Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Cancun to Kelowna, 2011

The end!  Where did the time go!  I guess it is time to start planning the next trip.

All of these pictures are of Isla Mujeres

July 5, Kelowna, Canada  -   I am home!!!!
Short 1 hour flight and I am home.  Friends picked me up at airport!
July 4, Vancouver, Canada
Long day.  Left about noon, for a 3 hour flight to Dallas, 3 hour wait for the 4 hour flight to Vancouver.  Supposed to arrive about 8 pm but delays made it 9 pm.
But that was after almost not getting on flight.  Turns out I only had a reservation, not a ticket.  Took me amost 2 hours to  check in!  Not sure what happened but seems that when I changed my ticket in Buenos Aires, they only made a reservation, not issue a ticket!  What a mess!  Got through just in time to walk onto plane!
Trip to Vancouver uneventful.  Good thing!  And bags actually made it as well!
July 3, Cancun, Mexico
Up early and off to see whale sharks.  The van picking me up as actually about 25 minutes early!  Good thing I was up and almost ready!
Caught a van to the meeting point, then another van to the boat.  The boat went to Isla Mujeres to pick up more people and then we headed out to open sea.  So glad I do not get sea sick.  1 girl looked terrible!  She was over the side most of the trip!  Another got sick but no where near as bad.
Left the Isla about 8.30 am, got back to island about 3.  Long day on water, and saw no whale sharks, but did see another pair of mating turtles!  Disappointing about the sharks!  Apparently they saw lots yesterday.  Offered a free trip the next day but I was leaving so nothing I could do.
Still it was nice to be out on the water.  There were about 15 boats looking.
July 2, Cancun, Mexico
Went to Market 28, the big market in Cancun.  Expected more of a local market but was all tourist stuff.  All started looking the same.  Did not buy much, nothing really caught my eye!
July 1, Cancun, Mexico
Happy Canada Day.  Did not see much recognition here, but oh well!
Went shopping for a tour to see the whale sharks, and found one for Sunday.  Figured that would be a good way to spend the last day.
Then went to the beach at the beginning of the main part of the hotel zone.  Very nice, but lots of wind, big waves and plenty of current in the water.  Again the lifeguards watch very closely to make sure that people do not venture out to far. 

June 30,  Cancun, Mexico
Caught the local ferry to the Isla Mujeres.  It is only about a 20 minute ride.  The colors of the water are about 5 different shades of blue.  Very nice.
This is a very small island with mostly shops, hotels and restaurants.  Talked to guy on ferry and we ended up day wandering around.
WE rented a scooter for about 3 hours and did some driving around the island.  There is a large lagoon in the middle of the island, but you can not see much of it as behind the trees.
Tried to get to the southern part but the only road going south was blocked by the police for a bit.  So toured around the main part of the town.  The east beaches are rocky with lots of waves but there is a nice walk way along the shore.
Stopped at the most easterly point of Mexico.  There is a small ruin here, a temple to the goddess of fertility and many other things!  Guess it is true as there was 2 turtles in the water that appears to be mating!
There is 1 fairly long beach for swimming on the west and north side of the island.  Water is very nice.  It is hot, but the sea breeze makes it feel a bit cooler.
Walked the main street, mostly a pedestrian street, stopped and had some dinner and then caught the ferry back to Cancun.
June 29,  Cancun, Mexico
Another relaxing morning!  Had to check out of hotel and move to new hotel.  Caught the local bus for a few minutes and then walked maybe 6 blocks to hotel.  This one is old as well, but not really as well kept up, but is still good.  I am much closer to downtown, more restaurants and shops to look at.  Also this one has a coffee pot and fridge.  2 necessities.  Hot coffee in morning and cold beer at night!  The other hotel only had other resorts close by.
Went out and had some lunch and wandered around a bit.  Many restaurants but also a few small pedestrian streets.
Cam back to hotel and went for swim in pool.  Very nice.
June 28,  Cancun, Mexico
Rain stopped later last night and did not rain at all today!  Slightly cloudy, which was good as if the sun came out it was very hot, and the humidity went sky high!
Caught the bus to the main Caribbean beaches.  Buses easy to take, there is basically 1 street.  One direction goes to the hotels and beaches and the other direction downtown, so difficult for me to get lost!
The hotel area is a sight!  From the bus, all you can see is huge monster resorts, nothing else.  There are a few, and very few spots along the about 10 km main area, where you can see the beach and water.  Found one of the public beach access points.  Yes the hotels are right next to each other so no beach access.  Very windy and lots of sand blowing around.  There were a few people on the beach.  The water was very rough and the lifeguards were even whistling people back closer to shore if they got out too far.
Amazingly there were some turtle tracks up the beach.  Looks like they have moved the eggs to a fenced off area to hatch.  Some were just a few days ago.  I am surprised that they lay their eggs with all the lights along the shoreline.
Also caught a couple of pelicans, taking some sun!
Nice to get out and about.  Spent about 1 hour walking along the beach, thinking that I had found the next beach access, it turned out to be fenced off at the road.  But there was a hole in the fence to climb through!
Walked to the first plaza (mall).  Knew I would fit right in, wearing my mickey mouse tshirt and swim suit, the sign said "Luxury Avenue".  And it was just that.  An area of the mall only for many of the top, high end stores.  I did not even go in.