Monday, October 25, 2010

Laos 2010

Just getting caught up on writing and posting.  Very slow internet so was not going to spend hours waiting for uploads!
I do have many more pictures if you want to see you can just email me at

Oct 24, Vientiane, Laos
On a tuk tuk at 8 am, on VIP bus by 9 am and not off bus until almost 7.30 pm!  Ouch, bum is very numb.
Not a very comfortable "VIP" bus but at least not crowded so had 2 seats.  Ticket included lunch.

Had a quick shower and out to find something to eat.  Many stalls closed up from festival, but did find one place selling fried rice and fried noodles.  Had the fried noodles!  They were excellent.  Sat down at table which I thought was for public but I think it was for the staff!  Oh well.  Enjoyed my noodles and they even brought me more!  I did not need it but was so good I ate anyway!
Oct 23, Luang Prabang, Laos
Well I have to say that Green Discovery Tour company is great!  I paid for the Vang Vieng tour in Vientiane, but paid the full price for only 1 person with the promise that they would refund me any overpayment.  There were 6 people on tour so they owed me about $33.  I left before I was able to catch the office, so in Luang Prabang I went in and booked another tour and they made a short phone call and applied the refund to the new tour!  Very easy.  That is so nice to see!
Today was a 'slow boat' tour up the Mekong for about 1 hour.  Very nice relaxing ride.  There were 3 other people on tour, all from Vancouver!
Made a stop at 2 Buddha Caves.  These were very busy.  Lots of exercise as had to walk up many steps to 1.
Then across the river where the elephants were.  Just looking, as this was another kayak trip, downsteam!
Stopped at a small village, where they make paper and the various products.  Very nice.  The paper is made from the bark of a tree and the dyes are all natural.
There is also much weaving of silk scarves and skirts done in same village.
A little bit more paddling and stopped at a village that makes Lao Lao whiskey!  Of course had a sample.  Made from rice.  The first was a rice wine, about 15%, which was actually not too bad.  But the whiskey was about 50% and just tasted like pure alcohol!  Not for me.  And just so know, I did not taste the whiskey that has the cobra or tiger snake and the scorpion and centipede in it!  That was just too gross!  Tasted a lot of different things, but could not do this!  Not matter how good it would be for me or what it was supposed to do for me!
A short ride and then onto the slow boat again.  
A very nice trip and sure that arms and shoulders will be sore, but that is ok.
Spent the night wandering around the city as it is the end of Buddhist lent!  Lots of firecrackers and even many home made hot air balloons being released into the air!  Very nice.  Everyone is into the party mood!
I had dinner at a restaurant not too far from guesthouse.  Run by the cousin of a guy that waited on me at breakfast.  Very nice kid and was very pleased that I showed up.  He spent the whole time just talking to me.  Very interesting.  He comes from a small village just north, and his parents are farmers.  He is studying English, and wants to be a teacher!
Oct 22, Luang Prabang, Laos

Today only a 6 hour mini bus ride!  A couple of German women on bus said that the driver was very fast!  He was!!!!   No need to get exercise as I was getting it just hanging on!  The mountain roads are very narrow, steep and very curvy!  No accidents, but there is one flat chicken on road in a small village.  Glad it was only a chicken!
Amazing as most animals just seem to slowly step aside as the traffic goes by, and the vehicles just weave their way through!

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