Monday, May 17, 2010

and there is more.......

May 16, 2010
Another super day!
Drove over a lake with resident monster!  Supposedly related to Lock Ness, so that must mean related to Ogopogo as well!
The drive took us over the Highlands of the Island.  The bus driver even stopped to fill up the diesel tank, just incase we got stopped.  There had been snow the day before.  I am not ready for this!  Stopped at a road side stop, many had not seen snow before and were so looking forward to it!  A woman, her 2 daughters and a grandson (22 years) were on the trip and wanted to play in snow. Well got a little bit.  Needless to say and snow ball fight started!  Australians, Alabamans (?) and of course the Canadians!  Was a bit of new snow on snow bank, and they had a blast!  Got a few pictures.Very barren land - not many plants, no trees, but still a few ducks and geese.  Ash and rock!
Stopped at another geothermal plant.  Had a water cooler for some reason!  Never did find out why.  Interesting to see the stream steaming over the old lava flows.  The last eruption of Krefla was 1984.
Best part of day was the Myvatn hot baths!  Colour is amazing and the water was very nice, about 37 degrees celsius.
Over looked the largest crater on the island, Kroflu, that has a lava flow of about 50 km.
Took a long walk (very) around the pseudo craters close to hotel.

May 17
The walk I took with Margaret, Australia, has turned into an expedition!  Was about an hour, but has grown into an day long trek.  Had to wade through neck high water, with Margaret getting her feet wet, not me!  too funny, all in good fun.  Still was a great walk, a bit long, over styles and along the edge of the lake!

Stopped at a partially frozen lake!  (this means, it is cold!!!!)  Many had not seen.  Interesting as many would not go near ice until I stepped out on it, just a bit, and then the rest had too!  

Interesting that here people can own the lakes and rivers.  Surprised at that.
Saw a 200 year old farm along a fjord on the north end of lake.  Amazing that the machines and some of the methods of building, farming and living are very similar to us.  And visited a Church on the property.  Seems that many people just build their own churches!  I think that this many churches should do me for the rest of the trip!

Spent afternoon in Akureyri, a large city of 18,000, in the north.  A very nice town. 
We actually had the afternoon to ourselves.  Wandered around checking out some the stores and streets.  Went for ice cream!  It is 4 degrees!  Cold for ice cream but oh well.  
Tried to get some culture by going to the Art Museum, but closed on Monday.  That is enough culture for me!!!!!
Dinner with the Australians at local restaurant and as usual lots of laughs!

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