Friday, June 3, 2011

Poptun to Tikal, Guatemala 2011

May 26,  Flores, Guatemala
Got a 6 am pick up for a tour to Yaxha ruins.  Only 1 1/2 hours in taxi, over mostly paved roads but there was some gravel.  And the last bit was gravel.  But since we left at 6 am, arrived shortly after 7, but park not open until 8.  Lucky restaurant not far away so got some coffee (the first) and some breakfast   But as we drove into the parking lot at the restaurant you could hear the air coming out of the front tire!  Must have been cut by rock!  Well the driver changed the tire to one of those space saver, but it was low as well.  He did pump it up with a hand pump, a couple of times.  
The park was deserted except for the guards, cleaners and us.  Spent a couple of hours walking around the park.  Able to climb most of the temples.  This is a fairly large site as well, although not as big as Tikal, just as nice.  This one is built on a river, whereas there is no water nearby Tikal.  They have  done a great job reconstructing some of the temples but the best part is that the signage is super!  Lots of information about each temple and part, even if in Spanish was able to work out some of it.

Back to Flores, no problem even on that tire!
May 25,  Flores, Guatemala
Relaxing start to the day!  Very nice after yesterday!  Caught a public mini bus to Flores at 11.30 am, and it was on time!  It only took 1 1/2 hours as full of school kids so did not have to stop too many times.  Spent the afternoon wandering around Flores and took it easy.  Checked out other tours and how to get to Belze.
May 24,  Tikal,  Guatemala
4.30 am start.  Ugly.  And then a walk to the Tikal site.  The hotel is just on the edge of the park.  Very nice and only took about 1 hour to walk, part of it in the dark to get to a temple where we were supposed to be able to watch the sunrise, but by the time we got to the top the sun was well up!  No problem as it was also very foggy so could not even see the temple that was just down the path.  Interesting looking at the areas after walking through most of it in the dark!  Amazing place.  Monuments/temples range from 400 BC to about 1500 AD.  Some of the temples even have 3 layers of building that have been built over the top of previous buildings.
Walked/toured abound the site until about 10 and then spent 3 hours wandering.  A huge complex with many different squares and temples. The temples are built in different styles.  Many have been restored within the last 10 to 15 years.  The ones that have not been restored are just large piles of dirt and rocks.  Apparently they are build with dirt and rocks as the many part and then covered with cut stones made of lime.  Different than pyramids, these are just temples not tombs.  The Mayan tombs seem to be in caves.
Very hot so went back to hotel for a swim.  Then back for 2 more hours about 4.30 pm.  Not another person around, even the guards at the gate were gone!  Very nice to be able to wander around most of the site without seeing anyone else.
Long day in the heat.
May 23,  Tikal, Guatemala
2 1/2 hour mini bus ride from hotel to Santa Elena.  And that is to travel 100 km.  Turns out the bus picks up and drops off people all the way along the route!  Very interesting.  It was full but not over flowing.
Arrived in Santa Elena and decided to continue on to Tikal Park and a hotel that is just outside the park gate.  Only had to wait for 1/2 hour and got on another minibus.  This stopped at the local market and waited for more people to show up!  This one was full before we left!  Very full with people, kids and goods purchased.  Very busy market with seller with cold drinks, peanuts, dry goods coming to the windows to sell you stuff!  Very interesting.  But very hot sitting there.
This trip took 1 1/2 hours to go 50 km.
Arrived at hotel hot and sweaty so went for swim and had lunch delivered to the pool.  Very nice.
The pool has many trees around complete with many spider monkeys.  Including a couple of young ones that appeared to be playing.
May 22,  Poptun, Guatemala
Took a tour to the Naj Tunich caves.  These are the caves that were discovered about 1975 and contain many Mayan paintings and many tombs.  The cave is also a ceremonial cave.  Our tour guide was only Spanish speaking so there was a bit of hand talking, pointing and also trying interpret the many signs (Spanish)  But still able to pick up some.  Many tombs in the cave, walled up with the rocks that are in the cave.  There are actually 2 caves. Able to see the actual tombs and ceremonial fire pit but not the original paintings.  These have been replicated in another cave.
It took about 1 hour to drive there over some very narrow, windy and rocky roads.  The area also has been almost completely clear cut!  All by a machete!  They seem to cut some of the jungle, trees for fire wood, and then burn off the rest!  Planting corn and grass mostly.  The women will wear traditional clothes but the men are dress almost like Alberta cowboys!  Hats, jeans and boots.  Have actually seen a couple of saddle shops!
Turns out the caves are only 8 km from the Belize border.
Got back to hotel mid afternoon, so spent the rest of the day relaxing, wandering around the hotel/farm and visiting with 3 young guys that have just come off a 6 day trek in the jungle to El Mirador, the highest Mayan temple.  They were still very excited.
Interesting day with many different things.

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