Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Playa del Carmen to Cancun, Mexico, 2011

June 28,  Cancun, Mexico
Rain stopped late last night and did not rain at all today, but then at night, poured again with lots of wind!  Slightly cloudy during the day, which was good as if the sun came out it was very hot, and the humidity went sky high!

Caught the bus to the main Caribbean beaches.  Buses easy to take, there is basically 1 street.  One direction goes to the hotels and beaches and the other direction downtown, so difficult for me to get lost!
The hotel area is a sight!  From the bus, all you can see is huge monster resorts, nothing else.  There are a few, and very few, spots along the about 10 km main area, where you can see the beach and water.  Found one of the public beach access points.  Yes the hotels are right next to each other so no beach access.  Very windy and lots of sand blowing around.  There were a few people on the beach.  The water was very rough and the lifeguards were even whistling people back closer to shore if they got out too far.
Amazingly there were some turtle tracks up the beach.  Looks like they have moved the eggs to a fenced off area to hatch.  Some were just a few days ago.  I am surprised that they lay their eggs with all the lights along the shoreline.
Also caught a couple of pelicans, taking some sun!
Nice to get out and about.  Spent about 1 hour walking along the beach, thinking that I had found the next beach access, it turned out to be fenced off at the road.  But there was a hole in the fence to climb through!
Walked to the first plaza (mall).  Knew I would fit right in, wearing my mickey mouse tshirt and swim suit, the sign said "Luxury Avenue".  And it was just that.  An area of the mall only for many of the top, high end stores.  I did not even go in.

June 26 & 27,  Cancun, Mexico

Apparently there has been a tropical storm roll through.  Rained most of these days.  At times just poured with lots of wind.  Did not get out much, but did make it to one of the large malls.  Spent a bit of time just walking around and then had something to eat at the food court.  Food court is typical, but found a place where they have table service and menu cards you can hold!
Food was pretty good as well.  The mall is huge and am told it is the biggest in the area.  Must be good as there is even a Sears!
June 25,  Cancun, Mexico
Caught the bus to Cancun.  Great as I walked to bus station and bought my ticket and got immediately onto the bus.
Left about 10 minutes later.  Only about a 45 minute bus ride.  I am in a different part of Mexico as the first car dealership I saw was a Porsche dealership!
Then a short taxi ride to the hotel.  Hotel on the beach, but not that great.  very small with lots of grass in the water.  Pool looks nice.
June 24,  Playa del Carmen, Mexico
Off walking along the beach again.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Playa del Carmen, Mexico, 2011

June 23,  Playa del Carmen, Mexico
The weather is really something.  Poured rain this morning with some wind, but within 15 minutes, the sky was clear!
Walked the beach.
June 22,  Playa del Carmen, Mexico

Caught the ferry to Cozumel, only took about 30 minutes.  
But before you even have a chance to buy your ticket the sellers are on you to sign up for their tour!  And then you get more on the ferry!  And then there is huge line of tour operators as you walk on the pier to the street!  Off course they all have the best price, and will discount for you!  They are all the same price!  But did sign up for snorkel/glass bottom boat trip along the southern lee shore of the island.  Apparently the best area for diving and snorkeling.
3 stops for snorkeling.  Turned out there probably was more snorkelers than fish!  Also saw a few divers on the bottom.  the water is very clear!  Strange seeing them on the bottom.
There was a few fish, nothing new other than a flounder which is a strange looking fish.  Very flat with eyes on the top of head.  Did see a white/beige snake or eel, not sure which.  Very nice, and pretty big!  The guide touched it, but not a lot.  The areas for snorkeling were quite deep, and mostly sandy bottom with some coral here and there.
Was a good trip.  Spent the time waiting for the next ferry wandering around the city.  This city is set up for the cruise ships.  Only saw 1 today.  But i do not know where all the people were.  There was hardly anyone in town.  Could walk down the street and not see another tourist only the shop owners sitting outside their doors!
June 21,  Playa del Carmen, Mexico
Walked the beach.

