Friday, April 8, 2011

Sao Paulo, Paraty and Rio Brazil, 2011

April 6, Rio de Janerio, Brazil
Up early on on the bus, again!  Just over a 4 hour ride to Rio.  Got settled then most of us caught the local bus to Sugar Loaf Mountain.  The ride was wild!  No shocks on bus and a rough road.  Not a good combination, and of course we sat at the back of the bus, just to get the better ride!
Arrived and up we go!  2 sets of cable cars to get you to the top!  Very busy place as it is the place to be to see the sunset!  Was great!  People actually clapped their hands when the sun set!
Then off to Cocacabana Beach for dinner and drinks!  Celebrating another birthday!  There were 3 on this trip!  Great time.  Our last meal together as a group!
Tough start to trip but turned out to be very good!

April 5, Paraty, Brazil
Spent part of the morning and the afternoon on a boat trip.  Traveled to about 3 different islands. 
Able to do some snorkeling and swimming but the water was not that clear.  There was a turtle poking his head out of the water in the first bay, but did not see him under the water!
Got a bit of sun, but then just before the last stop, it started to pour rain!  Just as it has each afternoon here!
Even though it was raining some of us dived into the water for a swim.  Water was pouring off my head, and that was from the rain.
Got back into the town, and many of the streets had been flooded, but not by the rain but by the tide!
For some reason they built this city 300 years ago, and the streets flood with the tides.  Apparently it is only with full moon, but we are in middle of full moons!  Not sure why they have not built up the city to avoid this, but instead they have holes in walls to allow the water to flow in and out!  On some street, they also have bridges over the road and water!
April 4, Paraty, Brazil
Early start, out of hotel by 7 am and on the bus at 8.  Arrived at Paraty at about 2.30 pm.  Long bus ride again but drove through mountains that are mostly covered in forest/jungle!  Very lush!

Hit the coast and actually saw a South Atlantic beach.  Looks very nice.  Beaches at in small bays along the coast.  Most of the coast is very rocky, with the mountains running right up to the water.
Took a short walk around the city.  Apparently the some streets will flood with high tides and there is a lot of water in the streets.  The streets are cobble stoned.  Rocks and not the easiest to walk on.  Walked to the harbour and then back along the main street.  Most of the buildings in the old town are very well looked after with colourful doors.  The city was founded in 1660, and looks like the streets are just as they were.  Interest as I did see some electrical lines running out of buildings, some of them buried in between the rocks but some look like they have been buried under.  I can not imagine how much work that would be.

April 3, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Very noisy street!  Partied most of the night I think and room is over the street!
Relaxing morning but still on the road (or sidewalk) about 10.30 am.  Walked through the Republic park and down a huge shopping pedestrian mall.  Most stores closed!
Went to the large Cathedral.  Apparently it can hold up to 8000 people!  It was huge!
Then walked to a large park.  Took about 1 hour to get there, but still a great walk.  In a fairly rich area with many doctors' offices, including what looked like plastic surgeons.
Park was very nice with good sized lakes and lots of people.  Had lunch and then walking more.  Started to rain, so stopped under a shelter with most others, actually was pouring.
Ended up soaking wet, so caught a cab back to the hotel.
Out for dinner to a buffet, again.  You have to like a place that serves you endless amount of beef and chicken.  This time we were also offered ox.  Tried but found it very tough!
April 2, Sao Paulo, Brazil
In taxis, as this is how we are transported to and from the bus terminal, and off on bus for Sao Paulo at 9 am.  The ride took about 6 1/2 hours.  Nice ride, comfortable.  Seemed to go over a mountain range that was dense forest/jungle.
Ended up in a nice hotel in centre of city.  Will go out exploring a bit later and tomorrow.
Poured rain with lots of wind and even some thunder!
Headed out for something to eat, and after looking at several places, got shown one buffet!  We were not really looking for a buffet, always eat too much, and this was reals 22 ($15), but with all the hesitation he dropped the price to reals 15 ($10)!!!  Can not beat a bargin!  It was pretty good!

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