Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Vietnam 2010

Nov 23, Hoi An, Vietnam
Got woke up by a bunch of noisy people on the street at about 4 or 5 am!  Much too early!
The bus was to pick me up at 7.30 am but arrived at 9!  But got away and was the last one on the bus so that is good!
Drove for about 20 km along the coast north of Hoi An.  Beautiful beaches with no one around, but that are many new big hotel/resorts being built!
Arrived at about 1 pm , so not so bad. but was a sleeping bus, in the middle of the day?????  But many were continuing on to Hanoi!  But I did get some sleep.  The road was not too bad.
Arrived and got into hotel!  $10, for a nice room, private bath, a/c and there is a swimming pool!  Very nice.  It is close to the centre of the city and only about 30 minute walk to Citadel! 
Walked there with Belgian.  Was great as you walk across the bridge and the Palace is almost right there, but you must walk across another bridge over the moat!  2 walls protect the place.
Walked around the outside and found a very nice quiet restaurant in a huge garden.  After being in such quiet places the traffic here is crazy and very loud!  A warm up for Hanoi I guess!
Lots of local people just walking around, also many fisherman fishing in the moat.
Also got many 'hellos' from some of the local school kids.  But most only said hello.  None of the other questions.  
Stopped at a super market and found a bottle of local rum for less that $1!  Amazing.  I did not buy but Belgian woman did.  Tasted it, and not a strong rum taste and really does not taste too bad!
Walked back towards hotel through some of the area streets.  Many hotels, restaurants and shops.  Most fairly expensive.
Went to the Backpackers Hostel for dinner  Had something, I have no idea, but was big, doughy and fried!   But did have chicken inside!  There were marinated vegetables as well which were very good!  Surprisingly the Hostel is one of the more expensive restaurants I have eaten in.
Back to hotel for early night!

Nov 22, Hoi An, Vietnam
Off early for the tour to My Son, the holy place.  Not exactly sure when built!  Guide book say occupied between the 8th and the 12 th centuries, but guide said there were Champa, the original peoples, here in the 2nd century and that they built the first temple! 
It is very nice, although not as impressive as Angkor Wat.  Made of brick with a vegetable resin (as per guidebook) but guide said it was still a mystery as to what, if anything was used.  The bricks seem to fit perfectly together and look like no mortar of any kind was used!
Interesting to see so much carving done in the brick.
Met a couple from Montreal on tour.  Was very envious when they said they were on the way home from a 5 year work/travel adventure around the world!  Envious about the time away, not the going home, I am not ready for that yet!
There are many site spread out over a large area but we did not visit all of them.
Went out for dinner with a German guy.  Drank some wine!  $4 for a bottle at the restaurant, but found out later that it is $2 at store.
Was the Miss Earth festival, so the streets were lit up with candles (both for affect and the power was out).  Very nice.  There were many candles is lotus bud shaped boats.  The river looked great!
Nov 20, Hoi An, Vietnam
Well 14 1/2 hours later finally arrived at the hotel!  What a long night, but still did get some sleep!  Only the first of road was really rough, the last half I think I must have slept through!
Hotel very nice but expensive at $15, but does have a swimming pool, and that includes breakfast.
Had some coffee and breakfast and headed off to walk the town.  
Wow, the city is full of custom fit tailors!  Must be hundreds of them.  
But best part is that they are in some very nice looking old buildings.  Mostly of Chinese origin anywhere from 100 to 300 years old.  
The river is very nice as well, but same colour as Mekong.
Stopped for a drink along the river and the waitress showed me where the water was up to.  It was half way up the door to restaurant, and there are 2 or 3 steps to get to that level.  Guessing about 2 meters higher than where it river is now!  Walked across the small bridge and met a guy from Wales.  Must have spent an hour talking to him.  He is spending 8 months in South East Asia.  
Headed back to hotel and had a nap for an hour.  Then out for something to eat.
Lots of people out tonight.  Singing going on by river as well as people selling candles in paper boats to set out on river.   There are also fish, dragons and a turtle floating in the river all lit up.  Looks great.  Not sure what is going on.
Back to hotel and to bed early!

Nov 19, Nha Trang to Hoi An ( a night on the bus), Vietnam
Went for breakfast and then did the same as yesterday!  Boring!  Amazing how much rain!
The bus to Hoi An picked me up at 6.  Surprising it was the big bus.  A sleeping bus but different set up this time.  Single beds in 3 rows.  These are flat with seat backs that recline to about 30 degrees!  Not a lot of padding so did not take long for the bum to go numb!  The seats are made of vinyl, and with the seat reclined fully, each time the bus driver hit the brakes I slid down the seat.  Impossible to stay in one spot!  But then again did not want to as needed to change positions all the time.  Had to keep rolling to a different spot, but only so many different spots!
Spent about 1 hour driving around city picking up people and then headed out of town shortly after 7.  Not 30 minutes out, the driver slowed right down as there was a small rock slide on the highway.  Plenty of room to get around.  Also many waterfalls coming off the cliffs along the road!
The road was very rough.  I am guessing that it is where the road washed out a couple of weeks ago from all the rain.  The guy in hotel could not figure out why I would to to Hoi An as it had been reported as flooded!
Nov 18, Nha Trang, Vietnam
Going to miss the Care Bear blanket, but time to move on!  Always interesting the decorations used in some of these hotels.
Poured rain all day long.  Did nothing but watch movies in room!

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