Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Australia 2010

December 13, Canberra, Australia
Up fairly early and off to embassy to apply for visa.  Walked!  Only took about an hour but then had to walk another hour to get money order to pay for visa ($119).  About half the price of the US visas but more than the Australian visas.
Amazing as even in morning the roads are not busy.  Not a lot of traffic.  Streets are great.  Big wide multi lane with huge medians which are grassed and treed.  Very nice.
Then walked into the city and to the tourist information.  Another 1 1/2 hour walk.  Got into a new hotel,  but fairly expensive at $139 but not much else around and this was the cheapest.  Government city causes this I am told.
Caught the bus back to other hotel to pick up my bag which made life easier, and then spent a hour down by the pool.  Very nice.  Sunny all day today which was great after all the rain the last few days.  Not hot but still sunny, about mid 20s.
December 12, Canberra, Australia
Spent the day with friends in Lilydale.  Actually did more shopping in morning and then just sat in back yard talking.
Got a ride to airport in evening after a great dinner.  Roast chicken.  
Plane to Canberra is only about 1 hour.  
Talked to the guy sitting next to me most of the trip.  He had been to an ultimate frisbee tournament for the weekend and was on his way home.  He was from North Queensland.
In the end he gave me a ride to my hotel.  Great hospitality!  His comments was that it would come around to him, and he is so right!
Was late.
December 9 to 11, Lilydale (suburb of Melbourne), Australia
Visiting friends.  Great area which is really almost country!  The city is about 1 hours drive from city centre and there are many gum trees and bush in the area.
Spent one afternoon walking around the local lake.  Man made but has some great park and picnic areas.
Went to birthday party one night.  Great fun.  Hilarious as I get so many comments about my name!  Not hearing any new ones but still interesting.
Great time just catching up with friends.
I have not seen the 'kids' for 20 years, and at 26, 24 and 32 now, they have changed a lot.  Great kids.

December 7 & 8, Melbourne, Australia
Staying with friends that live in the south part of the city.  Great as access to city is nice here.
Took the tram down to my old shopping area.  Many changes have gone on here.  Many new cafes along the street and many have been dressed up and are very trendy looking.  Good changes having said that.  Surprised to see that Luna Park, an amusement park still is around.  Walked back to house along the beach.  So nice.  Great beach area that runs all along the city.
December 5 & 6, Melbourne, Australia
Slept in this morning until about 7.30 am!  Too many late nights I guess.
Lazy coffee morning.  Then out to yard to do some weeding.  
Then watching the golf and cricket!  The cricket not going so well so not on the tv as much!  England up a lot!
Actually attended my first Xmas dinner!  Was lucky enough to tag along with friends.
December 4, Melbourne, Australia
Another leisurely coffee and then off to the city.
Stopped at the Queen Victoria Market.  This has changed.  Now many of the stalls are souvenir type things and not as much day to day living need things.
Then walked into the city and toward the Docklands area.  This is a completely redeveloped area.  This areas was used as the docking area for the Volvo race lay over.  Very nice area with shops, apartments, bake shops, and coffee shops.  But not many people are around as most of the stores have not opened yet.
Caught the tram to South Melbourne to meet up with the girls.
Then off to a dance recital of M's 8 year old daughter.  The show was about 2 1/2 hours, and not too bad.  They were very good about making the change to the next performance.  A huge improvement I was told.  The theatre was a great place for a small community theatre.  The whole family was there and the younger ones where good about watching.
Back to the house for pizza.
Headed back to South Melbourne and R was in the house waiting.  Or should I say keeping the cat company!
R gave me a ride back to N's.
The house in South Melbourne, 3 girls and a male cat.  3 people that I did not think that would ever get an animal, but have adopted a cat.  Well the cat now rules the house and everything gets done for the cat.  They talk more to the cat than each other!

