Sunday, May 30, 2010


May 27 London
Later started each morning!  Did not leave the house until about 11.30!!!!  
Headed to the Vietnam Embassy to start the visa process, only to find out they are closed, I was reading the wrong schedule!  
So instead headed into Kensington Gardens and the Kensington Palace.  Walked around the park.  Saw the Albert memorial, Royal Albert Hall, and the Princess Diana fountain.  An amazing park!
Then into the British Museum where they had some amazing displays of dinosaurs, whales, dolphins, fish, elephants (but not pink) etc.  The building itself was a work of art!
Seems to be a lot of Darwin, so that will be good when get to Galapagos!
Then into the Albert and Victoria gallery!  Here they have many sculptures from 300 BC on!  Oh I know, way too many museums and galleries!  But they are everywhere and they are free!  The magic word!

May 26 London
Not much exciting today!  Spent the afternoon at the travel agency office getting the trip organized!  About 5 hours after sitting down, the plans had been basically made.  Unfortunately can not make the Trans Siberian Railway as planned as you can only get a Russian visa while in your home country!  Too bad!  But instead I have substituted Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Jordan, Easter Island!  I think that is a good trade off!  Now just need to work out a way to get the money to them!
That is a challenge!

May 25 London

Caught the train into London centre!  Got lost a few (sort, if you do not count the going around and around and around in circles) (they have round abouts) times, but I got found as well!  I am sure that took me 2 hours of walking around in circles and more circles when it should have taken about 10 minutes.  Oh well, saw lots in the process.

Went to Westminister Chathedral.  Beautiful RC church.  Also took the elevator up the tower and got a great view of the city around the Victoria station.
Then off towards Westminister Abbey, but the streets were blocked off and could not get in.  Turns out the Queen was in the area, but I missed her.

Got lost a few more times, but found some very interesting back alleys and stairs.
Walked by Downing St, through the Horse Guards square, into ST James park, Trafalgar Square and then the the National Gallery!
Walked by Big Ben and then over the Thames to the London Eye.  This is a huge ferris wheel that takes about 30 minutes to go around!  Great views.  Before the ride they give you a FREE 4D short film, sort of riding on the back of a seaull that flies around the area showing the sights!  WEll done, got sneezed on by a dragon, caught bubbles from a party, but good thing nothing from the seagull.
Then met Kyra for an exploration of English beers/ales!  Couple of pubs, and then to the Canadian Pub.  Quick drink and then off.  Saw 7Dials, and Neals corner, a couple of great streets/areas.  Found a Moroccan restaurant, so had to stop to have a drink!  Then  off to a Belgian restaurant.  Mussels the specialty and they were very good.

May 24 London
Arrived last night, and had a great visit.
Spent the day wandering around Sutton city shopping area.  Very nice.  Interesting people.  Got saved from my sins a couple of times!  As if i really need that!  lol
Very easy relaxing day.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


Iceland Top Ten
1.  Eyjafjallajokull
2.  Icelanders
3.  Myvatn hot baths
4.  Blue Lagoon
5.  Viking, the beer!
6.  Glaciers and icebergs
7.  Tectonic plates
8.  Trying to pronounce Eyjafjallajokull - but i did not buy the t-shirt!
9.  All of the Lava rock, and not one lava lamp in sight
10. Iceland

May 23
Leaving today for London.  Bit sad which I guess is a good sign.  But still excited to be moving on!  Out for coffee, I will miss that!  Most has been very good.
And won't you know it, the morning is beautiful!  Clear blue skies and actually warm!  Relative, actually 12 degrees.  But very nice sitting outside at the coffee shop!  Hey, you can not beat free refills!
Met a girl on the bus on way out to airport.  From Norway and was here only since Thursday with a small group.  What a great place to spend a long weekend!  
Always fascinating meeting people.  She was amazed at how cheap the country was!  And here is me thinking that it was fairly expensive!  She said that the 7 went out for a nice dinner and the cost for all of them was about the same as for 2 in Norway!  ouch!  I will have to wait until I win the lottery before I get to Norway!  I think maybe she had, as she had just been to Sharm el Shek on the Red Sea, Egypt, for a beach holiday the week before!   
This is the plane to London.  Should I worry given the name of the plane is the same as one of the largest volcanos on the island.

