Sunday, March 27, 2011

Argentina to Uruguay 2011

March 26, Salto, Uruguay
Bus tour in morning around Montevideo.  Around the city centre and by the port.  This out to the suburbs.  By several very nice homes where all the rich people live.  House for about $300,000.
Stopped a the large local park that was donated by one of the former residence.  There are many bronze statues all over the city!
Then a 6 hour bus ride to Salto.  Not too bad, as bus was very comfortable.  Mostly an agricultural area.  Many cattle and sorgum fields.  The area looks fairly prosperous, and according to some reading it is!  Arrived about 6, checked in and then went for dinner and then short walk down the street and along the river.  Did enjoy some more wine tonight, A San Juan cabernet sauv.  Very good!
And then to bed!  
March 25, Montevideo, Uruguay
Walked around Colonia in morning.  Great little town with a lot of Spanish and Portuguese influence.  Visited the old city wall, lighthouse and some other buildings.
The city is full of very old vehicles.  Some that still run and some that do not appear to have moved in a long time!  Still very interesting.

Then 3 hour bus ride to Montevideo, the Capital city of Uruguay.  The population of the country is about 3.5 million, and 1.5 million in this city.  The hostel here is somewhat better, but not much.  They at least have a bar, with cheap drinks that they free pour the booze!  Went out for expensive dinner, $40, salmon with shrimp sauce and huge glass of red wine, tannat is the favoured grape!  Very good.
March 24, Colonia de Sacramento, Uruguay
Lazy morning, left on boat to Uruguay.  Nice ride, but unable to get outside to watch.  The river is very muddy looking with lots of wind and waves.  
Turns out there was a huge screw up in reservations so ended up separated in 2 awful hostels, not a great way to start a tour!  By the time this got sorted out and we had dinner it was very late!
March 23, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Did not do much.  Sorted out some things to mail home.  Did get my flights home changed.  Fly back on July 4, I could not get a flight as they were booked up for almost a week earlier!  Oh well, that is ok!
Did some research on Central America, specifically Panama and Costa Rica.
Had a short meeting with the new tour group, as that tour started today.  Then out for dinner at a traditional Argentinian BBQ restaurant!  Huge place.  $25 for 1/2 litre of wine, huge tenderloin steak and potatoes!  The steak was great!

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