December 3, Melbourne, Australia
So nice to be having coffee with N again.  Of course, catching up with everyone's lives and what has been going on over the years.
Then off to catch up with JC.  Not sure why but going shopping with her and M.  But I did not realize the 2 youngest boys were going as well.  But turned out ok, the boys where good.  4 and 2 years old.  After hours of shopping, finally got some lunch, and then off to another store!  Bit more than what I was expecting.
Had a BBQ at friends of the girls out in Eltham.  Took a bit to get there as the traffic was bad, but at least we were still moving.  Took about 1 hour.  
Arrived and got into the beers.  Beer at the store can be on sale so have to watch. $29 for 24 of Corona!  Regular is $49 (Canadian and Australian $ as close to the same)
Great BBQ and good to see them again, although I do not remember meeting as was 20 years ago!  We talked a bit about the New Years Eve party held in JW's parking lot under a tent!  Met a lot of people then and now meeting some of them again, but I do not remember.
Got back to N's fairly late.  Another late one!
Forgot how these guys are always on the go!

December 2, Melbourne, Australia
Arrived at about 7.30 am.  Got some sleep but not a lot.  JW picked me up and off to see her Mom.  Great to see them.  They have not changed a bit!  Short visit and then off to South Melbourne as she had to get to work.  While she did that I took a walk along the banks or The South Yarra.  This whole area has been developed with high rises, conference centers, casino and apartment buildings.  20 years ago there were mostly warehouses, so it is a very nice change.  They have gone very 'artsy' with sculptures everywhere and very modern buildings.  Caught up with JC and P.  None of them have changed a bit!
After lunch took a quick walk into the city.  Walked along Bourke street which is where the office was.  This street has not changed much at all.  The Myers windows are still done up with the theme this year as the Nutcracker.
Caught up with JC and P.  None of them have changed a bit!  
December 1, Melbourne, Australia
In the air, on the ground, on the way to Melbourne, Australia
Up early, but I guess to early as I woke up the guys in the lobby!  HIlarious, they were sleeping on cots behind the desk and on the floor in the breakfast area!  And the motorbikes were parked in the breakfast area as well.  It was only 6 am
Took 1 hour to get to airport, and then entered into total chaos.  Hanoi airport is really small and yet seemed very busy.  A lot of people around.
Short flight to Hong Kong, only 1 hour 20 minutes, but then had a 6 hour wait for flight to Melbourne.  While taxiing in there was a A380 parked.  It is huge and dwarfed all other planes.
Time went by fast as this is a shopping mecca!  Every name brand you can imagine.  I just looked.  Had a coke and that cost HK$56 or $8.  Ouch, and I was complaining about anything close to $1!!!!!
Airport is huge and the bonus is free wifi!   Caught up on some emails.
Only an 8 1/2 hour flight from Hong Kong to Melbourne, no stops.  Cathay Pacific has great service, lots of good food and FREE beers!  Nice, so that makes the cheapest beers so far!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Vietnam 2010

For more details on the travel, check Jayne's blog at:
She is better than I am at providing details.

Vietnam 2010

Nov 30, Hanoi, Vietnam
Took a walk to Hoa Lo Prison or Hanoi Hilton, the place where American POWs were kept during the war.  What is left of it anyway.  Most has been torn down and replaced by a high rise.  This building was also the prison for political prisoners during the period when the French controlled the country.  That was in the mid 1800s.  Can't imagine staying there.  Interesting as it seems the POWs had lots to do!  Basketball, volleyball, nice looking dinners as well.....
Hired a cyclo (a rickshaw type bike) to take me to the Ho Chi Minh Museum.  I was really heading to the Mausoleum but oh well.  The museum is a very new building and contains many gifts that Ho Chi Minh received.  The displays are really well done, with many of them in a modern art type presentation.  If the sign did not say, I would have never figured some of them out.  Then a short walk to the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum.  This is where his body is on display, but was closed.  I am told that each year viewings are stopped to allow for inspection and restoration needed.  Apparently it was Russians that prepared his body.
Then to Ho Chi Minh house, the place where he lived and worked.  Interesting that it is on the Palace grounds but it is a small modest place.  Very well maintained.  Some of his cars were on display as well.  There was a beautiful house on stilts where he worked as well.  Only a few people around any of these places.
Rode back with my driver.  These guys really have to work hard, but I know that I am probably paying him very well.  Was about a 30 minute ride through the traffic, one way.  Amazing how these drivers make it through the traffic.  Seemed to be rush hour and at times the traffic was stopped in the middle of the intersection, but somehow it gets moving again. 
Vietnam is a great place to visit, but I am not going to miss the traffic or the horns.  Also exhausting always having to bargain for things.  Will be nice to get back where prices are marked!

