Thursday, February 24, 2011

Peru, 2011

February 22, Lima, Peru
Leisurely start today, left at 8 am.  Headed down the trail and suddenly a big crack and a tree fell.  Turns out it fell across the stairs on way down to boat!  Turned around and went another way to the boat.
By boat for 45 minutes and then to bus for 45 minutes and then off to airport.  The plane was about 1 hour late due to rain.  It is pouring and has not stopped.  The stop in Cusco cancelled due to bad weather, so straight to Lima,  One hour late leaving but arrived 1/2 hour earlier than planned.  That is a great way to go!
Short walk around and throught JFK park.  Very nice, lots of trees, seats and even a small market.  Then to dinner and drinks as farewell to the group.
A super group to travel with and will be different not having them around after 3 weeks together, but on to the next adventure.........

February 21, Amazon Jungle, Peru
Up early for walk but pouring rain, so cancelled.  Actually the guide later told us that very dangerous to walk while raining as it causes trees to fall!  Heard a couple.
Took a short walk to river and then boat ride, another 30 minutes walk to Lake Chimbadas.  The is an elbow lake.  Boarded a catamaran powered by an oar, around the lake.  Saw a family otters fishing, cuckoos, cayman and then fished with stick, line, hook, and raw meat for bait for piranas!  Small fish but huge mouths with many teeth!
Returned to lodge, Posada Lodge, one of 3 run by Rainforest Expeditions out of Puerto Maldonado, Peru.  This is a great place.  We are very well looked after!
Had lunch, excellent as usual, and the a short walk to a look out tower, which overlooks the river and the jungle.  37 meters up!  Amazing views.  There was a philodendron with about 5 foot leaves, and roots that dropped straight down to jungle floor, 100 feet below!
Then onto boat again for short ride to Shaman's place.  This guy and his brother run a 'hospital' for the local people.  They also have gardens where they grow many plants they use for healing.  He took us on a tour.  He showed us antiseptics, sexual impotence cures (para para), cancer, arthritis, stomach cures, and general medicines.  The funniest one was a love potion.  Guy rubs this potion on his hand, then touches the one he loves.  Leaves her for 3 days and then meets her again, and she will be in love with him.  Catch is, the potion wears off in 3 months.

February 20, Amazon Jungle, Peru
After a 1 1/2 delay sitting in the airplane, arrived at Puerto Maldanado, 35 minutes later!  Apparently a storm was going through and they did not want to take off, but they had made us walk across what seemed like the whole tarmac to the plane, and then they decided to move plane to fill fuel tanks!  Not sure what happened.
But arrived ok, and then onto the office to repack bags as only allowed 1 day pack at lodge.  
Then got a 45 minute bus ride over dirt roads, complete with many pot holes, of course they were full of water!
Then onto a long boat for the 45 minute ride up the Tombogada River to the lodge.  The jungle is so thick and tall!
Welcomed nicely with a drink, and were supposed to go for a walk but it was raining.
Had dinner and the went for a night walk - saw spiders, grasshoppers, many insects and the largest tarantula I have seen!  Guide coaxed out of hole!  Bigger than a hand!
Actually heard trees falling in forest!
Back to bar for a drink.  
They turn the power generator off at about 9, so only candle and kerosene lamp lights!
The room does not have a door, only curtains as does the bathroom.  Very nice place, but the best part was no 4th wall!  There is a railing but all open to the jungle about 3 meters away.  Something else.  Can lay in bed and listen to the rain.  But does sound like it is pouring but not always as the sound is amplified by the tree leaves!  
February 19, Cusco, Peru
Lazy morning just visiting and catching up on pictures and blog.  

Went to Sun temple, but it turned out to be more of a church than anything.  Apparently the temple was mostly destroyed by Spanish and they build a monastery over top and around it.
Then spent some time wandering around the artistic area and the San Bias church.
The usual evening, dinner and drinks!  Great deals, especially with you get to happy hour, anywhere from $4 to $6 for 2 cocktails.
February 18, Cusco, Peru
Up and off to to Machu Piccu.  A 30 minute van ride up a mountain for about 1000 meters.  Mostly single lane, with hairpin curves.  Had a 2 hour tour around the main areas.  The temple area, court yards and the housing complex.  The stone work is amazing.  The tight fitted stones are for the temples and the houses have a looser work.  Still something to see considering they did not use anything but stone tools.  The mystic of the place is added too by the clouds that are continually rolling through.  Shortly after the tour the rain poured!  
Went and had coffee and dispite the rain went walking again.  Up to the guard house and the sun temple.  
Tried to go up the other peak but all the limited number of tickets were gone!
Then caught the train to Ollantaytambo (2 hours), and van back to Cusco (45 minutes).
Dinner at restaurant and then off to Frogs bar for drinks.  Home at 12.30 am.  Good night and nice to be in bar with live band.

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