Sunday, February 6, 2011

Ecuador and Galapagos 2010

January 29, Quito, Ecuador

Booked a tour to Otavalo Market.  Apparently the largest remaining market in South America for native handicrafts. 
First stop was at small monument for the crossing of the Equator.  Interesting as there was a football field, including nets set up on the side street.
Then stopped at a biscuit shop.  The town is known for its biscuits.  There were still warm.  Dry but tasty.  Not sure how to describe.  Interesting that each small town has its claim to fame!  Greenhouses, orchids, dairy, biscuits and tequila!
Short stop at a farm.  The lane was very nice.  Long and tree lined, but with a mud bricked fence between each of the trees.
A nice little place with rooms for rent as well.  The place was started in mid 1500s.
Stopped for a drink at small shop along side of road and 3 ladies were bbqing 'rata', yes 'rata' is rat in Spanish.  At first a bit gross thinking about it, but actually did not smell too bad!  Skinned and gutted and put on a stick.  According to Marco the guide/driver these rats are caught in the wild  and the country rats are better tasting as they eat better, grasses and what ever else they eat!  Still did not try.  Marco like to eat rat!

The road, the Pan American highway, to the market is along and through many deep valleys.  Very green with hundreds of greenhouses along the way. 
The market was huge as it is Saturday.  A large square and many of the side streets with stalls.  Much beautiful items, mostly wool products, sheep, alpaca the most popular.  
Then visited a leather town.  Here many shops with all kinds of leather.  Was in one shop and tried on 1 jacket.  Ended up trying many!  Nice jackets for about $120.
The market is about 2 hours north of Quito.
January 28, Quito, Ecuador
Off to explore the old city!
Walked by The Casa de la Cultura after walking through a university.  Very nice with much building going on.  Turns out, Marco's kids go to this university.  Private, about $800 per month per person!
Went La Basilica built about 1890 of concrete and brick in the gothic style.  Great as was able to take this narrow, loose wooden walk way throught the attic above the main part of the church.  This lead to one of the towers where you could climb to the top.  Great views!  Added bonus was kids painted gothic enjoying some wine at the top!
Then to Iglesia de la Compania de Jesus.  A church that is done completely in gold leaf!  Quite nice.  But looks like there had been a fire.
Wandered into a market.  Seemed to be the metal bashing place.  Black smiths everywhere making metal gates.  Have not seen many of them for ages.  Marco the guide later told us that is the market where you can buy anything!  Most of the items stolen!  Which does explain why there seemed to be so many
Visited the grand plaza which is surrounded by the Government buildings, Municipal buildings and a hotel.  A very nice plaza with lots of people around.  Including the demonstration about something.  Never did figure it out.

Visited Sanfrancisco church as well.  Built in 1530s it is the oldest church in the city.  Pouring rain when left so caught a taxi to hotel.  $4 for 20 minute ride.
Had dinner at hotel where we got a free drink. A green warm drink made from the naracicha flower  (?).  Quite good.  I think the name is Carne lasa which does not make sense as carne is beef in Spanish.
The waiter learned our names and he did not forget.  Called me by name the morning after returning from Galapagos.
January 27, Quito, Ecuador
Got a little bit of sleep.  Up for coffee and a relax in the very nice court yard.  The guest house that took me in was very nice.  Small and quiet.
The woman at the front desk called GAP and got things straightened out, including a van pick up to take me back to the hotel I went to originally last night.  
Checked into hotel and went off for a walk.  Quito is at about 2800 meters.  Surprisingly you can feel the difference.  Always seem to be trying to catch breath.  Not bad but have to be careful as occassionaly when walk a bit too fast I did feel light headed.  Quito is surrounded by mountains which always had clouds rolling over them.  Very pretty.

Watched 3 on 3 volleyball type game in one park.  Many people watching.  Different slightly as the net was much higher than volleyball.  Interesting as it seems most Ecuadorians are shorter than I am, so they have higher to jump.  But this game does not seem to have the spiking!  Maybe the net height is the reason!
Wandered around the area for a couple of hours, but was so tired went back to hotel for a nap.  Took it easy for the rest of the day.
Jayne arrived later that night, talked a bit.

January 24 to January 26, Somewhere over Pacific
Got taken out for dinner at local pub by friends and given a new hoodie!  A hint that good riddance and stay away?  Not sure!  But still very nice of them!
Up extra early to catch plane to Sydney.  Just over an hours flight.  
On plane to Santiago with stop in Auckland.  Just short of 3 hours to Auckland and then almost 11 hours to Santiago.
Crossed the Date line, so repeating the 26.  Interesting to leave in early morning, arrive in New Zealand late in afternoon, and then see the see come up not too long later.
Arrived in Santiago about noon, and had a 3 hour wait for next flight to Quito, Ecuador.
6 hour flight to Quito.  Arrived about 9 pm.  Off to hotel, no reservation! And voucher had different hotel name, so in taxi to that place.  No reservation here either.  Too tired to do anything, so had a beer and off to bed!

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