June 20,  Playa del Carmen, Mexico
Went on a tour to Chichen Itza.  Amazingly the van arrived 15 minutes early.  I was ready, but the next couple just down the street were still having breakfast.  The route took me back to Tulum and then another 1 hour plus driving.
These ruins have been reconstructed.  Similar to the others.  I just do not understand how they worked out the astronomy!  Apparently on the spring and fall equinox, the sides of temple create a shadow on the stairs on one side that looks like a serpent!  
Really nice but many people showed up shortly after our tour arrived.  The site is bigger than Tulum but no where near the size of Tikal. 
As one of the wonders of world, all the areas are roped off.
Then stopped at cenote (a sink hole filled with water) for a swim.  Really an amazing thing.  Not sure how deep it was but the color was very blue.  Amazing to have roots trailing down from the ground above.  Very much set up for swimming with stairs all the way down to water and then 2 fairly large stone platforms for jumping/diving into the water.  Here again, many people showed up.  The tour I am on seems to be about 20 minutes ahead off all the other tours.  It was the same at the ruins, for lunch, and the cenotes.
Then a stop in Valladolid.  A small city with very Spanish architecture.  Found in the early 1500s.  Only had a chance to walk around the main square.  As usual, church and municipal office around the square.
Then ride back to Playa del Carmen, arriving about 8 pm.
June 19,  Playa del Carmen, Mexico
Walked the beach.
Sand here is very nice.  Fine and powdery.  The water has amazing colors of blue.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Akumel to Playa del Carmen, Mexico 2011

June 18,  Playa del Carmen, Mexico
Raining very hard this morning when I woke up.  And then stayed cloudy most of the day.  Nice change.
More rain again last night, but usually only heavy for a few minutes, then light showers or stops.
Walked the beach.  Very nice.  but here they have some waves.  Sand very nice and beach very wide. 
Mostly resorts, hotels, and restaurants all the way along.  Each with beach loungers set up along the way.  More people here, even if cloudy.  Many Mexicans out as well as Saturday.
June 17,  Playa del Carmen, Mexico
Caught a taxi to Playa del Carmen.  Only took about 1/2 hour, very close!
Got to hotel but too early to check in, so left bag and headed off to wander around.  Walked down 5th Ave, the main shopping area!  Very touristy, but not too bad as not that busy.  A few people around.  Lots of shops, tours "information" places, and restaurants.

Checked into hotel and rested.  Very hot and humid!
June 14 to 16,  Grand Oasis, Akumel, Mexico

Guess it has been  few days, so best get something down.  Yes still alive!

This is a very nice place!  Did not do much!  If you do not count hitting the swim up bar every afternoon!  Then having a nap before going for dinner!
Met some people from all over and had a lot of laughs.  South Carolina and Vancouver mostly!
Did find the hockey game broadcast live on internet!  Very disappointing.  Watched with Vancouver couple.  They then told me about the riots that night!  We changed our place of residence!  Very disappointed as well, but mostly embarrassing!  Oh well, next year!
Did a lot of walking on the beach, both north and south.  The beach in front of hotel is probably the best for 1 hour walking either way.
Did go snorkeling one day.  Saw a turtle and a few fish.  The reef seems to be mostly dead, but there are spots where is is growing.  Maybe destroyed by a storm as there have been a few go through a few years ago!
Surprisingly there are a few turtle nests along the beaches.  With all the development and lights this is really something.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tulum and Akumel, Mexico 2011

June 13,  Grand Oasis, Akumel, Mexico
Got breakfast and then a taxi to the bank.  Luckily I was able to get my card back and it worked.  So in business again!
Did a bit of shopping and then caught the bus to Akumel.  Only about 30 minute ride.  Got dropped off at a stop on the highway, so had to catch a taxi to resort.
Bus was Pesos 26 ($2), taxi was 120 ($10 for a 10 minute ride).  Taxi driver said he would drive me to Playa del Carmen for Peseo 250 ($20).Almost worth doing it after considering another taxi to bus stop here and who knows where the bus station is in Playa del Carmen.
This resort, Grand Oasis, I found on internet, $70 all inclusive, for ocean view.  Good deal!  Turns out my room is on beach level maybe 30 steps to the water!  Very nice.  The hotel in Tulum was $50/night and then expensive meals on top.
Found as well that they make very good caipirinhas!  Only problem is that you have to walk to bar or swim up to!  They do not deliver!  Life is tough!
June 12,  Tulum, Mexico
To the usual place for breakfast.  They have the 'mucho cafe' under control.
Then got a taxi to the Tulum Ruins.  Even at 9 am the place was fairly busy.  I ended up only spending about 1 hour here as the site is fairly small.  But very nice as the ruins are on a cliff overlooking the beach and sea!  Very nice.  Many people in swimming.  Seems that Mexico does not like you to wander too close to the ruins as set paths and routes to follow and the ruins themselves are roped off.  The site is small but so are the temples and palace as compared to the ruins in Guatemala.  Still very nice.  Seemed to be more columns and also carved entry ways, some of which still have red paint.  This site is about 1000 years old.
Interesting as many of the visitors were Italian, and suffering from the heat and humidity, so in the shade most of time, which included the tunnels through the walls which made it impossible to get through.
Then walked for abut 1 hour into Tulum.  Went to the bank and the machine kept my card!  Damn!  As Sunday not much I could do, thankfully a woman translated the message on the ATM for me, which said I had to go to bank.  Have to wait for tomorrow.
Walked around town a bit.  Had to buy a new pair of flip flops as mine broke just as I entered the ruins!  It was a long walk into town, especially since I did it mostly barefoot.  But this was only when the pavement was not to hot to walk on.
Caught a taxi back and spent the rest of the afternoon reading on the beach or swinging in the hammock!
Big thunder and lightning storm over the ocean as I walked back to hotel along the beach from dinner.  Shortly after I got back it started to rain, and I am not sure how long it rained as went to bed.  Taxi driver the next morning said rained most of the night.  Glad my thatched roof did not leak!  And not sure why but power kept going off and on, could not have been the storm as power supplied by generator!

