaurant.  And these are open, even with Easter!
Then back to hotel.  The hotel is on a sand bar that has been overgrown with trees and vines.  Interesting as there are many inland waterways.
Had dinner and then at 9 pm headed out on tour to see turtle lay her eggs.  We were not lucky.  Saw a couple of sets of tracks coming out of the water but they turned around and headed back in.  
Very dark!  And to think we paid to walk along beach at night for about 3 hours!  Disappointed we did not see anything.  According to the guide one did land but at 4 am!  Strange as it would be getting light! when she finished (takes about 2 hours to lay 500 eggs).
Very tired and sandy when got back to the hotel.  

Bocas del Toro and into Costa Rica 2011

April 22, San Jose, Costa Rica

Streets are abandoned!  Stores and shops closed.  
Went walking around and not much open at all!
Found a restaurant and then walked around the sights!  Theatre, Cathedral, museum and souvenir market (called artesian market).   And even only a few of them open!
More processions today.  Watched a couple of the stops along the streets.  At least there are lots of people at these.
Also arranged for a tour.

April 21, San Jose, Costa Rica
Easy morning.  Afternoon flight.
Went for lunch on water, and then to airport.  Funny as the airport is about 3 blocks from the main street.
The flight took about 50 minutes, in a twin turbo prop Otter!  Seated about 20 people on bench type seats.  The co-pilot gave the take off instructions.  Scramble seating so I ended up in front seat right behind the pilot.  No door so was able to watch the instruments as we flew.  Ask the co-pilot when we landed if he really said it was an Otter, he replied very proudly yes, and that they are perfect for Costa Rica, short flights, and short runways.
Arrived at Hotel Santo Tomas.  Great place in an old house but with a swimming pool.  Ceilings must be 12 feet, wood floors and tiled hallways.  Looks great!
As it is Good Friday, almost everything is closed!  There were a few fast food places open.  Found a small food court.
As the country is strong Catholic, they were also having a procession down the street and also putting the Easter story!  Used several stages.
April 20, Bocas del Toro, Panama
Lazy start to the day!  So nice to sit on balcony and listen to the waves!
Finally got moving and caught the bus to Bocas del Drago, a small place on the north end of the island.  Was standing on the side of road waiting for the bus when the bus came by, asked me where I was going and said that I had to go into town.   About 1 hour later I arrived.  Is really only a 30 minute ride.  But had to wait at the main square then tour around to the school, pick up a bunch of school kids and then back to square.  Then finally got going.  Not sure why I had to go into town as the bus stopped along the way anyway!  But I guess I did get a seat!
Bocas del Drago has a few little guest houses and 2 or 3 restaurants.  I just walked along the beach towards the Starfish beach.  Along the way spotted a sting ray swimming along the edge of the water.  Only about 1 foot across but still good to see.  He was there when I went back as well!
Saw a few starfish.  Just along the edge of the water.  Brightly coloured.  Walked as far as I could go along the beach and turned back.  There were 3 or 4 tour boats parked along the beach, but the best part was the guy selling beers, cold!  $2!!!!!
Caught the bus back and then went for another swim at the beach.  Dirty compared to the other beaches with some kind of sea weed in the water.  Come out of water a bit green!
Relaxed for rest of evening, as off to San Jose, Costa Rica tomorrow!
April 19, Bocas del Toro, Panama
Off on boat tour today.  Only 5 on the tour.

A late start, so I guess manana, is in full force here!
After about a 15/20 minute boat ride, stopped in Dolphin Bay with about 15 other boats.  We saw many dolphins, which is good as I guess the day before the people saw 3!
Then off to Coral Cay.  Ordered lunch, and then went for a snorkel.  Went just off the dock a few yards.  Many fish just swimming around and a fair bit of coral.  Very nice.  Water nice as well.
Then off to Zapatilla Island National Park.  Beautiful beaches all the way around the island.  Coral just off the beach, but water was fairly shallow.  Good snorkeling, and not much for current or waves.  Took a walk around the island that took only about 30 minutes.  Maybe 50 people on the whole island.
Couple of hours here and then back to Coral Cay for lunch.  Interesting way to do it, but I guess that way they only buy and cook what is needed.
Mixed seafood with coconut curry sauce.  Very good
On way back to Island Colon, stopped at a bouy in the middle of a bay somewhere.  Beautiful multicoloured coral here!  Amazing.  Blue, purple, red, orange, green.  Very nice.
Got back to town about 4 pm after a 10 am start.  Great day.
Bought some groceries to have for dinner, sandwiches as still full from lunch.
Relaxing night!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Bocas Del Toro, Panama