May 22
Nice to be on my own time!  Headed out to visit the church.  Interesting as the structure is similar to churches but this one is made of concrete and stucco.  Inside is very nice with a monster pipe organ.  The Australians actually heard it being played but I was not that lucky.  Still very nice.  See the picture of the description.  Also there is a mini pipe organ.  After paying 500 Kr, you can take the elevator up to the 8th floor to have a look out.  You are actually looking out the clock face!  Take some more steps up and there is an open area to look out over the city in all directions.  The darker areas about the clock is where you are looking out.  Great views.

It seems that almost all the places have their own community pool.  No matter how big or small.  So went to one not to far away.   All heated naturally from the hot springs, a bit of sulphur smell but not too bad.  350 Kr to get in and 350Kr to rent a towel!  Just another example of what seems to be a confusing pricing structure!  Standard pool that seems to have been here for a while.  Lane pool, paddling pool and then 2 hot tubs outside with a stem room.  There is even a men's sunning deck!  Fake grass and lawn chairs.  Not many around.
Here you must take off your shoes prior to entering the change rooms and you must shower naked before entering the pool.  Same as all other places!

Then off and walking again, this time, off to the flee market.  Great place!!!!!  Lots of stuff resell goods of every shape and form.  Clothing, toys, shoes and the list goes on!  But also has a bakery, fish market and butcher.  Lots of dried fish, but have yet to try!  The Fish oil the one morning was enough to cure me!  Could taste and smell it on me all day!

Had to go out again at night!  Just to make sure I had acquired the taste for the local beers!  lol

May 21 
Slow relaxing morning of coffee with the last stragglers from the trip!  Very nice.  Enjoyed the breakfast again!  Yes I now eat breakfast, then nothing until the afternoon evening.  But still have lots of coffees!
In a new place the next couple of nights.  A guesthouse closer to the city centre, 101 Guesthouse.  Interesting place.  Several rooms, with shared toilets and showers, but it seems to be clean.  about $60 a night.  

Seems you have to have a truck like this.  Monster tires.

Off walking again.  This time for some more culture!  Over load!!!!  To the Natural Museum of Iceland.  This  covered all the history of the country.  Very interesting and an amazing display of artifacts.  Interesting to find out about the Danish and Norwegian control of the country!  Scary part is that this computer was in the museum!  Special artifacts!  Now I feel old as I remember using these.

Very relaxing afternoon.  Everyone is out this as the sun is shining and it is really very nice.  Light breeze that is keeping the temperature fairly cool yet, but still nice after all the rain and wind so far.

Spent a lot of time this afternoon sitting in a coffee shop enjoying the weather! People watching.  The women are dress up and the men are all over the map.  Very interesting.

Had a nap!  Had as planned to go out for night but had been told that nothing happens until 11 or 12 or 1.  Been a long time since I had been out or even awake at that time.
Did go out.  My 'guesthouse' is not far from the main bar street, and should note that I have a view of the ocean.  That is if you stand on window sill and lean way out!
Interesting as they seem to wander up and down the streets  with beers in their hands.  And the best part is they just put their bottles or cans down on sidewalk and guys come along and collect them!  Mostly fairly civilized even with no police around!  I got home a 1 am.

Friday, May 21, 2010


May 18
Amazing how some things just never change no matter where you may be.  Feeling very much at home as got flipped the bird!  

Great morning, sun shining with a few clouds.  Nice after all the cloud and rain.  Nice for drive through a valley.

Visited a breeder of Icelandic horses, Varmilaekur, Skagafirdi, which have 5 gaits, standard horses only have 3.  This breeder has bred and trained 2 world champions.  Very impressive display of the horses.  Video of it but too big to post!  Interesting as if a horse leaves the country it is not allowed to return.  No horse or horse gear is allowed into the country for fear of disease.  A top horse can be 40 million kroner, $320,000

Drove by a private business boarding school.  Ironic that the company that they lease the property from went bankrupt and the school now leases from the bank.

