Monday, September 27, 2010

Turkey and then to London 2010

Sept 25, London
Up and off to watch friend's son play rugby at his school.  Arrived early so had a look around the school.  The facilities available at the school would be the envy of any school or university!  Huge grounds with every available sport possible and the pitches (fields) were immaculate.
Later in day off for a pub walk.  Very nice.  Cloudy and a bit windy.
The weather here is quite cold, at least to what I am used to!  Maybe reaching a high of 20, which is very much a change!  Long pants, shoes, sweater and a jacket needed.
Sept 24, London
Easy morning, breakfast then pack to fly to London.  Arrive after a 3 1/2 hour fligh and so nice to get picked up by friend and taken to her house!
Lots of talking and catching up on the past few months.
Sept 23, Istanbul, Turkey
Caught the tram to Taksim, an area on the other side of the bay.  This is the main shopping area.  There is one long street that runs for about 2 km that is all shops with many side streets that lead off with many small cafes and restaurants.  The street is only pedestrian except for an old tram that runs the length.  The street is full of people, both all afternoon and into the night.  Wandered around, up and down the many streets ending up at the Galata Tower.  Great views of the city from the top, including the Blue Mosque and the Aya Sofa.
Met up with the 2 sisters that live in Istanbul that I met on the Saklikent Gorge/Tlos tour.  We had a great dinner together at a restaurant near the tower that served Anatolyian food.  Then wandered around the streets, having some ice cream.  It was 11 pm by the time I got back to the hotel.
Sept 22, Istanbul, Turkey
Thought I had an early start to the day, but the tour buses had me beat!  Went to the Aya Sofa (started in 500s AD), an huge mosque that has been converted into a museum.  Interesting as this was first a church until 1453,  then changed to a mosque and since Muslims forbid showing faces they plastered over the many frescos and mosaics.  Turns out this preserved them so in very good condition.
The is a huge place that also has a balcony on the second floor.  This is very high, but the domes are still much higher.
Around the corner and to the Topkapi Palace, built in 1453.  Here the line ups were huge, for all the rooms, including the bath rooms.  Frustrating as people were jumping the 'queues'.  Went into the Harem, which is the area for the various wives of the Sultan, princes and also the unichs of the palace.  Many rooms including the meeting, sitting, bed, bath and dining.  Many of the rooms in tile, and not convinced many of the different styles and colours of tiles actually go together, but who am I to say.
Went to an evening performance of the Whirling Dervishes.  In 4 separate times they spin and go into a trance like state.  
Sept 21, Istanbul Turkey
Went on a boat tour of the Bosphorus River.  It joins the Black sea and Marmara Sea and divides Istanbul between the European and Asian continents.  Was interesting to see all the palaces, summer homes and castle along the shores.  The weather was very windy and cold.  I am actually wearing a sweater!  Not good!  Not used to this!
Then went for a walk and found a main eating area by the looks of it.  Lots of people around eating fresh fried fish sandwiches.  Was really very good!  4 lire ($2.50)  Also tried the Turkish bagels were are also very good and then had the Turkish donuts!  Wow.  Smothered in honey with a dusting of pistachio.  
Then wandered through the spice market.  The smells and sights are great.  I liked this much better than the Grand Bazaar.  Much more life to this place.  Turns out is a place where you can buy anything you may want.  Even electric motors, plastic goods, toys and the list goes on.
Stopped in a small place to have a coffee and a young guy and his grandfather sat beside me.  They are here on holiday from Pakistan.  The young guy's brother is studying at York.  Great chat and when they left they said they had bought my coffee.  Wow that was so nice of them.
Went to the Archeology museum.  Huge place that is in part of the old palace, I think.  Lots of exhibits, with a huge section on sarcophagus.  Then went to the Cistern, used for water storage.    Dates back to 500 AD.  The place is huge.  There are a couple of columns that have bases with statutes of Medusa at the bottom.  Weird as one is up side down and the other side ways.  They do not know why.
For the first time in months I wore long pants!  Awful!  But had to for 2 reasons - need to wear to get into Blue Mosque and also it feels cold.
Completed in 1616, the Blue Mosque is huge.  The tiles and mosaics are beautiful and true to name, much is done in blue tile.  Also interesting, they do not charge to go in and see.  They do limit where you can go but that is not a problem.  Many domes, and the large dome seems to be supported by several stained glass windows.  Very nice.

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