June 11,  Tulum, Mexico
Walked for about an hour to the south this time.  More resort/cabanas and many private homes.  Much of it jungle.  Amazes me that some have a few acres and the area is completely raked to keep the dead leaves off the ground.  At least they have retained most of the palm trees and other bushes.  Anyone looking for a house on the beach, there are many places available, but I have no idea of the price.  I am guessing that they do not have services either.
June 10,  Tulum, Mexico
Went for breakfast at same place as dinner last night.  Again, the only person there.  They laugh when I say I want 'mucho cafe'!  They are good about it.  Pretty good as well, too bad I have to wait until 8 am to get!
Went for a walk, north along the beach.  Amazing white sand beaches, and not many people around.  The beach seems to go for miles, with the odd rock outcrop in places.  Very hot but the water feels great.  Seems cooler than Belize.
Some big black clouds formed in the north east and looked like a big storm, but it past over or around and nothing came out of it.  Did cool the temperature off a bit!
Back to hotel and had a nap and then out for dinner.
Went to a different place just down the street.  Very expensive!  Had ribs for $20.  But should have said 'rib' as it was 1 rib but huge.  A 8 to 10 inch rib with 2 to 3 inches of meat all along!  Very tender and  very tasty!  They cooked everything in a wood stove.  Stuffed by the time I got finished.
At least there were about 12 other people in the restaurant.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Belize and into Mexico 2011

June 9,  Tulum, Mexico
Ready to catch a 7 am boat to San Pedro and then on to Chetumal, Mexico.  Ready!  But boat did not arrive until about 8.  Went through immigration and customs in San Pedro.  Customs was nothing as the bags did not get taken off the boat.  1 1/2 hours later, arrived in Chetumal.  They had all of us get off and line up with bags laid out in line as well while the drug dogs sniffed them all.  Very interesting.  There were 2 GAP tours on the boat as well so almost full.
Caught a taxi to bus station and then 3 hour ride to Tulum.  I guess I should have waited to buy bus ticket as they charged me $30 for a $15 ticket.  Oh well!  Should have known!
Finally got to hotel at about 5 pm.  It is a small place on the beach, with only 5 units. I do not have view of beach but it is just over a small sand dune to get there.  Very nice, but rustic.  Thatched roof, basic but still good.  Power is off and on, but that is ok.  They generate their own power, as it seems most places do.  Advertisements along the road have 24 hour power as one of the amenities!
The area seems to be all the same,  many hotels, or cabanas as they are called, with thatched roofs.  Some large others small.
Had dinner in a hotel just down the street a bit.  Fairly large but completely empty.  Waiter said none of the cabanas are occupied.  I think I was probably their only customer for dinner.
June 8,  Caye Caulker, Belize
Went for a walk around the other end of the airstrip.  Took about 2 hours.  Almost made it to the place I walked to yesterday but again the path was flooded.  Mostly swamp and mangroves with a few large houses along the shore.  Could buy a lot for $65000, but mostly water!  Lots of mosquitos, a nice place for the vacation home!  Also appears that there is not services, no power!
June 7,  Caye Caulker, Belize
Went for a walk along the east side of the island, past the airport.  Not alot other than mangroves, docks and a few houses.  Walked along a path until it was flooded and could not get any further.
Spent the day at the Lazy Lizard, just watching people, swimming.
June 6,  Caye Caulker, Belize
Lazy day again!
Off and got my hair cut.  Nothing special this time except he did trim used a straight blade, just the blade, but no nicks!
Then off to watch the people at the Lazy Lizard!  Very interesting.  Cops still there all the time.  They actually evicted a couple of local guys!
The water is great here, even if not much a beach and very busy!  Then back to hotel and went for swim off the dock!  That is the thing to do here as well.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Belize 2011