Stopped at yet another geyser, remember it is the land of Fire and Ice!!!!  This the most powerful hot spring in iceland and Europe, with the surrounding lava fields dating back to 800 AD, just around the time of the first settlers.
Another waterfall!  Ah but this one is different!  The water seems to come out of the lava rock, and has the colour of glacial water, a blue. 

Visit to  a community that was developed around Snorri, 1100/1200 AD.  He was a rich man with his own hot tub, with a private tunnel to it from his house.  They have restored the area, right down to the wooden pegs in the door!
Last night as a group, so in the bar with Marena, Jonathon, Danny for drinks after dinner.  Mostly beer but did go for the local vodka shot, Reyka!

May 19
The last day!
Into end of a fjord where in WWII the British navy hid out.  Barracks are being restored.  This is situated near the old whaling station.

Then off to large lake!  Which is near the meeting of the 2 tectonic plates, NA and Eurasian.  This site is also the first meeting place of parliment, beheadings, and drownings, rituals and festivals. A very busy spot.  This picture of the split in plates.

Celebrated 1000 years of Christianity in 2000.
There is another geothermal plant near the lake with supplies Reykjavik with hot water and power.  The water is piped about 30 km.

Then off to the Blue Lagoon, a 45 minute bus ride away.  This is the byproduct of the a different geothermal plant.  6300 kroner, $50.  Had a 2 hour soak.  Water is a milky colour blue, very nice.  They have buckets of silica sand all around which is used on the face!  Now I look at least 20 years younger!  At least that is what we told each other!  And of course that is true!

May 20
Able to get another night at hotel since I missed at the start!  Island Travel has been very accommodating.
Breakfast with a few from the group and some goodbyes as some head off.
Walked to the Perlan, just above the hotel, which has a Viking Museum.  Display was great showing an excellent history of the settling of Iceland.
A day of cultural experiences today!!!!!  I think this will cover me for the rest of the trip!
Went to the Reykjavik Art Museum. 2 exhibitions, a US nude photographer and a Icelandic artist.  Very colourful oils of famous people. (Erro).  An amazing complex, and no entry fee and no place for donations
The to Maritime Museum.  This is on the pier in a building about 5 years old.  Looks almost new and is huge!  They have the Odnin, an Icelandic Search and Rescue boat.  This boat was active in the Cod Wars, 3 of them, mostly with Britian over the fishable areas.  They now have a 200 mile perimeter.  Got an almost private tour of facility.  4 people and 3 guides.  One was a 2nd year Univ of Iceland history student.  Was interesting.
Then needed a coffee but on the way found the City library which had an exhibition of 2 Icelandic photographers.  Thomsen and Thomsen.  They took mostly family pictures as well as the changing landscape of Iceland.

Monday, May 17, 2010

and there is more.......

May 16, 2010
Another super day!
Drove over a lake with resident monster!  Supposedly related to Lock Ness, so that must mean related to Ogopogo as well!
The drive took us over the Highlands of the Island.  The bus driver even stopped to fill up the diesel tank, just incase we got stopped.  There had been snow the day before.  I am not ready for this!  Stopped at a road side stop, many had not seen snow before and were so looking forward to it!  A woman, her 2 daughters and a grandson (22 years) were on the trip and wanted to play in snow. Well got a little bit.  Needless to say and snow ball fight started!  Australians, Alabamans (?) and of course the Canadians!  Was a bit of new snow on snow bank, and they had a blast!  Got a few pictures.Very barren land - not many plants, no trees, but still a few ducks and geese.  Ash and rock!
Stopped at another geothermal plant.  Had a water cooler for some reason!  Never did find out why.  Interesting to see the stream steaming over the old lava flows.  The last eruption of Krefla was 1984.
Best part of day was the Myvatn hot baths!  Colour is amazing and the water was very nice, about 37 degrees celsius.
Over looked the largest crater on the island, Kroflu, that has a lava flow of about 50 km.
Took a long walk (very) around the pseudo craters close to hotel.

