Sunday, November 14, 2010

Vietnam 2010

Nov 14, Nha Trang, Vietnam
Hung around the hotel all morning talking to one of the guys that work there.  He is 20 and wants to travel but does not make a lot of money so one of his dreams is to marry a French girl, a rich one!
Caught the bus, thought it left at 1.30 but really left at 1!  What a wild ride!  The bus driver was very fast, even on the tight curves on wet roads!  The country side is beautiful.  Many pine trees, coffee plantations and mango trees!  Also some sugar cane fields.  We climbed quite high as ended up going through the clouds.  Still no sun shine.  The only stop was in the middle of nowhere and the highway seemed to disappear.  Really just covered in red mud!  Amazing we got through as many mud slides that were in the process of getting cleaned up.  But highway not closed, they just made a road over or around the slide so traffic could continue.
Not much else.  Found a pizza place and had a hamburger!  Less than $2 for 7 Up, burger and fries!  
Bought a small bottle of Dalat Red wine this morning.  Half bottle for $1.30.  Have to see what it is like!
Nov 13, Dalat, Vietnam
Off on a motorbike tour with Tommy, a member of the Dalat Easy Rider, blue coat guides.  Turned out to be excellent way to get around a part of the city for $20.
First went to a museum.  In a great old French building.  Showed several displays of the 3 tribes that lived in area.  Also some old donated things from 1930 to about 1960, include some war items.  There were 2 traditional homes on stilts.  Each had one big room with a fire, if not 2 located in the room.  Very interesting.  Thatched roof, bamboo slats for floors and wood paneled walls.
Then to the train station.  There is an old steam engine, but not sure if working.  Guide books says it is a 1930s Russian diesel engine that makes the short trip to Trai Mat, the next village.  Train ride was great!  1 old car on narrow tracks that makes its way by much of the agricultural area, many many greenhouses, and through a few fairly deep cuts.  In some places peoples doorsteps or restaurants are right next to the track.  Not much land area is wasted.  Visited a temple while in the village.  Big and very colourful.  Met 3 very nice ladies from the Philippines on the train.  Talked while on train and then ran into them a couple of times later in the day.  Dalat is not that big!

Next stop to the Cam Ly waterfalls.  Nice park setting, although the falls not really that large.  To save the walk you can catch a toboggan down and up!  I caught the up one!
Next to a temple where the gardens are amazing.  The city of Dalat is apparently known for vegetables but also for their orchids and bonsai trees.  They are everywhere!
The cable car station was just next to temple so caught a ride across.  Great views of the area and the lakes (water reservoir).  Each time Tommy the driver was waiting for me.
Went to the Crazy House.  Actually a guest house that a women designed herself.  It has many themed rooms - kangaroo, eagle, bear, deer.  Much is like a fantasy world.  Tough to describe as nothing is normal, which makes it interesting.  Get business though, she rents out the rooms and then charges visitors to tour though!  $1 per head!
Relaxed in afternoon, and actually had a nap!  Been a while since I have done that.  After dinner, met a Belgian woman and we spent a couple of hours talking about traveling!  The weather has been changing each 5 minutes.  Will pour rain and then the sun would shine.  Sun is hot when out but the air stays fairly cool.  Actually wore a sweater most of the day!  It is a nice change from the hot and humid weather in Ho Chi Minh.
Nov 12, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Caught the bus to Dalat.  A pretty good trip as again there was service on the bus.  Also English announcements so no need to stand around the bus door to make sure it does not leave without you!  Not a lot of leg room but at least I had the aisle seat.  Only 7 hours!
Slept most of the way but the drive up into the 'mountains' was beautiful.  There are miles of coffee plantations here.  Much larger than Laos.
Dalat is about 1,500 m above sealevel, so they wear winter jackets!  Also some very heavy rain storms!  A windy road but not as bad as before.
The city seems to be on a plateau.  Did not do much this afternoon, took a walk around and going to bed early.  Have arranged for a tour tomorrow with a guy on a motorbike.  He was sure that I would want to do a several day trip but not a chance.  For about $400 he will do a tour to Nha Trang, my next stop!  I am going to stick with the bus!

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