Nov 29, Hanoi, Vietnam
Did not do much today!
Went to the Post office and mailed some stuff as my suitcase is getting too heavy.  Do not want to pay more at airport!  
Walked around the lake, Hoan Kiem Lake.  Very nice with lots of people just sitting or walking.  

Then walked the streets and got my hair cut.  Nothing special happened except they cut it much shorter than I wanted.  They did not figure out the clippers.  Oh well, it will grow back.
walking street, but can just sit and almost anything you need will go by.  Plastic good, tin goods, pineapple, fruit, vegetables, soup, baskets, milk, brooms, hats, t shirts.
Met the Belgian woman for dinner.  Her farewell dinner as she leaves for Malaysia the next day.  Was a nice dinner.
On way back to hotel I ran into a German guy we met in Hoi An.  Ended up talking to him and the people he was with for a while, so was late by the time I got back to hotel.

Nov 28, Halong Bay, Vietnam
Up long before coffee was made, so sat on the top deck.  Could not see the sun come up as it was very foggy.  Still looked very nice.
Breakfast was just ok.  
Off around 8.30 for a short cruise through more of the bay.  Went to Fighting Cock Island.  Never did figure out how it got its name!  Best part was there were a bunch of boats fighting for the closest view.  Pushing into the front, and then the horns started.  And I though we had got away from that for a while!

Cruised back to the city, lunch at a restaurant and on the bus.
Was a long trip back as one baby cried all the way.  That was not so bad, it was the parents singing and talking louder that the baby crying that was tough.  Dull roar for most of the trip.

Nov 27,  Halong Bay, Vietnam
4 hour bus ride, including stop at 'workshop'!  Huge one and very expensive.
Amazing the number of buses and boats they can cram into a small space.  And no one got lost!
Boarded the boat.  The Elizabeth, of the Cristina Cruise Lines.  Wow, absolutely great.  My room has the best shower I have seen in months!  2 shower heads, and after shower you do not have to walk in the water, the floor is raised up on slats.  All in very dark wood.  Seems to have been recently done!
Only about 16 of us but then there are 3, 8 to 10 month old babies.  They are Vietnamese babies that have been adopted 1 week ago by 3 Spanish families.  Very cute babies.  They are all from the same area, Barcelona, but the funny part is that another guy is from Barcelona as well.  An Irish woman and a couple of German doctors make up the rest.  A very nice group.
Lunch was excellent.  Seafood everywhere, and plenty of it.  Fresh fish, stuffed crab (my favourite), seafood soup.
Then off in the 'private' launch, I am treating this as my first cruise, to the Surprise cave!  Well that was interesting, but there was such a crowd of people, it was follow the leader and get out as fast as possible. 
Then to do a little bit of kayaking around the bay.  Nice.  But glad I did not spend too much time out there as the launch driver went between several kayakers on the way back to the boat!  Some were very close!
Arrived back at boat about 5, and this was the time for the swim.  The air had got cold and the sun was almost down so I passed but a couple of people did go in.  I opted for the hot shower.  Very nice!
Dinner was great as well.  More fresh fish and some pork, at Least I think so.  Very good.
There are ladies rowing boats all over the place between the boats selling goods.  Beer, pop, chips, and water, of course 'cheap'!  
The bay was quiet except for the sound of about 50 generators going on other boats and the single cylinder diesel engines on the fishing boats.  Not really that bad but not as quiet as I expected.
Went up to the top deck after dinner for a beer, and we were entertained by the karaoke (and bad at that) on a boat nearby!  Good thing it did not last that long.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Vietnam 2010

