Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ecuador 2010

February 3, Quito to Lima, Peru
Last day in Quito.  Hired Marco again to take us to the Cloud forest.  Stopped first at the Pululahua crater.  An almost extinct volcano.  Some steam activity has started.  about 400 m down to the floor of a huge crater.  All farms on the floor around a mini volcano in the middle of the crater.  There is a trail that winds up the wall of the volcano.  Quite a climb.  When we arrived a man was standing waiting for a woman (his wife?) who was carrying the load!  Typical in Ecuador.
Marco showed us various plants used for different purposes, mostly for curing some aliment.  There is one that is a hallucinogenic.  Coco of some sort.  Small dark berries, that have a very bright red colour to them.
Then to a reserve that is on the edge of the cloud forest area.  The hummingbirds were every where.  32 different species in the area, and if you watched for about 2 hours, you would be able to see about 18 species.  Also many people come to so a Crested Questzal.  We saw about 4 but could not get a good picture.  
Then on way back stopped at an Equator museum.  Many demonstrations about the effects of the magnets pulls.  Water on the equator flows straight out.  In the south in a clock wise direction.  
Also some strength is lost while standing on the equator.  Also some interesting displays of tribal homes and customs, including a tribe that used to practice head shrinking.
Still done now, but on animals.
Back to airport for 8.40 pm departure to Lima.

February 2, Galapagos to Quito, Ecuador
Up at 4.30 am for a 5.30 am departure from the boat.  As the Dutch girl said, this is not really a holiday when you have to get up that early!
A mixture of travel modes today.  Zodiac, truck taxi, walk, large bus, and a passenger ferry and plane.
Off to the Charles Darwin Research Centre, on Santa Cruz Island.  This is the home of 'Lonesome George', the giant tortoise that is the last of his species.  He has 2 new resident females of a similar species in the hopes of offspring.  Wait and see as he lived with 2 others for 20 years and nothing.  Apparently not a compatible species.  
This centre also has a large breeding centre for the different types of tortoises.  Dome, saddleback and Flat.
Then on bus to ferry to cross to the Island of Balta to catch the plane back to Quito.  A bit on the chaotic side, but made the flight.
Did not do much back in Quito.  Had about 5 pounds of clothes washed at laundry down street for $1.  Can't do it that cheap at home!  Life is good!  Washed, dried and neatly folded!
Dinner at local restaurant.  Very nice fish in lemon sauce.

February 1, Galapagos, Ecuador
Awake, sort of, at 5 am!!!  Off for a walk on Puerto Egas, a black sand beach.
Amazing as during walk a flycatch kept landing on people.  Their shoulders, fingers and even checking out their reflection in camera lenses!
More iguanas, sea lions, and fur seals.  But saw a sea turtle from a view point but best part was snorkeling while one was grazing on the sea bed floor!  This island had a salt mine in the 1920s but the guy went bankrupt when salt on mainland was discovered.
Then motored to Rabida Island for about 3 hours.  Most of the time frigate birds were riding the air wave from the boat.  This is a red sand beach.  Did a short walk around part of the island.  Many cactus loaded with flower.  Then for the afternoon snorkel.  This beach has many of the same kind of fish but while out there a few dolphins went swimming by!!!  Not worried by us in the water.  Tried to catch but.......  not a chance!

January 31, Galapagos, Ecuador
Another early rise!  At Chinese Hat for walk
saw a 1 day old sea lion pup on walk, as well as frigate birds, crabs.  Interesting as crabs are black when young and as they age and spend more time in sun they become very colorful.
A walk along beach and there are many turtle tracks going up the beach to nest.
Snorkel in deep water that was very clear.  Many colourful fish, sting rays, sea urchins.  Even saw an octopus being chased by several other small fish!
Boat made way to Bartolome Island.  The snorkeling here was good but not as clear.  Spotted 3 or 4 sleeping sharks.  Did not wake them!
Motored again for about 6 hours!  The water was very rough and there were a few people turning a bit green.  Many did not go to bed until after 9, which has been late, as that is when we anchored.

January 30, Galapagos, Ecuador
Up at 6.30 am for pickup for the 3 hour flight from Quito to Galapagos.  Airport is on Balta, but the town site is Santa Cruz on a different island.
Lunch on boat, the Pelikano, and off to walk and snorkel at Los Bachus beach.  The walk was great.  Nice golden coloured sand with many turtle tracks to nesting areas.  Saw 3 flamingos is a brackish lagoon.  Also many iguanas and sea lions.  Took way too many pictures which I later deleted.  Also saw many more during the days to follow.
The snorkeling was good, but not that clear of water.  Many fish and the beach was fairly busy.
The first night on the boat!  Room is small with bunk beds!  I ended up on the top bunk, which was also much smaller than the lower bunk.  Not a lot of head room either, but it is a bed.
The evening was spent watching the pelicans and sharks feeding around the boat.  Surprisingly the pelicans would stay in the water with the sharks circling around.  Some of the sharks were at least 2 meters.  

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