Saturday, May 21, 2011

Rio Dulce to Poptun, Guatemala -

May 21,  Rio Dulce, Guatemala
Off this morning for a Rain forest walk!  The walk turned out to be on the land owned by the hotel.  Not much of a rain forest as the ground is very dry.  The guide, Emilio seemed to know his stuff, but he was very much into stopping global warming.  But even with his political statements he was very good.  Great walk as he pointed out and described the various trees and vines along the way.  Amazing as many have some medicinal properties that the natives have used for years!  A drug store in the back yard.
A few hanging bridges to cross, a hill to climb to a museum and a lookout tower (designed to look like a Mayan temple).  Great views of the river and lake as well as the huge rubber plantation on the property.
Then back to hotel for a quick swim and then off on the boat to the bus depot.  Caught the bus to Poptun, about 100 km away.  Then into a tuk tuk taxi for a ride to the hotel.  This is a farm that has many rooms for rent.  Organic with lots of homemade goodies!  May never leave.  The bread is awesome!  Hacienda Ixobel!  Great place, very warm welcome and is managed  by a guy from New York who arrived 19 years ago on his way to South America.  He has not made it to South America!  But have to admit I am not sure about the guy wandering around the hotel with a rifle!  And I do not think he is hunting.  Will have to see what is up tomorrow.
May 20,  Rio Dulce, Guatemala
Did a boat tour of the Rio Dulce.  Left about 9.30 and went to the main dock and then out to the Fort of San Felipe.  Protecter for the Spanish.  Not a big fort but interesting to see from the water.
Then headed toward Livingston.  Apparently you can only get to here by boat.  A shocker as it is more black people than Guatemalan.   I had forgot this fact.
The Rio Dulce river runs between Lakes Isabel and ?? and runs through Lake ?? to the Caribbean Coast.  The village of Livingston is not that big.  Took about 10 minutes to walk the main street from the dock to the beach,  The beach here was not that great looking, apparently you must travel a bit further to get to the nice beaches.
Lots of boat traffic.  Seems to be the way to travel.  We went by a couple of bird islands (lots of birds) and a beautiful water lily area.  Then stopped briefly at the hot springs.  These run into the river.  We stopped 2 times, once on the way to Livingson and once on the way back.  The first time I did not realize where the hot springs were.  But tested the water on the return trip.  Really hot!  They have rocked an area off.  Much to hot and humid here to enjoy hot springs.  Even the pool at the hotel is too warm!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Antigua to Semuc Champey then to Rio Dulce, Guatemala 2011

May 19,  Rio Dulce, Guatemala
Up very early for a 7.15 am start.  30 minute ride to the town of Lanquin, and then 5 hours of traveling to get to Rio Dulce.  This included 3 hours on gravel roads similar to forestry roads
and just as narrow.  Actually got stopped for a bit as 2 trucks had to take a lot of time to meet on the road, and did get hung up on each other.  
got off bus from guest house and guy recognized my COSA t shirt.  Turns out he taught at Lake Country about 10 years ago.  Amazing as we are in a very small town in the middle of Guatemala!  Such a small world.
May 18,  Semuc Champey, Guatemala
People here start their days early.  Movement started about 5.30 am, as starting to get light!  I was up at 6 am.
Took a cave tour this morning.  Neat as walked through limestone caves holding a candle.  Sometimes had to swim.  Water a bit cool but still an neat experience.
Walked/swam for maybe a swim.  A few bats in the cave and many limestone stalactites and stalagmites.  I think this part of  a chain of caves that run for miles.
Got another swing ride after cave.  Huge.  Fun so had to do it 2 times.  The second time was a bit more graceful!  Got a very high rating on the first one from the 2 guys on the tour, but that was for the size of the splash, definitely not the style!
Then a relaxing tube down the river back to the guest house.  Very nice way to finish.
Lunch and then off to walk to the park to see the Semuc Champey pools.  Only took about 30 minutes.  But very hot and humid, so had a swim as soon as arriving, and then up to the lookout (mirador).  That was a climb.  Up rock steps and a very steep set of stairs.  The view was amazing.  Took about 30 minutes almost straight up, or it felt like it.  Was surprised how high I had climbed.
The pools themselves are great, many of them and the water is very clear.  But not alot of water running through them, most of the river water runs underneath the pools.  The river goes underwater just above the pools and comes out just below.  The pools themselves may have been formed when cave roofs collapsed.
Then dinner at the guest house and to bed early again.