April 18, Bocas del Toro, Panama

Lazed around apartment for most of day, then mid afternoon went down to beach for a swim.  Water was warm and shallow.  Small waves.  Felt great.
Walked into town and had dinner at the same restaurant that I had lunch at.  Very nice with all the lights on across the water at the other island.
April 17, Bocas del Toro, Panama
Up shortly after 5 am to make sure I get to the airport by 6.30 for a 7.30 flight.
Tough going without having coffee first thing!
Not too many people on street at this time of morning, but there were a few taxis!  First one wanted $5, but the night clerk had guessed $2.  Passed him by and the next guy said $3.  About a 15 minute drive.  Hard to believe that he would take so little when gas is about $4 per gallon (I think it is in gallons).
Arrived at airport, got checked in in not time.  Had my coffee.
The flight was only about 45 minutes.  Actually flew over the Miraflores locks!  A bit hazy but still a good view.
The airport is very small, so did not take long to get luggage and into taxi.
For $1 taxi to apartment that we rented.  Nice as it over looks the beach on the other side of the road.  But can still hear the waves.  Beach looks nice, but not much when tide is in as there is al lot of mangrove trees along the shoreline.
Poured rain for about 2 hours in morning.  Stopped but stayed cloudy for the afternoon.  
Took a walk into the main town area.  Took about 30 minutes.  A few people around.  Many restaurants that are on stilts over the water.  Very nice.  Surprisingly the water under the restaurants is clear, even considering that there were some soap suds looking stuff floating by once in a while.
Took it easy in the evening.

Panama City, Panama

April 16, Panama City, Panama
Another lazy day.  Did some walking around the area of the hotel.  Did some shopping, but only bought a shirt.
Very quiet day.

April 15, Panama City, Panama
Walked along the shore again today!
Went back to the old town and visited the Canal Museum.  Great museum, covered must of the history of Panama as well as the history and building of the canal.
The museum is in an old hotel.  Amazing building.
Fortunately I was inside as it poured rain!

April 14, Panama City, Panama
Off to walk the streets again today.
Stopped in and had my hair cut.  No English, but my hair not that hard to figure out.  This one cost me $3, but no fancy stuff.  Just the basic cut!  I think she was a bitt shocked when I got her to cut my hair very short.  Oh well.  Feels better.
Finally found the bar street in the downtown area!  Seems that each map has different names of streets on them, this with not very many street signs, makes it difficult to find anything.
The street was very quiet, with most places not even open.  It was mid afternoon!
Today I had to be the guide.  A lady from Seattle asked me where the big mall was.  I was headed that way so showed her where it was.  Turn out she is here for 3 weeks, taking Spanish lessons and using this as a trial basis for retiring here.
Walked back to hotel.  I think I must have walked for about 5 hours today!

April 13, Panama City, Panama
Walked around in downtown area!  Wow, such a difference between this area and the old city.
High rises that have to be 50 or 60 stories high, and many of them just being worked on!
Lots of shops, with big sales!  I may even have to have a look, but I will leave that for another day.
Ended up getting a quick tour of the many restaurants.  Robert, with relatives in Toronto, gave me the tour.  Then of course, hit me up for money!  He got a dollar.  Seems most are guides around here.
April 12, Panama City, Panama
Slow start again, this is nice.
Caught a taxi to the Causeway area.  This is 3 islands joined by a road made from the rock removed from the canal.  Works as a breakwater to the entry to the canal as well.
Had lunch at one of the marinas.  Many nice boats, motorized.  Very quiet place.
Walk along the roadway, and then stopped at a Smithsonian Research centre.  Part of one the islands set aside with many displays.  Turtles, sharks, eels, starfish and the list goes on.
Even saw an iguana climb up a tree.  Seemed big at about 4 foot long, including tail!  
Caught a taxi back to hotel.  Went by the location for a big concert tonight.  Apparently Shakira is part of a Latin American set.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Panama City 2011

