Thursday, July 15, 2010

Spain and back into France 2010

July 12 Nice, France
Today went to Monte Carlo, Monaco.  It is only and 20 minute train ride!  Very busy as a few of the trains before were delayed.  A young Dr of physic I met on the train told me this.

Monaco is $$$$$$.  Walked around, Boat seem to be about 150,000 euros per meter!  The smallest sign I saw was for one 30 meters!
And then the car dealerships.  Mercedes, Lambogini, and Rolls all in a row.  
It is a nice place, built between the water and the cliffs.  Many elevators that allow you to move from street to street, but at different heights.

Went to go to the casino, but it did not open until 2 pm.  It was 11.  So wandered down the street, and found a small beach just past the main beach.  Went for a quick swim.
Then back to the ferry to go across the bay.  Better to look at the monster boats!  On the other side, a sailboat with Alex Barrier on the side, her solo world trip.!

Back to the casino, you must pay 10 euros to get in!  And then you pay to gamble.  The casino itself is not that big.  Very glamous, at least the public area is.  Many doors say private rooms.  Many tables, roulette, poker, banco, texas hold'em, and a few slot machines!

Well my first 5 disappeared very fast.  Moved machines and put in a 20.  Was down to about 10 and was going to leave, but just one more!  Well ended up at 60!  Played up and down between 60 and 50 for a bit, but it the end, cashed in at 50!  Hey that paid for the trip to visit here.
Back to Nice, shopped and dinner in room!

July 11 Nice, France

Slower start to the day.  Headed off towards the beach.  Walked along until the lift to the park that sits on top of the cliff over looking the city.  I think this is very civilized, as saves me from walking up the hill!  
The weather is hot, mid 30s and very humid!  Not sure why I had a shower this morning.  

The views were great and the city is very 'nice'.  
The beaches are not sand at all.  Mostly small rocks, but in some of the places along the coast, it is just rocks.  But they have put in cement, to flatten out some places for sitting/laying.  Amazing, they have actually created a walkway on the rocks, along the coast for people to use.  They even have made diving platforms on some of the rocks!  To bad would not do this in North America, they just worry about legal liabitilty!
July 10 Back to France, Nice
Normally a 9 1/2 hour train trip but there was also an 1 hour delay!  It was about 8.30 pm when I arrived.  No hotel booked.  The place is packed and it is Saturday night!  Many places are full, or dorm rooms, and I could not do that!  Ended up in a very nice hotel, expensive at 90 euros a night.

Went out for a walk and to find something to eat.  The Hotel is very close to on of the main squares, it has very nice human sculptures that are lit up at night.  A pedistrian mall with many shops, cafes, and bars.  All open.  
July 9 Barcelona, Spain 
Tried to sleep in today, did a bit!
Went to the Arc of Truimp.  Then walked towards the train station and the beach.  In one of the parks, some men were playing a very loud game of what looked like bocci.  They have the areas for playing in most of the parks!
Then spent the rest of the day at the city beach.  Lots of people and it goes for miles!
July 8 Barcelona, Spain 
Up about 7, but the problem is there is not a cafe in hostal, so have to wait until about 9 for coffee!  Was that a long haul!
But found coffee and headed off to the La Sagreada Familia.  Designed by Gaudi, with construction starting in 1882, and they hope to have it finished by 2020!  Not sure about that!  Apparently he was very detailed about the whole building, construction and contents!  It has many different aspects to it right down to the different sculpture sytles, detailed, and 'squared'.  The cathedral will have the capacity of 10,000 people, but also 1,200 in the choir that will be situated on a balcony!  
Took a ride up the elevator to the top of one of the towers!  Amazing views, but also just a lot of scaffolding!  Then took the narrowest spiral stairway down!  Have to do stairs!
Then onto metro again and headed to the Park of Mont Juic.  This is a fortress (Castell de Montjuic) built on the mountain that over looks the city and out into the sea! The best part, no entrance fee!  Which is good as by the time I got finished at the Cathedral it was 20 euros!
To get there, I had to take a tram that runs up the hill, fairly steep, and then on the way down took the gondola!  I think I have covered many modes of transportation today!
Went out for dinner at a nice restaurant, Origins.  The place specializes in local cuisine.  The food was excellent.  Couple of glasses of wine, meal, and dessert, I went all out, and all for only 23 euros!  Not too bad, but will be bread for the next couple of days to make up for it!
July 7 Barcelona, Spain 
Caught the local bus to Palma and then another to the airport.  I allowed 2 hours for the trip to airport, and that is what it took!  Amazing, does not seem to be that many people around but there were 3 buses go by that were full.
Arrived in Barcelona in early afternoon, and after catching the bus into the main city square, Plaza de Catalunya, and just a half block off La Rambla, a very long pedestrian walk way that runs from the plaze to the port!  Amazing, seems everyone walks it!  Was very nice.  Again, lots of different sorts of entertainers along the way.  Monsters, angels, magicians, you name it they are here!
Walked down to the port, and then wandered back through the Barrie Gothic.  The oldest area of the city!  Well, I thought other streets were narrow!  Some of these have signs showing the width of the street!  2 meters was one!  Very interesting place, and the 'streets' just seem to go everywhere!
On way back to the Hostal, I found the one museum I wanted to visit, the Museu d'Historia de la Cliutat.  This museum is amazing.  It is mostly a walk through archeological digs of a Roman city, all of it underneath the main buildings!  Too bad that no pictures were allowed!  It was very good.  Showed the houses, the shops, including the tanner and the wine maker.  
Made it back to the Plaza and wandered around a bit.  Everyone is out!  But of course, Spain was playing Germany in the football (World cup Soccer) and then won!  There were people lined up out of everywhere, as long as they could see a TV!  Was great!
July 6 Mallorca, Spain 
Another relaxing day.  Just took my time over breakfast and then off to wander around, and spend the afternoon at the beach.

1 comment:

  1. wonderful reading your blog, best thing other than being there. travel well ole chum. cheers mike and marg