Nov 26, Hanoi, Vietnam
Arrived in Hanoi at 6.30 am.  Of course to a bunch of motorbike guys looking to give you a ride.  The stop was outside the old city as the buses can not go there.  No I know why!
But they company paid for taxis into city.  Nice but dropped off at hotel.  The street was very busy with people selling there goods.  Mostly fresh fish and fresh red meat!  A great smell in the morning, and especially with no coffee in me.
Wandered around and found a luxury hotel.  $23 a night!  Very nice.
Had a long hot shower as it is cool here, only about 20.  Then tried to have a nap but did not work.
Went walking and ended up at the Water puppet show.  Great performance for $2.  A show that goes back many years used to entertain the villagers during the floods.  Puppets are made of wood and on sticks controlled by people behind a curtain.  It really is done in the water.  Lots of music as well.  The 1 stringed guitar common in Asia, a 1 string flat instrument controlled by a flexible stick on the end.  Very different sounds.  I hope it is clear on the video clips I took.
Went to the Pagoda in the middle of the lake.  Interesting as dedicated to the very large (up to 250 kg) turtles that live in the lake.
Back to hotel via Ma Ming street. Went here as there are many 'tube' houses'.  Narrow shops/houses about 3 feet wide.  Very long halls that seem to lead to a building behind the street side shops.
NIce as this area as many small streets, but difficult to navigate as there are many many motorcycles, people with their carts full of goods, bicycles loaded with goods, and then the walkers.  Of course the cars, taxis and small buses then try to get through as well.
Lots of traffic here but at least there is not as many lanes of motorbikes to cross as there was in Ho Chi Minh City!
Early night tonight, feel exhausted even though I did seem to get a fair bit of sleep!

Nov 25, Hue, Vietnam
Did not do much.  Walked around a bit.  Went to look at Hotel Morin.  Very nice.
Then had lunch at French bakery.  Interesting as started by 2 French guys as a project to teach Vietnamese underprivileged kids how to bake.  Great bread!  Excellent coffee.
Spent the most of afternoon there, working on computer.  Very lazy but then had a 12 hour bus ride to look forward.
The bus was not that bad, much better than the last one.  Seat more cushioned which was nice.  
Left Hue about 6.30 pm, and stopped for dinner at 8.  Was told that was the last stop until Hanoi!  Good thing the toilet works on this bus!
Dinner was in the middle of nowhere.  But the people very friendly and lots of smiles!

Nov 24, Hue, Vietnam
A busy day on tour!  Another $6 tour including lunch.
Stopped at Old Citadel or the Purple Royal Palace.  As this was the former capital there is a large area walled with moat, and then there is also an interior wall.
Not much left as most has been destroyed, but what has been restored has a lot of Chinese influence.  Even the odd French influence.  The Chinese controlled for about 1000 years until the French took over in about 1845.
Garden House, which is where the former Emperor used to hide out.  Not much there but the yard was full of fruit trees.  Plum, jack fruit, dragon fruit, figs and more!
Thien Mu Pagoda
Ming Mang Tomb, the 2nd emperor built in mid 1800s.  He is remembered for improving the agricultural practices in the country.  The largest of the 3 with many lakes and buildings.  His tomb is a mound of dirt.  Apparently there is a room underneath containing all the things that he would need in the next life.  The sculptures are of guards, horses and elephants.  Similar to the Khai Dinh Tomb.
Khai Dinh Tomb, the 12th emperor.  It was this emperor that adopted the French policies and allowed the French to take over.
Tu Doc Tomb, the 4th emperor.  A large area as well, but there are many other tombs within the walls.
Incense Stick making Village, another stop for shopping!  But have to admit the coloured sticks looked very nice.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Vietnam 2010