April 11, Panama City, Panama
Slow relaxing start to day!  So Nice!
Went for a walk around the block this morning!  Definitely not a tourist area!  Sidewalks haver doorways into stores/shops, but the curb side is enclosed with permanent kiosks selling just about everything you can imagine!  Fruits, vegetables, watches, belts, clothes, shoes, phones and the list goes on and on!
Great to watch the street when you can!  The public buses are old school buses, decked out with great colourful paint jobs, and straight pipe mufflers going up the back of the bus. Very noisy as well!
Tried to find the bus station to the Canal, but could not find, so ended up in a taxi!
Great day just watching the boats go through the locks!  They get through fairly fast as well!  Less than 30 minutes.  Spent much more time there than I thought!  The area is well laid out for watching, with a running commentary (live) and 3 floors of displays and a short video!
Also got warned 2 times today about how dangerous some of the areas are!  This hotel is very close to one of the areas!  So have to be careful!  Have not had any problems, but then not out wandering the streets late at night!
April 10, Panama City, Panama
Awake very early.  Headed out to find coffee!
While just outside hotel, met one of the 'locals'.  She was cursing out the police across the street!  Said they were killing cats and dogs and that should be gased, the police that is!
Then off for coffee, and met Frank!  He is a taxi driver and is looking for clients!
Found the restaurant and met Freedom!  He is a poet and has at least 20 other jobs - car wash, parker, body guard, best friend, guide etc.
Apparently many people in New York know him!  A real character!  He also is officially licensed to accept donations!  I could not resist!!!  Especially after he recited a poem!

This was in the first hour of being on the street!
The rest of the day was very boring compared to this!
Spent the morning trying to work out accommodation for the Easter weekend.  All very busy!  No luck yet!
And then walked around the old city!  Amazing buildings!  Old colonial type!  Many in disrepair, but they have restored many, and many in the process, and the country is doing a great job of fixing up the area!
Many churches, a few squares, some street musicians and handicraft sellers!  Nice way to spend the afternoon
There was even a slow pitch game going on on the beach, it was low tide!
Then walked to the new section of the city!  All high rises, new or just being built!  Such a contrast!
Walked along the water all the way.  Very nice except got caught in a rain pouring (vs shower), but had jackets and founds some shelfter with many others!
A good day!
April 9, Panama City, Panama
Leisurely start, taxi at 9.30 for 12.15 flight!
Arrived very early, and not necessary as the airport in Rio is actually not that big!
After 7 1/2 hours on plan arrived in Panama.  Not really that comfortable and did not think that I would ever say that the buses in South America were more comfortable!
Ended up in last row and seats do not recline!
Oh well arrived and got to hotel.  It is hot and humid!
Hotel in older part of town, not a great first impression, but after next day, it does grow on you!
Early to bed!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Rio de Janerio, 2011

April 8, Rio de Janerio, Brazil
Did not do much today, very relaxing!
Went and spent the day at Ipenema Beach.  Great place, very busy, nice fine clean sand.  Wave fairly large but not too bad!
Best part is guys coming around with beers!  $2!!!!!  Life is good.......

Out for final dinner, and caiprihna, as last night in Brazil!
April 7, Rio de Janerio, Brazil
Got on a tour to Fevala Rochina.  This is a town that started with people just building houses on vacant land!  Very interesting.  Not much for roads, but many sidewalks worming through the various houses!  Actually just a suburb!  Close to areas that people worked, cheap rent, and usually no taxes and free electricity!  They just tap into the lines!  There are stores, and now the government is stepping in and building hospitals, roads and daycares!  Then tax the people!  Many are run by gangs!  The one we visited is just being fixed up by the government, but a gang still runs part of it!
This was the last thing done withe group!  We are no fending for ourselves!
Then after a 5 minute stop, dropped at another hotel, picked up for the city tour.  Started with a drive up to Christ the Redeemer, the large statue over looking the city of Rio!
But had to change to another bus that took us to the top!  Many hairpin curves to get there!  
Great views over the city!

Next stop was at the short street area where the Carnaval floats are judged.  Street not that wide, but the seating and judge booths are large!
Then to Lapa, the steps that are tiled with tiles from all over the world.  Interesting.
Dumped the tour here as they were heading to Sugar Loaf Mountain.
Walked over the the Cathedral.  Seats 8000 people.  Strange looking church, as it is built as a cone!  Huge!
Caught the Metro to Ipenema Beach where we watched the sunset and had hamburgers on the beach!  Very nice.
Caught the bus back to the hotel, but could have walked just as fast as the traffic is crazy!  2 streets with 3 or 4 lanes each, all feeding into 1 lane!