May 17
The walk I took with Margaret, Australia, has turned into an expedition!  Was about an hour, but has grown into an day long trek.  Had to wade through neck high water, with Margaret getting her feet wet, not me!  too funny, all in good fun.  Still was a great walk, a bit long, over styles and along the edge of the lake!

Stopped at a partially frozen lake!  (this means, it is cold!!!!)  Many had not seen.  Interesting as many would not go near ice until I stepped out on it, just a bit, and then the rest had too!  

Interesting that here people can own the lakes and rivers.  Surprised at that.
Saw a 200 year old farm along a fjord on the north end of lake.  Amazing that the machines and some of the methods of building, farming and living are very similar to us.  And visited a Church on the property.  Seems that many people just build their own churches!  I think that this many churches should do me for the rest of the trip!

Spent afternoon in Akureyri, a large city of 18,000, in the north.  A very nice town. 
We actually had the afternoon to ourselves.  Wandered around checking out some the stores and streets.  Went for ice cream!  It is 4 degrees!  Cold for ice cream but oh well.  
Tried to get some culture by going to the Art Museum, but closed on Monday.  That is enough culture for me!!!!!
Dinner with the Australians at local restaurant and as usual lots of laughs!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

May 15, 2010

Eventful night!

Woke up at 3 am! But refused to get out of bed. I think I woke up because I almost fell out of bed! Beds are very small! I will swear they are smaller than a single! Well I woke catching myself from rolling out out bed! Bit scary! lol but oh well. Did not get out of bed until 7.30!

Trying to get used to NO coffee first thing in morning! I need to have a shower, and get dressed and head over to the restaurant for breakfast - no Timmy's just around the corner.

Arrived for breakfast this morning, and the local Aussie character convinced me that to stay healthy I needed to have my fish oil shot! Well it is exactly that! A shot glass full of fish oil! She assured me that I would live forever if I had this shot! lol Well, have to wait to see if I live forever, but damn the taste seemed to live forever! I found out later that only 2 of us had the shot! Well, I guess we will out live the rest of you.........

Fairly quiet day today, but makes sense, we have covered the fire and ice! That is Iceland!

Caught sight of reindeer today! Bus driver just stops on highway, or if needed, he just backs up. This is the main highway around the island. But far less traffic today than yesterday, and that was not much!

Driving around the fjord of the northeastern part of island. Very picturesque. Fishing the main industry. But is surprising the number of hotels, farm stays or bed and breakfasts! Supposedly they have more accommodation for tourists than they do for residents!

More farming off the road today. A lot of sheep, many with twins! It is said the number of sets of twins is very high. And since they claim to be mostly organic, there maybe something to this....

Stopped at Petra's Rock museum. This is a house and front and back yards that are completely covered in precious rocks and crystalized rock! But then there is also the gnomes (one peeing, see pic)(Steve and Margaret, did one of yours get away?) and other collections such as match books, small shells, free pens..... Should be saving things to set up shop when i get home!

Travelled over a mountain pass as we head inland to the next stop at Egilastadir.

Way too much snow and sign says a balmy 2 degrees.

Arriving into city there is a very large birch forest. Small trees but still more of a 'forest'.

Early stop about 4 pm.

Weekends, most stores are closed.

May 14, 2010
Actually woke up to an alarm! That is a first, and it was just after 7 am!!
Light rain.

Great looking beaches, all black, from ash of Katla eruption in 1918 and 1996.
Also crossed a lava flow about 50 km long, longest in world, from 1783 to 1786 eruption.
Very interesting as the bus will stop on the main highway around the island. Does not pull over. Hardly a car will go by and sometimes ages before we see another.
Stopped at the Basalt rock formation. Lava that has cooled quickly.
Stopped at a farm that has been in family for 3 generations. Man of just under 100 years old still lives there. Great place. Many small buildings with lava rock type walls, which are over grown with sod. Buildings have hay, and a even a blacksmith shop inside.
Even a very small community church, which would seat about 10 people. Complete with a pump organ.

