Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Cambodia 2010

Nov 8, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Made it a lazy day today.  But still up early.  But went for breakfast at coffee shop around the corner.  They only had fried rice or fried noodles for breakfast, so asked for fried rice and got fried noodles!  Good and the coffee was great.  They could not figure me out.  I was drinking my coffee hot, iced coffee is the thing to drink, and I had 2 cups!
Turns out the owner is Cambodian and lives in Vancouver most of the time but spends 3 months here.
Then off to National Museum.  Many many many many carvings.  Heads etc mostly from the Angkor wat area.  Was there about 30 minutes and that was long enough!
Lunch and then to Royal Palace and Silver Pagoda!  Actually not allowed into the Palace part but can see many Stupas and temples.  The main temple has a gold buddha that must stand 6 feet high.  Also an Emerald buddha.  Very nice.  
The Silver Pagoda has a floor made of silver.  They have most covered with carpet but can see some parts of it.  They also have many Buddhist treasures stored here.  1000 buddhas?
While in the the Pagoda it started to pour rain!  But only lasted for about 10 minutes, and I was prepared today with my rain jacket, but did not really need it!
Spent part of the evening with the Manager of hotel.  He was asking more English questions but also got into some reporting he wanted to do to his boss.  Free advice!  
Nov 7, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Hired a tuk tuk today.  $20 US.  Everything in this country is done in US $.  They even quote some things in cents, and when making change they will give that to you in Riel.  
First stop was the Killing fields at Chueng Ek.  Very emotional thinking that the Khmer Rouge killed about 20,000 of their own people.  And done very cruelly.  This area is now a memorial to those killed.  A large stupa containing about 9000 skeletons was put up a few years ago.  There are many mass graves in the area and still today some bones and clothes are surfacing in the area after the rainy season.
Next to S21 Museum.  This is the prison, interrogation and execution centre for the Khmer Rouge.  Was an old school that they took over and divided many of the rooms up into small cells.  When liberated there were 7 people still alive in the prison.  Some of the rooms still contain the beds and shackles on display.  There are also hundreds of pictures of the prisoners.  Even a few foreigners.  
Next to Russian Market.  Did not want this but driver has a set route and could not deviate from it I guess, as he took me to the Museum as well, and that is close enough for me to walk.
The market is mostly geared to the tourist, but there is sections of usual market things!  Many many little shops with motorbike parts.  Batteries, wheels, tires, and wiring and electronics everywhere
Wat Phnom is built on a hill!  According the the guide book but the hill is not even a 100 m!  And looks like it is man made.  The country side here is very flat as it must be part of the old river bed.  Most roads are very close to water and many houses are built up on stilts.  Wat Phnom is dedicated to a local Queen named Phnom.  
Got dropped off along the Mekong River to have something to eat.  Interesting as there is a Happy Pizza place, I did NOT eat there.  Rumour has it they have a 'happy' pizza which has a special ingredient - hash.
On the way back to hotel I got caught in a rain storm!  Poured rain, and I did not have my rain jacket!  Stood under tree for about 15 minutes until it let up a bit and then continued on.  Still got wet!  Shortly after getting back to hotel it poured again.  Monsoon type rain.

Nov 6, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Left by bus for Phnom Penh at 8 am and arrived at Phnom Penh at about 3.  And of course, so it seems the bus ran out of diesel again!  Not a good sign and glad I am not flying in the next couple of week.  That is 2 time in the last week!  Good thing not far from the bus station and my ride to hotel actually was able to find me!  Lucky as I did not know the name, as the hotel in Siem Reap booked for me.
Relaxed for afternoon, drinking coffee with the Manager of hotel, as it seems the place is not busy and he does not have a lot to do!

Nov 5, Siem Reap, Cambodia
Off to more temples that are about 37 km away, the Roluos Group.  Each of these were built in the late 900s.  
First saw the Preah Ko, a small temple.  Nice as not many around here, but there are still the people selling.  "scarf sir"  'book sir'  'cold water sir'  and all at the same time!
Then to Bakong.  This is a huge temple with 5 levels. 
And the last was Lolei, which is the smallest of the 3.
Dropped by the Cultural Centre.  Interesting.  Miniature views of different styles of villages and homes, but each had a theatre somewhere nearby or within.  Caught a couple of short performances.  First was a couple of guys fighting over 1 girl.  Her parents had selected one of them but she wanted the other!  The next was a Khmer wedding ceremony.  It is was well done with some humour as they used some people from the audience.  The Korean tourists were really enjoying it.