Nov 23, Hoi An, Vietnam
Got woke up by a bunch of noisy people on the street at about 4 or 5 am!  Much too early!
The bus was to pick me up at 7.30 am but arrived at 9!  But got away and was the last one on the bus so that is good!
Drove for about 20 km along the coast north of Hoi An.  Beautiful beaches with no one around, but that are many new big hotel/resorts being built!
Arrived at about 1 pm , so not so bad. but was a sleeping bus, in the middle of the day?????  But many were continuing on to Hanoi!  But I did get some sleep.  The road was not too bad.
Arrived and got into hotel!  $10, for a nice room, private bath, a/c and there is a swimming pool!  Very nice.  It is close to the centre of the city and only about 30 minute walk to Citadel! 
Walked there with Belgian.  Was great as you walk across the bridge and the Palace is almost right there, but you must walk across another bridge over the moat!  2 walls protect the place.
Walked around the outside and found a very nice quiet restaurant in a huge garden.  After being in such quiet places the traffic here is crazy and very loud!  A warm up for Hanoi I guess!
Lots of local people just walking around, also many fisherman fishing in the moat.
Also got many 'hellos' from some of the local school kids.  But most only said hello.  None of the other questions.  
Stopped at a super market and found a bottle of local rum for less that $1!  Amazing.  I did not buy but Belgian woman did.  Tasted it, and not a strong rum taste and really does not taste too bad!
Walked back towards hotel through some of the area streets.  Many hotels, restaurants and shops.  Most fairly expensive.
Went to the Backpackers Hostel for dinner  Had something, I have no idea, but was big, doughy and fried!   But did have chicken inside!  There were marinated vegetables as well which were very good!  Surprisingly the Hostel is one of the more expensive restaurants I have eaten in.
Back to hotel for early night!

Nov 22, Hoi An, Vietnam
Off early for the tour to My Son, the holy place.  Not exactly sure when built!  Guide book say occupied between the 8th and the 12 th centuries, but guide said there were Champa, the original peoples, here in the 2nd century and that they built the first temple! 
It is very nice, although not as impressive as Angkor Wat.  Made of brick with a vegetable resin (as per guidebook) but guide said it was still a mystery as to what, if anything was used.  The bricks seem to fit perfectly together and look like no mortar of any kind was used!
Interesting to see so much carving done in the brick.
Met a couple from Montreal on tour.  Was very envious when they said they were on the way home from a 5 year work/travel adventure around the world!  Envious about the time away, not the going home, I am not ready for that yet!
There are many site spread out over a large area but we did not visit all of them.
Went out for dinner with a German guy.  Drank some wine!  $4 for a bottle at the restaurant, but found out later that it is $2 at store.
Was the Miss Earth festival, so the streets were lit up with candles (both for affect and the power was out).  Very nice.  There were many candles is lotus bud shaped boats.  The river looked great!
Nov 20, Hoi An, Vietnam
Well 14 1/2 hours later finally arrived at the hotel!  What a long night, but still did get some sleep!  Only the first of road was really rough, the last half I think I must have slept through!
Hotel very nice but expensive at $15, but does have a swimming pool, and that includes breakfast.
Had some coffee and breakfast and headed off to walk the town.  
Wow, the city is full of custom fit tailors!  Must be hundreds of them.  
But best part is that they are in some very nice looking old buildings.  Mostly of Chinese origin anywhere from 100 to 300 years old.  
The river is very nice as well, but same colour as Mekong.
Stopped for a drink along the river and the waitress showed me where the water was up to.  It was half way up the door to restaurant, and there are 2 or 3 steps to get to that level.  Guessing about 2 meters higher than where it river is now!  Walked across the small bridge and met a guy from Wales.  Must have spent an hour talking to him.  He is spending 8 months in South East Asia.  
Headed back to hotel and had a nap for an hour.  Then out for something to eat.
Lots of people out tonight.  Singing going on by river as well as people selling candles in paper boats to set out on river.   There are also fish, dragons and a turtle floating in the river all lit up.  Looks great.  Not sure what is going on.
Back to hotel and to bed early!

