Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Vietnam 2010

Nov 30, Hanoi, Vietnam
Took a walk to Hoa Lo Prison or Hanoi Hilton, the place where American POWs were kept during the war.  What is left of it anyway.  Most has been torn down and replaced by a high rise.  This building was also the prison for political prisoners during the period when the French controlled the country.  That was in the mid 1800s.  Can't imagine staying there.  Interesting as it seems the POWs had lots to do!  Basketball, volleyball, nice looking dinners as well.....
Hired a cyclo (a rickshaw type bike) to take me to the Ho Chi Minh Museum.  I was really heading to the Mausoleum but oh well.  The museum is a very new building and contains many gifts that Ho Chi Minh received.  The displays are really well done, with many of them in a modern art type presentation.  If the sign did not say, I would have never figured some of them out.  Then a short walk to the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum.  This is where his body is on display, but was closed.  I am told that each year viewings are stopped to allow for inspection and restoration needed.  Apparently it was Russians that prepared his body.
Then to Ho Chi Minh house, the place where he lived and worked.  Interesting that it is on the Palace grounds but it is a small modest place.  Very well maintained.  Some of his cars were on display as well.  There was a beautiful house on stilts where he worked as well.  Only a few people around any of these places.
Rode back with my driver.  These guys really have to work hard, but I know that I am probably paying him very well.  Was about a 30 minute ride through the traffic, one way.  Amazing how these drivers make it through the traffic.  Seemed to be rush hour and at times the traffic was stopped in the middle of the intersection, but somehow it gets moving again. 
Vietnam is a great place to visit, but I am not going to miss the traffic or the horns.  Also exhausting always having to bargain for things.  Will be nice to get back where prices are marked!

Nov 29, Hanoi, Vietnam
Did not do much today!
Went to the Post office and mailed some stuff as my suitcase is getting too heavy.  Do not want to pay more at airport!  
Walked around the lake, Hoan Kiem Lake.  Very nice with lots of people just sitting or walking.  

Then walked the streets and got my hair cut.  Nothing special happened except they cut it much shorter than I wanted.  They did not figure out the clippers.  Oh well, it will grow back.
walking street, but can just sit and almost anything you need will go by.  Plastic good, tin goods, pineapple, fruit, vegetables, soup, baskets, milk, brooms, hats, t shirts.
Met the Belgian woman for dinner.  Her farewell dinner as she leaves for Malaysia the next day.  Was a nice dinner.
On way back to hotel I ran into a German guy we met in Hoi An.  Ended up talking to him and the people he was with for a while, so was late by the time I got back to hotel.

Nov 28, Halong Bay, Vietnam
Up long before coffee was made, so sat on the top deck.  Could not see the sun come up as it was very foggy.  Still looked very nice.
Breakfast was just ok.  
Off around 8.30 for a short cruise through more of the bay.  Went to Fighting Cock Island.  Never did figure out how it got its name!  Best part was there were a bunch of boats fighting for the closest view.  Pushing into the front, and then the horns started.  And I though we had got away from that for a while!

Cruised back to the city, lunch at a restaurant and on the bus.
Was a long trip back as one baby cried all the way.  That was not so bad, it was the parents singing and talking louder that the baby crying that was tough.  Dull roar for most of the trip.

Nov 27,  Halong Bay, Vietnam
4 hour bus ride, including stop at 'workshop'!  Huge one and very expensive.
Amazing the number of buses and boats they can cram into a small space.  And no one got lost!
Boarded the boat.  The Elizabeth, of the Cristina Cruise Lines.  Wow, absolutely great.  My room has the best shower I have seen in months!  2 shower heads, and after shower you do not have to walk in the water, the floor is raised up on slats.  All in very dark wood.  Seems to have been recently done!
Only about 16 of us but then there are 3, 8 to 10 month old babies.  They are Vietnamese babies that have been adopted 1 week ago by 3 Spanish families.  Very cute babies.  They are all from the same area, Barcelona, but the funny part is that another guy is from Barcelona as well.  An Irish woman and a couple of German doctors make up the rest.  A very nice group.
Lunch was excellent.  Seafood everywhere, and plenty of it.  Fresh fish, stuffed crab (my favourite), seafood soup.
Then off in the 'private' launch, I am treating this as my first cruise, to the Surprise cave!  Well that was interesting, but there was such a crowd of people, it was follow the leader and get out as fast as possible. 
Then to do a little bit of kayaking around the bay.  Nice.  But glad I did not spend too much time out there as the launch driver went between several kayakers on the way back to the boat!  Some were very close!
Arrived back at boat about 5, and this was the time for the swim.  The air had got cold and the sun was almost down so I passed but a couple of people did go in.  I opted for the hot shower.  Very nice!
Dinner was great as well.  More fresh fish and some pork, at Least I think so.  Very good.
There are ladies rowing boats all over the place between the boats selling goods.  Beer, pop, chips, and water, of course 'cheap'!  
The bay was quiet except for the sound of about 50 generators going on other boats and the single cylinder diesel engines on the fishing boats.  Not really that bad but not as quiet as I expected.
Went up to the top deck after dinner for a beer, and we were entertained by the karaoke (and bad at that) on a boat nearby!  Good thing it did not last that long.

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