May 17,  Semuc Champey, Guatemala
Up for 8 am departure.  Very early start.
Then a 9 hour trip to arrive at hotel.
Did a lot of talking as there were 5 Canadian university students on the bus.  One of them from Rosetown, close to my home town.  She plays hockey for the University of Edmonton team and used to play against a girl from home as well!  Small world!
2 hours just on gravel roads, but driver was being very slow for some reason!
Arrived at guest house.  Very secluded and nice, right on the river.  The guest house is a bit 'rustic'.  Turns out the power is only on from 6.30 to 9.30 pm. No hot water.   Will we survive with no internet for 2 days!  But the setting is beautiful.  Nice to have a beer and watch and listen by the river.  Seems to be even a few fire flies around.
Went for a swim and did the rope swing into river.
Dinner was great, only had choice of vegetarian or chicken.  Surprising as there is only about 9 people staying here.  Met a couple of guys (US and Belgium) that hitchhiked here.  They said they had a ride in 2 minutes.  They camped along the river.
Since no lights, in bed by 9 am!
May 16,  Antigua, Guatemala
Boat trip to 3 villages on Lake Atitlan.  Very nice.  The lake is full of algae, and seemed to  be everywhere!  At least it did not smell.  Villages nice, but looked the same.  Very small with many markets.  That is interesting.
Back about 3 and caught shuttle bus to Antigua.
Arrived back about 7 and just relaxed.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Antigua to Panajachel, Guatemala 2011

May 15,  Panajachel, Guatemala
Off at 8 am for the Chichicastenango market.  Apparently the largest in Central America.
Supposed to be a 1 hour drive but the traffic on way to market was backed up for miles.  It appeared, after about 1 hour stopped on the road, that a truck was stalled out.
At least we did not have to go hungry or thirsty as many sellers were walking up and down the road side.
The ride was at least comfortable, in a car with 1 other guy.  He was for Miami and had been traveling in Guatemala for a few weeks.  Was great as he gave us some good recommendations.
The market is huge!  The streets are blocked off and the stalls are set up in front of the store fronts.  Street after street, and all the squares full of stalls selling clothes, meat, plastic goods and second hand stuff.  Anything you could want or need!  Live dogs, cats, chickens, ducks, turkeys, pigs.
Spent a couple of hours wandering around.  There were actually 2 churches in the main square.  A mix of Catholic and Mayan.  Both were filled with smoke caused by fires on the steps and inside.
Did not buy anything, I was able to resist the persistence of the sellers.  These were even more aggressive than town!
Many local people in traditional dress were doing the shopping and selling.  
Only took 1 hour to come back.  
Relaxed for rest of afternoon.

May 14,  Panajachel, Guatemala
8 am shuttle, which really left at 8.30 for Panajachel.  Interesting ride, many windy roads and mountains.  Much of the land agricultural, and most terraced.
Arrived about 11 am.  Spent the rest of afternoon having lunch and walking the streets.  Small place with mostly hotels, restaurants and shops.  The lake is fairly large but you can still see the volcanos on the other side.  There is a haze everywhere but not sure if cloud or smog.  We did arrange for a boat tour for Monday.
The shops have similar stuff as Antigua but then some of it is different again.  The sellers are a bit more aggressive here and will follow you along for a bit.
No several times!
May 13,  Antigua, Guatemala
Laundry day!  But this time I had to do it!  Bit of a shock to the system.  Went to a laundromat.  Not used to that, but I survived!
Then off wandering around the city.  Went to the Convent of San Francisco.  Old ruins from the mid 1600s.   But have been rebuilt over the years due to earthquake destruction.
Only parts have been redone, much of the place is in ruins.
Also had a look at a photographic display in the Central Square.   Appeared to be a one of people that had been hit by water disasters.  New Orleans was included as well as many other places around the world!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Guatemala 2011

May 12,  Antigua, Guatemala
Up shortly after 5 am!  Not nice, but at least the hotel had coffee in lobby!
Off to climb Volcano Pacaya.  This is an active volcano, that erupted last year.  February I think.
Apparently about 1 meter of rock fell.  Most of this rock is black lava rock in small pieces!  It destroyed many crops of corn, coffee and tobacco.
Difficult walk as up for about 1 3/4 hours.  But worth it!  Did not see any molten lava but lots of others.  Even walked through the vapou coming out of the volcano, and there is lots of it!
Easy walk down,  and back into town.  Took about 1 1/2 hours to drive there.