Saw the fire part of Iceland yesterday with the volcano, today is the ice portion.Drove by a smaller Glacier, and then the much larger Vatnajokull Glacier. The largest in Europe. Also where James Bond, Die Another day was filmed! Tour on an amphibious war time type boat, which took us out around the icebergs that have broken off the glacier. Colours have the most beautiful blue!
Guide fished out a piece of glacier for us to taste! Crystal clear! He said would go great with a shot of whiskey, but he did not bring the whiskey! Note to self - 'bring whiskey the next time"

Night in Hofn, in a new part of a Hotel. Small, very nice, and very clean! Shower is a curtain around an area in the bathroom, not sunken. But did have slope to allow water not to flood the bathroom.

This eruption is about 80 times the size of Mt St. Helens.
Beers, 6 pack of 500 ml, 2100 Krona! about $17, bargain!

Friday, May 14, 2010

It has been suggested that I need to have a theme for this adventure!

Two suggestions have been made:

1. Randy's running ......(away from .....)

2. What I did on my summer holiday.......

And then have been given words of advice -

The Wise Dragon's Words of Advice for the Randy Running Relay 2010-2011

1. Do not camp under volcanos.

2. Avoid women in black when in Russia.

3. No hot dog roasts in the Outback.

4. Swim fast the other way if long, skinny fish give you the eye on the Amazon.

5. Let Pam microchip you.

6. Call us if you need help!

Follow this simple advice and you will stay safe!

Any other suggestions?

May 12, 2010

Well actually got away............ Left Seattle at 4.30pm (sharp)

Flew over night, well sort of, and arrived in Reykjavik at 6.30 am May 13, yahoooooo

Figure this puzzle out....

Left Seattle at 4.30 pm and when at cruising altitude the sun was shining almost straight in the left hand window. After a bit, the sun was still shining in the left hand window, and we were flying at at 90 degrees ( that is East). After more time, sun was still shining in the window and the direction of flight had not changed much.

Through out most of the flight the sun was shining in the left hand window! It did set a bit, but never did it get dark. Landed in Reykjavik the sun was up for the morning, and was still shining in the left hand side window! Actually it is 10 pm and still fairly light out, and it is cloudy!

May 13, 2010

Landed in Iceland at 6.30 am. No issues except we had to go through security checks again. Shoes off and all! Found the ATM machine, one option is to take out 90,000 krona! ouch but that is worth about $700.

Got on bus and drove in to the city! Looks like a moonscape. Rocky, and very flat, right to the ocean. Except for some single old volcanos (not smoking) in the distance. Very interesting.

The highway is amazing! 4 lanes, very smooth and not a bump! And hardly another vehicle on the road! But turns out that it is a statutory holiday!

Arrived at hotel, and had maybe 30 minutes - brush teeth, have coffee, quick sandwich and then on the tour bus! And only had 1 cup coffee, will I make it? But worried about when the next bathroom break would be!

After a quick tour of the city, out on the highway. First stop, the Geothermal plant. Very interesting. Generates electricity and use the hot water to heat homes! And they recycle some of the water into ground again to be reheated.

Interesting landscape, actually not all flat like around airport.

Farms, of mostly horses and sheep are not that big, 10 to 20 acres. But this is all volcanic rock! Glad I do not have to pick these rocks! Seems each of the fields are divided by deep ditches. Apparently for drainage!

Drove by the active volcano, Amazing.

Only saw the ash in the air and then the amount on the ground is amazing. Stopped at the farm that made the news showing the amount of ash on his land! Hard to believe that it can be that thick! Anywhere from a dusting to inches! The area around his house is covered. It is almost like night it is so dark! Just weird!

Stayed in a 'Farm stay'. Actually is on a farm, but there were 60 rooms! Very nice. Nice to get some sleep.

Getting late, this is day 1. finish the rest tomorrow!

Are you bored yet?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


If you have not heard, my flight to Iceland today was cancelled, but I have been rebooked for tomorrow! Hopefully the volcano, how ever you pronounce it will behave long enough so that "I" can get there!

I am currently in Seattle and had a great day wandering around the downtown/waterfront area! Doing some touristy things, Space needle and the Underground tour!

Oh yes, fly Horizon, free beer on the flight!
Also this sign is outside my window, hopefully not a 'sign'.