Friday, May 20, 2011

Antigua to Semuc Champey then to Rio Dulce, Guatemala 2011

May 19,  Rio Dulce, Guatemala
Up very early for a 7.15 am start.  30 minute ride to the town of Lanquin, and then 5 hours of traveling to get to Rio Dulce.  This included 3 hours on gravel roads similar to forestry roads
and just as narrow.  Actually got stopped for a bit as 2 trucks had to take a lot of time to meet on the road, and did get hung up on each other.  
got off bus from guest house and guy recognized my COSA t shirt.  Turns out he taught at Lake Country about 10 years ago.  Amazing as we are in a very small town in the middle of Guatemala!  Such a small world.
May 18,  Semuc Champey, Guatemala
People here start their days early.  Movement started about 5.30 am, as starting to get light!  I was up at 6 am.
Took a cave tour this morning.  Neat as walked through limestone caves holding a candle.  Sometimes had to swim.  Water a bit cool but still an neat experience.
Walked/swam for maybe a swim.  A few bats in the cave and many limestone stalactites and stalagmites.  I think this part of  a chain of caves that run for miles.
Got another swing ride after cave.  Huge.  Fun so had to do it 2 times.  The second time was a bit more graceful!  Got a very high rating on the first one from the 2 guys on the tour, but that was for the size of the splash, definitely not the style!
Then a relaxing tube down the river back to the guest house.  Very nice way to finish.
Lunch and then off to walk to the park to see the Semuc Champey pools.  Only took about 30 minutes.  But very hot and humid, so had a swim as soon as arriving, and then up to the lookout (mirador).  That was a climb.  Up rock steps and a very steep set of stairs.  The view was amazing.  Took about 30 minutes almost straight up, or it felt like it.  Was surprised how high I had climbed.
The pools themselves are great, many of them and the water is very clear.  But not alot of water running through them, most of the river water runs underneath the pools.  The river goes underwater just above the pools and comes out just below.  The pools themselves may have been formed when cave roofs collapsed.
Then dinner at the guest house and to bed early again.

May 17,  Semuc Champey, Guatemala
Up for 8 am departure.  Very early start.
Then a 9 hour trip to arrive at hotel.
Did a lot of talking as there were 5 Canadian university students on the bus.  One of them from Rosetown, close to my home town.  She plays hockey for the University of Edmonton team and used to play against a girl from home as well!  Small world!
2 hours just on gravel roads, but driver was being very slow for some reason!
Arrived at guest house.  Very secluded and nice, right on the river.  The guest house is a bit 'rustic'.  Turns out the power is only on from 6.30 to 9.30 pm. No hot water.   Will we survive with no internet for 2 days!  But the setting is beautiful.  Nice to have a beer and watch and listen by the river.  Seems to be even a few fire flies around.
Went for a swim and did the rope swing into river.
Dinner was great, only had choice of vegetarian or chicken.  Surprising as there is only about 9 people staying here.  Met a couple of guys (US and Belgium) that hitchhiked here.  They said they had a ride in 2 minutes.  They camped along the river.
Since no lights, in bed by 9 am!
May 16,  Antigua, Guatemala
Boat trip to 3 villages on Lake Atitlan.  Very nice.  The lake is full of algae, and seemed to  be everywhere!  At least it did not smell.  Villages nice, but looked the same.  Very small with many markets.  That is interesting.
Back about 3 and caught shuttle bus to Antigua.
Arrived back about 7 and just relaxed.

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