Friday, May 14, 2010

It has been suggested that I need to have a theme for this adventure!

Two suggestions have been made:

1. Randy's running ......(away from .....)

2. What I did on my summer holiday.......

And then have been given words of advice -

The Wise Dragon's Words of Advice for the Randy Running Relay 2010-2011

1. Do not camp under volcanos.

2. Avoid women in black when in Russia.

3. No hot dog roasts in the Outback.

4. Swim fast the other way if long, skinny fish give you the eye on the Amazon.

5. Let Pam microchip you.

6. Call us if you need help!

Follow this simple advice and you will stay safe!

Any other suggestions?

May 12, 2010

Well actually got away............ Left Seattle at 4.30pm (sharp)

Flew over night, well sort of, and arrived in Reykjavik at 6.30 am May 13, yahoooooo

Figure this puzzle out....

Left Seattle at 4.30 pm and when at cruising altitude the sun was shining almost straight in the left hand window. After a bit, the sun was still shining in the left hand window, and we were flying at at 90 degrees ( that is East). After more time, sun was still shining in the window and the direction of flight had not changed much.

Through out most of the flight the sun was shining in the left hand window! It did set a bit, but never did it get dark. Landed in Reykjavik the sun was up for the morning, and was still shining in the left hand side window! Actually it is 10 pm and still fairly light out, and it is cloudy!

May 13, 2010

Landed in Iceland at 6.30 am. No issues except we had to go through security checks again. Shoes off and all! Found the ATM machine, one option is to take out 90,000 krona! ouch but that is worth about $700.

Got on bus and drove in to the city! Looks like a moonscape. Rocky, and very flat, right to the ocean. Except for some single old volcanos (not smoking) in the distance. Very interesting.

The highway is amazing! 4 lanes, very smooth and not a bump! And hardly another vehicle on the road! But turns out that it is a statutory holiday!

Arrived at hotel, and had maybe 30 minutes - brush teeth, have coffee, quick sandwich and then on the tour bus! And only had 1 cup coffee, will I make it? But worried about when the next bathroom break would be!

After a quick tour of the city, out on the highway. First stop, the Geothermal plant. Very interesting. Generates electricity and use the hot water to heat homes! And they recycle some of the water into ground again to be reheated.

Interesting landscape, actually not all flat like around airport.

Farms, of mostly horses and sheep are not that big, 10 to 20 acres. But this is all volcanic rock! Glad I do not have to pick these rocks! Seems each of the fields are divided by deep ditches. Apparently for drainage!

Drove by the active volcano, Amazing.

Only saw the ash in the air and then the amount on the ground is amazing. Stopped at the farm that made the news showing the amount of ash on his land! Hard to believe that it can be that thick! Anywhere from a dusting to inches! The area around his house is covered. It is almost like night it is so dark! Just weird!

Stayed in a 'Farm stay'. Actually is on a farm, but there were 60 rooms! Very nice. Nice to get some sleep.

Getting late, this is day 1. finish the rest tomorrow!

Are you bored yet?

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