June 5,  Caye Caulker, Belize
Took a sailing/snorkeling trip today.  Not much wind so ended up motoring most of the way there and sail assisted motor on the way back.  First stop was some coral and grassy areas where there were  2 manatees.  Amazing to see them so close.  They looked like they were sleeping, anyway they were not too bothered by us being in the water.  They are huge!
Then the next stop was a guided snorkel.  Saw a couple of green turtles and a huge eel!  I just wish my pictures did them justice.  But still great to see.  The guide took us to a small coral/rock tunnel that we could dive/swim through.  Very fun.  This was the Hol Chan Marine reserve.
The next stop was to swim with the sharks!  Nurse sharks, apparently harmless and maybe so as came back with a parts still attached!  There was a feeding frenzy at the side of the boat.  Also a bunch of sting rays.  Guess this is why it is called Shark Ray Alley.
Also a huge black grouper seemed to like to hang out underneath the boat.  Not afraid at all and looked like he had a huge mouth that could have swallowed us whole!  Bit spooky!
Was a great trip, and made even better by the rum punches provided for the trip back.  Funny thing, they taste great when you have them but they do have a punch that you can feel the next day!

June 4,  Caye Caulker, Belize
Not a bad day.  Caught a boat to the main dock, then another ferry to Caye Caulker, only 30 minutes away.
Found a hotel, cheap Belize $25 (CDN$12)  but not very nice.  So made reservation in another hotel just around the corner.  This one is $40 but with private bathroom and super staff.  And very very clean.  On the water too!
Then headed off to the Lazy Lizard.  A bar built on the Split where you can drink and appears that it is the place to be.  Cheap beers and burgers.  Belize$4 for beer, the same price I paid for beer at store on San Pedro!  Amazing, prices here are anywhere from 1/2 to 1/3 the price of the other island.  This is also much more laid back.  As you walk off the dock the island motto is displayed in mosaic "Go Slow!'  To funny and they seem to follow the motto everywhere.
Spent the afternoon at the Lazy Lizard where I met a Canadian guy and a Australian couple.  Convinced them to do a sailing/snorkeling tour all day tomorrow!  Nice way to spend the afternoon!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Belize 2011

June 3,  San Pedro, Belize
Lazed all day long.  But did take a short walk to the bird watching tower.  The one with the sign 'beware of 3 crocs!"

June 2,  San Pedro, Belize
Went diving today!  2 dives, first at Sunny Point, about 80 feet, second at Windmill point about 60 feet, 45 minutes each.
Was great to get back into water.  First dive great as swam through at small cave/cavern.  Coral banks are about 20 feet high.  Not alot of color but lots of fish and many types of flowing coral.  Very nice.
On second dive, saw a green turtle and at least 10 conch.  Live ones!  Just very large snails.

June 1,  San Pedro, Belize
Walked north for about 2 hours along the beach.  Many large private homes, for sale.  All built along the beach.  The beach no good for swimming,  very shallow and full of sea grass.  Nice as the road is mostly along the beach.
May 31,  San Pedro, Belize
Went on a fishing, snorkeling, beach BBQ trip today.  We were supposed to catch lunch but not a lot of luck so the guides went spear fishing for our lunch.  Other boats around us catch barracuda but not us!  Then the guides cooked the fish (snapper) with lots of vegetables.  Was very good!
Then went snorkeling at Mexico reef.  This is a reef that is just off shore from the hotel.  Was great as there was at least 6 sting rays around.  Lots of coral as well, not much for color but still lots.  Many fish around too.