Nov 19, Nha Trang to Hoi An ( a night on the bus), Vietnam
Went for breakfast and then did the same as yesterday!  Boring!  Amazing how much rain!
The bus to Hoi An picked me up at 6.  Surprising it was the big bus.  A sleeping bus but different set up this time.  Single beds in 3 rows.  These are flat with seat backs that recline to about 30 degrees!  Not a lot of padding so did not take long for the bum to go numb!  The seats are made of vinyl, and with the seat reclined fully, each time the bus driver hit the brakes I slid down the seat.  Impossible to stay in one spot!  But then again did not want to as needed to change positions all the time.  Had to keep rolling to a different spot, but only so many different spots!
Spent about 1 hour driving around city picking up people and then headed out of town shortly after 7.  Not 30 minutes out, the driver slowed right down as there was a small rock slide on the highway.  Plenty of room to get around.  Also many waterfalls coming off the cliffs along the road!
The road was very rough.  I am guessing that it is where the road washed out a couple of weeks ago from all the rain.  The guy in hotel could not figure out why I would to to Hoi An as it had been reported as flooded!
Nov 18, Nha Trang, Vietnam
Going to miss the Care Bear blanket, but time to move on!  Always interesting the decorations used in some of these hotels.
Poured rain all day long.  Did nothing but watch movies in room!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Vietnam 2010

Nov 17, Nha Trang, Vietnam
Did nothing today!  Rain, if not poured most of day.  Rained so much that the road was covered in water!  Spent most of morning sitting at travel agent office talking.  Was going to book tour for tomorrow but he suggested not to as the weather is not going to change!
Met the Belgian woman at 1 pm at beach as we were going to stay there and maybe sail, but raining so went for lunch and then back to hotel.
Napped for most of afternoon and then out for dinner! 
After dinner walked to supermarket and actually got there and back without getting rained on.  But 30 minutes later was pouring.
Nha Trang is a very nice place, even in the rain.  But there are many huge hotels being built. 
The city is very typical of Asia with many little shops and restaurants on the streets.  With the sidewalks used as parking lots for motorbikes and the odd car!  The traffic is not as bad as Ho Chi Minh, and I am sure they have more traffic lights here than in Ho Chi Minh!

The food is similar, but much more expensive than Da Lat.  You have to look hard to find a meal for about 35,000 dong, but there are some. 
Had dinner with Belgian at a small place 2 blocks away where the food is excellent and not expensive, so we have been going back.  Breakfast and dinner!  Great coffees!  Big and hot!
Nov 16, Nha Trang, Vietnam
Very cloudy but no rain.  Went to the beach and rented a chair for 30,000 dong (1.50)  Nice as it is secured and the people are not allowed to come inside to sell you things.

The sun was very hot when it did come out.  The swimming was nice.  Big waves breaking right at the shore.  The first time I got hit, almost lost my bathing suit.  And after it was full of sand!  The water is not clear at all.  A lot of sand stirred up by waves and much silt from rivers.  Water felt great though.  The place is a restaurant with a swimming pool and micro brewery.  For the price you have access to the pool and showers, so very nice.  They make beers so did try one that said it had a hint of passionfruit!  Very good, and just a little bit fruity!
Went to meet friend from Belgium arriving from Dalat, but she was late as there were some bus problems.  Only 1 hour late.
Went out for dinner and then back to hotel.
Nov 15, Nha Trang, Vietnam
Another slow day.  Got up and headed out to find some coffee and breakfast.  The first place I stopped ended up having great coffee, but the eggs and bread were 'empty'!  
Walked along the beach for a bit.  Early in day so not many people around.  Several large cafes along the beach so asked for a banana and chocolate pancake, ended up with banana and honey!  I guess the chocolate was 'empty'!  Not sure as they did not say anything.  The staff did not seem to happy.
Beach is very nice with gold coloured sand.  The islands and fishing boats in the distance are great to sit and just look at!
Walked further along the beach and found many places where the water had washed away the sidewalk!  Amazing.  According to the travel agent I talked to, a few weeks ago the streets were flooded and the roads going north are not in great shape.  The train tracks have been washed away as well, so either long bus rides or plane!
Found some Hobies!  Getaway and Wave!  Going to give them a try in the next couple of days.
It is very hot and humid here, so just sweat a lot when walking.  
By the time I finished walking it was starting to get late so headed back to hotel for shower.  Never did get a swim in!  Tomorrow is another day.
Dinner with a couple of beers and I was ready for bed!