 May 11,  Antigua, Guatemala
Lazy day today.  Did not do much,
Went out for lunch to small local place.  Order what I thought was going to be a grilled steak!  Well turned out it was grilled steak, grilled chicken, grilled sausage, and grilled ribs!  Got potatoes, tortillas and salad with it!  The cost was $5.  Can't beat that.  The bonus was that it tasted great!  i have no idea what spice they used but was very good.
Then went shopping!  In the local market.  Here you can get anything you could want, only if you can find it.  It is a huge market!
May 10,  Antigua, Guatemala
Took a tour to  2 villages outside of the city.  Interesting as they also had cobblestone streets, in most places, and many of the houses were the same.
Stopped to see the ruins of the old palace, but it was in the middle of an elementary school ground.  We just walked in and had a look, with all the kids running around and screaming!  Must have been the break.  Surprised that today was not a holiday as it is Mother's Day here.  
Visited a convent that is still active with apparently 6 nuns, but did not see any of the them.
The guide was a very talkative guy, and more so when in one of the villages as it was where he grew up.  He seemed to know most of the people we met!
Stopped at one of the community laundries.  2 ladies there with clothes hung all over the place.  Turned out to be a mother and daughter.  This was about 11 am and by the look of it they had been there for a while.  The mother also had 1 hour bus ride to get there. The guide said that these were more gossip centres as well!
Went into one market.  Ladies there were very nice.  One lady tried very hard to sell me something.  I told her that I wanted something different and special.  She ended up telling me I was a problem, of course with a huge smile on her face!
Was also interesting to watch a woman weaving.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Costa Rica and into Guatemala 2011

May 8,  Antigua, Guatemala
Lots of walking around the old city today.  The Central Square, the Cerro to Santa Ana, a lookout over the city
and also many churches.  The city is very nice, clean and they have done an excellent job of maintaining the old style.
Even if they have been updated to the Burger King and Macs looks inside!

May 7,  Antigua, Guatemala
Out of hotel by 9.45 am, for 1 hour van ride to Liberia airport.  1 1/2 hour wait for the 45 minute flight to San Jose.  With Nature Air again, on the Twin turbo Otter.
Then 30 minute wait for the 30 minute van ride to the other San Jose Airport.  A 3 hour wait for flight at 5.35 pm to Guatemala City.  This was nice!  Actually had business class tickets for much cheaper than the economy!  Very nice.  Real food on real plates!  Also all the times I have walked by these people and they have a drink!  Well that was me this time!
The flight was only 1 hour 30 minutes!  Not long enough!  Then a short wait for the 1 hour van ride to Antigua.
A long day, as was almost 9 pm by the time we got to the hotel.
The city is very nice!  All very old, 1600 and on. but it seems that some had been destroyed by earthquakes in the 1700s.
Old cobbled streets every where with buildings made of red brick and plastered over!
Weird having volcanos (inactive) looming all around the sky line!
May 5 & 6,  Flamingo Beach, Costa Rica

Spent the morning watching the sting rays play/fish in the waves.
Walked to the beach next door and into the town again.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Costa Rica 2011

May 4,  Flamingo Beach, Costa Rica
Walked to Brazilito Beach today.  Only took about 40 minutes!  Nice beach, very quiet.  Black sand again.  Nice coast as there is a small island just off the beach.  Some people swam over to it!
I stuck to the beach!

May 3,  Flamingo Beach, Costa Rica
Walked 4 km into town along the beach.  Interesting as it is just next to Flamingo, separated by a rocky point but the other beach is more volcanic sand.  Fairly black, but very hot to walk on.
Had lunch at little place and walked back.

Then to beach and finish with swim in pool.

May 2,  Flamingo Beach, Costa Rica
Went diving at 7.30 to 11.30 today.  This is the first time since I received my certification.
Very nice as  went for 2 dives of 45 minutes each.  Went to Sombrero island (larger type island not far from Flamingo Beach)and the point off Flamingo beach.  Not much for coral in the area but there were lots of fish.  Many eels, and was even shown my first 'sea slug'.  Very small!
Instructor spotted a white sea horse.  The first one she has seen in 2 years!
There is some coral starting at the second dive sight, so after a few years it will be very nice!
Beach in afternoon with more sting rays and was able to do more body surfing.
Walked the beach again.  Only about 2 km long, but with nice sand!
May 1,  Flamingo Beach, Costa Rica
lazy start and then one very expensive breakfast!  This is a resort!  Damn it was 3 days meals in some other countries, and then some!
Not much today, just off to beach.  Very hot here but nice at beach as there were sting rays swimming along shore line and even jumping out of the water.

April 30,  Flamingo Beach, Costa Rica
Up for 8 am transfer, which means a van comes to hotel picks you up and delivers you to new place.  Could be ore people, but this time, just the 2 of us.  
Arrived at  11 am and even got checked in.  Lunch and then to beach in afternoon, just lazed around.