Belize 2011

May 30,  San Pedro, Belize
Nice relaxing start to the day!  Again.  I could get used to this!
But borrowed a bike and rode into town.  Great as along the beach. It is the major road and mode of transport here.  Even though the tides are not that big there is still enough hard sand to ride on, but there is a well worn path along the way!  Very nice, some very nice homes with many for sale!  Also some nice resorts overlooking the water.
The sand in places is a fine white powder!  And the water is very warm but most of the way there is sea grass growing everywhere!
Took about 2 1/2 hours, a long ride, and some of it in soft sand!  But arrived and took a bit of a ride around.  The airport seems to be in the middle of town.  Lots of shops, restaurants and hotels.  Had lunch and headed back.  Only took 1 1/2 hours as stuck to the road.  Dirt/gravel and full of pot holes.  Met 1 couple that traded in their golf cart for bikes.  They said it was faster and easier.  Golf carts is the main vehicle on the roads.  Have to admit, going just as fast on bikes as people are in golf carts, just a bit more effort!
Nice to get out and about the place.
May 29,  San Pedro, Belize]
Nice lazy start to the day.  Lots of coffee, then breakfast and then orientation meeting for the hotel.
Then walked the 15 minute bike ride to the local store.  Took about 45 minutes, and it was fairly hot.  Lots of lizards.
Turns out the place delivers for nothing!  Bonus
I walked back along the beach.  Many places for sale and many new places going up.  
Not many people around.  Must be only about 20 people staying at this hotel.  Not a big one but still not many people.  Close to being more staff than guests!
Went for a swim  in the Caribbean.  Very nice.  Water is very warm and very salty.  The beach along here is  has very nice white sand.  Some of it is so fine it is like powder.  Catch is the water is full of sea grass.   Not many people in swimming.
Relaxed, read and napped for rest of afternoon.
Interesting resort.  The place is basically shut down by 9.30 pm.  Very quiet.  Well guarded though, 2 security guys and 2 security dogs!

May 28,  San Pedro, Belize
Up for an 8 am start but the tour guy did not show up until 9!  Long wait.
The tour was a trip about 1 hour out of Belize City to a a cave where we walked for about 30 minutes and then spent about 30 minutes floating through the cave and then another 30 minutes floating down the river to the starting point.  Very interesting.  Apparently this cave was used by the Mayans as part of a ceremony of moving into the afterlife, which they called the underworld.
River very low so had to push over some rocks and do a fair bit of paddling.  Amazing as wedged in the roof of the cave was a huge log.  it was about 6 feet over our heads.
After lunch were driven to the boat terminal  to catch the boat to San Pedro.  Just caught it in time.  1 1/2 hours later and a stop at Caye Cauker, made it to San Pedro.
Then into a taxi to another dock to catch another boat.  This boat would take us to the resort.
A long day with lots of different modes of transport!  Car, foot, inner tube, water taxis (3), taxi.
Arrived and just relaxed.
May 27,  Belize City, Belize
Up at 7 am, another early morning, for the shuttle to Belize City.  After about 2 hours arrive at the border.  Fairly chaotic.  Trucks parked everywhere.  Easy process to leave Guatemala, except the officers asked for 20 quetzales, the local money (about $2.50) for an exit visa.  No one was paying so I did not either.   Apparently they will try, but it is not an 'official' payment.
Then after about 2 1/2 hours arrived at boat terminal in Belize City.  Caught a taxi to a guest house.  Interesting as it is run by what seems to be a Chinese family.
Walked around a bit and then had lunch at the park nearby.  There were many food shacks, but only 1 was open.  Had a great chicken burger, but turned out the chicken was flaked and in BBQ sauce.  Actually very good.  Ended up talking to a guy that was just hanging around waiting for someone.  He had (past tense) a few acres of farm land but he had lost it in a shady deal.  So sad!  But he seemed to believe that things would work out.  He had also applied for a job and had not yet heard anything about it.  Later I met him again and he was so happy that he had received a text message that he got the job.  Funny as he was so excited about it he had to show me the message.
Went out for dinner at what turned out to be the local bar.  The bartender did say that they had a happy hour and the place turned into a night club.  We thought we went early enough but I guess not!  Lots of people there by the time we finished eating!
So different to hear English spoken all the time!   It has been a while since English is the main language!  End of January!!