Nov 4, Siem Reap, Cambodia
Another early start!  Banteay Srei area which is 10 km in tuk tuk.  First stop, Pre Rup. This one was built in 961 AD.  Similar to the others, it has a pyramid shape.  They are all starting to look alike!
Next Preah Neak Pean a temple that is completed surrounded with water.  So flooded they have a boardwalk to get to the temple.  interesting as many ponds with fountains and carved drainage holes to each.  Amazing how they have carved a tube down the middle of these rocks.
Preah Kahn  another huge complex, more trees growing out of walls and on top of roofs.
Stopped at land mine museum run by local guy that was a child soldier with Khmer Rouge (at 14) then defected to Vietnamese army.  Now disarms unexploded bombs and runs an orphanage at the back of museum.  He has just been awarded the Hero 2010 title by CNN.  This is after many years of work, mostly volunteer!
Then stopped at local Wat, where many bones are kept in Stupa.  These bones were found in fields around the area.  
Again all part of American bombing of Ho Chi Min trail.
Nov 3, Siem Reap, Cambodia

Up early this morning but at least got a good sleep.  Life starts very early here, about 6 am.  That is when is it first about light.  It is black at 6 pm.
Off to visit various temples today.  Damn I took a lot of pictures.  So hard to describe and the pictures do not do them justice.  The area is huge and has many different sights.
Saw Angkor Wat first.  It is the largest and has the most for reliefs.  Amazing the detail in all of them and they are everywhere!  Taking 30 years to build in the 11 century!
Then to Angkor Thom.  This one has very impressive gates and a moat all the way around it!  Built in 12 century.  This had more of a city feeling to it with a Royal Palace in middle, although there is not much to see.  There is a huge terrace in front that is all carved with elephants.  That is impressive.
Stopped at Thomennon next.   Much smaller but has 2 identical buildings.  Then Ta Keo.
Next was Ta Prohm, which is probably the most impressive.  Not as much restoration work done here and amazing to see the trees growing out of the roof tops and along the fences.  Like the jungle reclaiming the land!
Then 2 smaller ones Barteay Kdei and Prasat Kravan.  The last one having been built in 900s AD.
At the entrance and the exit you must run a gauntlet of sellers.  They are selling postcards, scarves, books, carvings and many other things.  And I complained about having to exit through the museum shops!  This is more difficult as many will give you the 'I really need the money' type story!
Many of these are very high and you can climb to the top!  The stairs are narrow and steep!  Not for those that do not like heights!  But some great views of area could be seen.
Exhausted from the climbing and walking, even though I hired a tuk tuk to drive me to the sight and between them!
Finished about 5 pm, another long day!

Nov 2, Siem Reap, Cambodia
Woke up at 6.30 am for some reason.  Off to have coffee, Nescafe!  Got breakfast, eggs and warmed up (supposed to be toasted) bread.
The Siem Reap Garden Inn, is a new hotel, only 2 months old, so very nice.  $15 per night!  About 2 times the price of guest house, but nice to have hot showers!
Off on tour to floating village.  Very organized.  There were about 100 boats waiting to take people to the village!  I ended up on boat to self, at $20.  Everything here is in US $.
Very interesting as they have everything on water.  Some houses are on bamboo but many seem to be on 45 gallon drums.  School was visited and convinced to by books for school.  Did that but did not buy pencils!  $5 for 10 seemed a bit much.  Bit of a racket!  So gave them some Canadian pencils I brought with me!  The school was actually a Vietnamese school.
Also have basketball court, pool pub and the list goes on!  Near the end the "guide' asks for a tip! When I asked him how much, he said he wanted $6, for a 1 hour tour!
Then went to War museum.  Interesting as run by injured war vets.  The 'free' guide at the end asked for $2 tip!  Welcome to Cambodia!  Not a good start!
Back to hotel for nap but could not sleep.
Went out and found something to eat!  $2 got me some fried spring rolls and a beer!  Great deal.  Beer is the same price as Coke!  Anywhere from $0.50 to $1.
Wandered around and went into night market.  Interesting as mostly similar things except here, many more massage places and you can also have a foot massage, done by little fish!  You put your feet in and they nibble away at them.  I did not try!

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