Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Bocas del Toro and into Costa Rica 2011

April 22, San Jose, Costa Rica

Streets are abandoned!  Stores and shops closed.  
Went walking around and not much open at all!
Found a restaurant and then walked around the sights!  Theatre, Cathedral, museum and souvenir market (called artesian market).   And even only a few of them open!
More processions today.  Watched a couple of the stops along the streets.  At least there are lots of people at these.
Also arranged for a tour.

April 21, San Jose, Costa Rica
Easy morning.  Afternoon flight.
Went for lunch on water, and then to airport.  Funny as the airport is about 3 blocks from the main street.
The flight took about 50 minutes, in a twin turbo prop Otter!  Seated about 20 people on bench type seats.  The co-pilot gave the take off instructions.  Scramble seating so I ended up in front seat right behind the pilot.  No door so was able to watch the instruments as we flew.  Ask the co-pilot when we landed if he really said it was an Otter, he replied very proudly yes, and that they are perfect for Costa Rica, short flights, and short runways.
Arrived at Hotel Santo Tomas.  Great place in an old house but with a swimming pool.  Ceilings must be 12 feet, wood floors and tiled hallways.  Looks great!
As it is Good Friday, almost everything is closed!  There were a few fast food places open.  Found a small food court.
As the country is strong Catholic, they were also having a procession down the street and also putting the Easter story!  Used several stages.
April 20, Bocas del Toro, Panama
Lazy start to the day!  So nice to sit on balcony and listen to the waves!
Finally got moving and caught the bus to Bocas del Drago, a small place on the north end of the island.  Was standing on the side of road waiting for the bus when the bus came by, asked me where I was going and said that I had to go into town.   About 1 hour later I arrived.  Is really only a 30 minute ride.  But had to wait at the main square then tour around to the school, pick up a bunch of school kids and then back to square.  Then finally got going.  Not sure why I had to go into town as the bus stopped along the way anyway!  But I guess I did get a seat!
Bocas del Drago has a few little guest houses and 2 or 3 restaurants.  I just walked along the beach towards the Starfish beach.  Along the way spotted a sting ray swimming along the edge of the water.  Only about 1 foot across but still good to see.  He was there when I went back as well!
Saw a few starfish.  Just along the edge of the water.  Brightly coloured.  Walked as far as I could go along the beach and turned back.  There were 3 or 4 tour boats parked along the beach, but the best part was the guy selling beers, cold!  $2!!!!!
Caught the bus back and then went for another swim at the beach.  Dirty compared to the other beaches with some kind of sea weed in the water.  Come out of water a bit green!
Relaxed for rest of evening, as off to San Jose, Costa Rica tomorrow!
April 19, Bocas del Toro, Panama
Off on boat tour today.  Only 5 on the tour.

A late start, so I guess manana, is in full force here!
After about a 15/20 minute boat ride, stopped in Dolphin Bay with about 15 other boats.  We saw many dolphins, which is good as I guess the day before the people saw 3!
Then off to Coral Cay.  Ordered lunch, and then went for a snorkel.  Went just off the dock a few yards.  Many fish just swimming around and a fair bit of coral.  Very nice.  Water nice as well.
Then off to Zapatilla Island National Park.  Beautiful beaches all the way around the island.  Coral just off the beach, but water was fairly shallow.  Good snorkeling, and not much for current or waves.  Took a walk around the island that took only about 30 minutes.  Maybe 50 people on the whole island.
Couple of hours here and then back to Coral Cay for lunch.  Interesting way to do it, but I guess that way they only buy and cook what is needed.
Mixed seafood with coconut curry sauce.  Very good
On way back to Island Colon, stopped at a bouy in the middle of a bay somewhere.  Beautiful multicoloured coral here!  Amazing.  Blue, purple, red, orange, green.  Very nice.
Got back to town about 4 pm after a 10 am start.  Great day.
Bought some groceries to have for dinner, sandwiches as still full from lunch.
Relaxing night!

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