Friday, April 1, 2011

Uruguay into Argentina (again) 2011

March 28, San Ignacio, Argentina
Arrived and settled by about 10.30.  Got a far bit of sleep!  Scary that I have adjusted to these overnight trips!  Maybe good as there is another on to come in a couple of days!
Spent part of afternoon wandering around the San Ignacio Jesuit church town site.  Built here in 1696, but founded in 1610 in Brazil and moved here.  Huge complex for about 4500 people.
The site was restored in 1940.  Nice place and good to wander around.  
Then went for hike in jungle/rain forest.  2 hour walk after a bone jarring ride on a wood bench in the back of a jeep with no shocks, over rough dirt/rocky roads!  The walk was nice with a look out over the river Parana, which eventually makes its way to the Amazon River!
Also went to the house site of Boorman, the exiled Nazi concentration camp leader.  That was a bit of a surprise.  Apparently there were also some research in the area for nuclear use.  Not sure about that though.  But they did build a fort/look out for protection.
Then went to see several sculptures that relate to the local native (Guanaco ???) myths and beliefs.  On the way back actually spotted a tarantula.  Still just a as scary as the one in Peru!
Did not see much for wildlife.  Few birds, couple of butterflies.
Then at night went to the sound and light show at the ruins.  This was very well done with 3D and 2D projections.  Told a story about the sight using 1 guy and what his life may have been like.  Very interesting.  
Dinner and to bed, very tired!

March 27, Over night bus to San Ignacio, Argentina
Back again, and I have lost track how many times we have entered Argentina!
Relaxing morning of a great breakfast!
Then caught a local bus to the Dayman Hot springs!
So nice to relax in hot springs, and soak up a bit of sun.  Several different pools and lots of grassy areas.  They also had different showers with multiple sprays.  
Caught the bus back to city centre and went for a good coffee!  Dinner and then waiting for taxi to border back into Argentina and then the overnight bus.
Left at 11.30 pm and arrived at Posadas, at 8 am, where changed to another bus for 1 hour ride.  

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