Sao Paulo, Paraty and Rio Brazil, 2011

April 6, Rio de Janerio, Brazil
Up early on on the bus, again!  Just over a 4 hour ride to Rio.  Got settled then most of us caught the local bus to Sugar Loaf Mountain.  The ride was wild!  No shocks on bus and a rough road.  Not a good combination, and of course we sat at the back of the bus, just to get the better ride!
Arrived and up we go!  2 sets of cable cars to get you to the top!  Very busy place as it is the place to be to see the sunset!  Was great!  People actually clapped their hands when the sun set!
Then off to Cocacabana Beach for dinner and drinks!  Celebrating another birthday!  There were 3 on this trip!  Great time.  Our last meal together as a group!
Tough start to trip but turned out to be very good!

April 5, Paraty, Brazil
Spent part of the morning and the afternoon on a boat trip.  Traveled to about 3 different islands. 
Able to do some snorkeling and swimming but the water was not that clear.  There was a turtle poking his head out of the water in the first bay, but did not see him under the water!
Got a bit of sun, but then just before the last stop, it started to pour rain!  Just as it has each afternoon here!
Even though it was raining some of us dived into the water for a swim.  Water was pouring off my head, and that was from the rain.
Got back into the town, and many of the streets had been flooded, but not by the rain but by the tide!
For some reason they built this city 300 years ago, and the streets flood with the tides.  Apparently it is only with full moon, but we are in middle of full moons!  Not sure why they have not built up the city to avoid this, but instead they have holes in walls to allow the water to flow in and out!  On some street, they also have bridges over the road and water!
April 4, Paraty, Brazil
Early start, out of hotel by 7 am and on the bus at 8.  Arrived at Paraty at about 2.30 pm.  Long bus ride again but drove through mountains that are mostly covered in forest/jungle!  Very lush!

Hit the coast and actually saw a South Atlantic beach.  Looks very nice.  Beaches at in small bays along the coast.  Most of the coast is very rocky, with the mountains running right up to the water.
Took a short walk around the city.  Apparently the some streets will flood with high tides and there is a lot of water in the streets.  The streets are cobble stoned.  Rocks and not the easiest to walk on.  Walked to the harbour and then back along the main street.  Most of the buildings in the old town are very well looked after with colourful doors.  The city was founded in 1660, and looks like the streets are just as they were.  Interest as I did see some electrical lines running out of buildings, some of them buried in between the rocks but some look like they have been buried under.  I can not imagine how much work that would be.

April 3, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Very noisy street!  Partied most of the night I think and room is over the street!
Relaxing morning but still on the road (or sidewalk) about 10.30 am.  Walked through the Republic park and down a huge shopping pedestrian mall.  Most stores closed!
Went to the large Cathedral.  Apparently it can hold up to 8000 people!  It was huge!
Then walked to a large park.  Took about 1 hour to get there, but still a great walk.  In a fairly rich area with many doctors' offices, including what looked like plastic surgeons.
Park was very nice with good sized lakes and lots of people.  Had lunch and then walking more.  Started to rain, so stopped under a shelter with most others, actually was pouring.
Ended up soaking wet, so caught a cab back to the hotel.
Out for dinner to a buffet, again.  You have to like a place that serves you endless amount of beef and chicken.  This time we were also offered ox.  Tried but found it very tough!
April 2, Sao Paulo, Brazil
In taxis, as this is how we are transported to and from the bus terminal, and off on bus for Sao Paulo at 9 am.  The ride took about 6 1/2 hours.  Nice ride, comfortable.  Seemed to go over a mountain range that was dense forest/jungle.
Ended up in a nice hotel in centre of city.  Will go out exploring a bit later and tomorrow.
Poured rain with lots of wind and even some thunder!
Headed out for something to eat, and after looking at several places, got shown one buffet!  We were not really looking for a buffet, always eat too much, and this was reals 22 ($15), but with all the hesitation he dropped the price to reals 15 ($10)!!!  Can not beat a bargin!  It was pretty good!