Poptun to Tikal, Guatemala 2011

May 26,  Flores, Guatemala
Got a 6 am pick up for a tour to Yaxha ruins.  Only 1 1/2 hours in taxi, over mostly paved roads but there was some gravel.  And the last bit was gravel.  But since we left at 6 am, arrived shortly after 7, but park not open until 8.  Lucky restaurant not far away so got some coffee (the first) and some breakfast   But as we drove into the parking lot at the restaurant you could hear the air coming out of the front tire!  Must have been cut by rock!  Well the driver changed the tire to one of those space saver, but it was low as well.  He did pump it up with a hand pump, a couple of times.  
The park was deserted except for the guards, cleaners and us.  Spent a couple of hours walking around the park.  Able to climb most of the temples.  This is a fairly large site as well, although not as big as Tikal, just as nice.  This one is built on a river, whereas there is no water nearby Tikal.  They have  done a great job reconstructing some of the temples but the best part is that the signage is super!  Lots of information about each temple and part, even if in Spanish was able to work out some of it.

Back to Flores, no problem even on that tire!
May 25,  Flores, Guatemala
Relaxing start to the day!  Very nice after yesterday!  Caught a public mini bus to Flores at 11.30 am, and it was on time!  It only took 1 1/2 hours as full of school kids so did not have to stop too many times.  Spent the afternoon wandering around Flores and took it easy.  Checked out other tours and how to get to Belze.
May 24,  Tikal,  Guatemala
4.30 am start.  Ugly.  And then a walk to the Tikal site.  The hotel is just on the edge of the park.  Very nice and only took about 1 hour to walk, part of it in the dark to get to a temple where we were supposed to be able to watch the sunrise, but by the time we got to the top the sun was well up!  No problem as it was also very foggy so could not even see the temple that was just down the path.  Interesting looking at the areas after walking through most of it in the dark!  Amazing place.  Monuments/temples range from 400 BC to about 1500 AD.  Some of the temples even have 3 layers of building that have been built over the top of previous buildings.
Walked/toured abound the site until about 10 and then spent 3 hours wandering.  A huge complex with many different squares and temples. The temples are built in different styles.  Many have been restored within the last 10 to 15 years.  The ones that have not been restored are just large piles of dirt and rocks.  Apparently they are build with dirt and rocks as the many part and then covered with cut stones made of lime.  Different than pyramids, these are just temples not tombs.  The Mayan tombs seem to be in caves.
Very hot so went back to hotel for a swim.  Then back for 2 more hours about 4.30 pm.  Not another person around, even the guards at the gate were gone!  Very nice to be able to wander around most of the site without seeing anyone else.
Long day in the heat.
May 23,  Tikal, Guatemala
2 1/2 hour mini bus ride from hotel to Santa Elena.  And that is to travel 100 km.  Turns out the bus picks up and drops off people all the way along the route!  Very interesting.  It was full but not over flowing.
Arrived in Santa Elena and decided to continue on to Tikal Park and a hotel that is just outside the park gate.  Only had to wait for 1/2 hour and got on another minibus.  This stopped at the local market and waited for more people to show up!  This one was full before we left!  Very full with people, kids and goods purchased.  Very busy market with seller with cold drinks, peanuts, dry goods coming to the windows to sell you stuff!  Very interesting.  But very hot sitting there.
This trip took 1 1/2 hours to go 50 km.
Arrived at hotel hot and sweaty so went for swim and had lunch delivered to the pool.  Very nice.
The pool has many trees around complete with many spider monkeys.  Including a couple of young ones that appeared to be playing.
May 22,  Poptun, Guatemala
Took a tour to the Naj Tunich caves.  These are the caves that were discovered about 1975 and contain many Mayan paintings and many tombs.  The cave is also a ceremonial cave.  Our tour guide was only Spanish speaking so there was a bit of hand talking, pointing and also trying interpret the many signs (Spanish)  But still able to pick up some.  Many tombs in the cave, walled up with the rocks that are in the cave.  There are actually 2 caves. Able to see the actual tombs and ceremonial fire pit but not the original paintings.  These have been replicated in another cave.
It took about 1 hour to drive there over some very narrow, windy and rocky roads.  The area also has been almost completely clear cut!  All by a machete!  They seem to cut some of the jungle, trees for fire wood, and then burn off the rest!  Planting corn and grass mostly.  The women will wear traditional clothes but the men are dress almost like Alberta cowboys!  Hats, jeans and boots.  Have actually seen a couple of saddle shops!
Turns out the caves are only 8 km from the Belize border.
Got back to hotel mid afternoon, so spent the rest of the day relaxing, wandering around the hotel/farm and visiting with 3 young guys that have just come off a 6 day trek in the jungle to El Mirador, the highest Mayan temple.  They were still very excited.
Interesting day with many different things.