Friday, October 8, 2010

London, Salisbury, Avebury and Bath

Sept 30, Bath/London
No breakfast at hotel this morning, so up an off on the hunt for coffee.  Ended up having a walk along the River Avon, over the Pulteney Bridge, which is tough to identify as bridge as there are shops on both sides of the bridge. The river as a lock, but did not look like it had been used much, and there were several canal boats.  They are very narrow, but long.  Not sure I could spend much time in there but it would be great to do a trip on one!
Took a walking tour of the city.  Was interesting as he pointed out some of the more notable buildings.  Including the home of General Wolfe who fought the French for control over Canada.  Interesting part is that the house is now an English language school.  

Saw the curved row of houses, which seems to be common as hotel was the same.  
Then into the Roman baths.  This was well worth it as you had an audio guide.  One of the commentators was Bryson, the author.  He provided a different perspective on the place.  One thing he did say was that it is so contradictory that the Romans were so far advanced in building, architecture, providing services such as water and sewer yet so primitive since their religion required sacrifices to the gods!

Then went to the Spa.  Expected a more natural hot spring type pool, but really was a public pool and not convinced that the water was natural!  The 4 different steam rooms had various smells ( I guess I should call it the aroma therapy!)  That was quite good.  There were 2 pools.  The roof top one was good, except could have been hotter, but had a great view of the Abbey and the surrounding hillside pastures and houses.

Then off the train station to get back to London.  Arrived 3 hours later.
Out for dinner with friends at a local pub.  So nice!
Sept 29, Bath

Talked to woman at breakfast who got great delight when I told her my name was Randy.  Glad I made her day as she complained about everything else.
She recommended I go to Avebury to see the stone circles there.  I went!  2 hours on bus with 1 change in Pewsey, a small little village. 
  Had time for lunch but did meet a young guy that said I should also see the Long Barrow.  He said that his friends play drums in there every Halloween and even after they stop, you can feel the vibrations of the drum.  Eerie!  

There are 3 large circles that date back to about 4000 BC.  Many are missing and interesting to see the highway run through the middle with the village in the centre of the circles.

  A 40 minute hike through a field of dirt, or should I say mud, as it has been raining, and through a pasture or 2 found the West Kennet Long Barrow!  Was neat.  on Top of a hill over looking the valley.  Very nice.  The tomb dates back about 4500 years with about 40 skeletons found that apparently ranged in time over about 1000 years.  On the trail to get there I had to walk around the Silbury Hill which dates back to about 2700 BC.  No one is sure why it is there.  No tombs were found.

Caught the bus to Swindon and then a train to Bath.  
Sept 28, Salisbury
Took a 2 hour train ride to Salisbury.  Great as outside the train station was the tour bus to Stonehenge.  An interesting site as it is 5000 years old and not sure what it is really for.  They do know that the placement of stones matches the calendar and show the solstice.  Eerie a bit as there were lots of crows on the site and in the fields around the site.  They do know that there were no human sacrifices or that the druids occupied the site.  I guess someone should tell the druids outside the site with signs saying they want the place back.

Took a short walk through pasture to The Curious Burrow, 5 burial mounds that date back 1000s of years as well.
This bus then stopped at the Old Sarum, the original site of Salisbury that dates back to 3000 BC.  It was also the site of a castle dating back to William the Conqueror in the 11th century.
very intetersting old city.

Dinner at old mill.
Sept 27, London
Wandered around Sutton doing some shopping.

Sept 26, London
Lazy morning then out in afternoon for a Pub walk.  Very nice but did start to rain so cut it a bit short.  Thought for a while that it was a perfect walk, 2 for 1, 2 pubs, 1 walk, but one of the pubs was not open.  Oh well.  Still nice, lots of peasants in the fields and many cows.


  1. You came all the way to the UK and didn't even visit Jossie and I!!!!! ARRRRGHHHH!

  2. ah sorry, I just recognized you and I did loose track of you!
    My email is
