Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Cosa Rica 2011

April 25, San Jose, Costa Rica
Another 8 am boat tour and then a 1 hour walk through part of the National park that parallels the beach.
Similar animals but this time we did see baby caimans!  Mother close by with babies sunning themselves on a log!  Still a very interesting boat ride.

On the walk we saw some spiders and ants, but also some howler monkeys!  Looked like they were sleeping in the very tops of the trees above us.  Apparently you are not supposed to stand underneath them as they will drop things on you but also you are supposed to keep you mouth closed, for the same reason that you never look up when birds are flying over head!  No problems!
The lodge is quite nice.  All four walls this time, but no windows on 2 sides!  They are screened this time.  Nice balcony with 2 rocking chairs out front.  Very neat to sit there and watch monkeys in the trees!  All cabins are on stilts as are the walkways.  It does flood in the rainy season.  Just at the end of the dry season now.  Weather was great, only a bit of rain one night!
April 24, Tortuguero (means Turtle home) National Park, Costa Rica
Off on boat tour of canals at 8 am for a couple of hours!

Saw white faced monkeys, spider moneys, caiman, many types of heron (blue, tiger), Jesus lizard (walks on water), iquana, other small lizard.
Very interested trip!
Had the rest of day to ourselves so went for a walk on the 2km trail and did a short kayak trip.
Then relaxed by the pool, tried to sleep but could not. 
Hilarious as a bunch of white faced monkeys showed up in the trees near the pool and everyone was out with their cameras.  Not sure which group was putting on the best show!
April 23, Tortuguero National Park, Costa Rica
Very early start!  In van by about 6 am!  and on the road.
Mostly pavement but the last 1 1/2 hours was big stones!  
Drove through the mountain pass, very lush and green.  
Stopped for breakfast and we could actually see the smoke rising from a volcano that became active about 3 years ago!
Along the way stopped at banana packing house.  This was Del Monte but Chiquita is just down the road.  They also have their own airport and airstrip!
Both huge operations.  The bunches of bananas are wrapped in plastic and hauled to the plant by a system of overhead tracks, pulled by a man!  He pulls several, maybe 15 to 20.
Also saw a 2 toes sloth and a red frog.  The frog's sweat is poisonous.
Then got a 11/2 hour boat ride.  Many birds along the way.  Very nice.
Arrived about 1 pm, and long trip.  Went into have lunch.  Full hot buffet, that was pretty good.
Went on tour of the turtle beach and a short walk through the main town of Tortuguero.  Mostly hostels, guest houses and restaurant.  And these are open, even with Easter!
Then back to hotel.  The hotel is on a sand bar that has been overgrown with trees and vines.  Interesting as there are many inland waterways.
Had dinner and then at 9 pm headed out on tour to see turtle lay her eggs.  We were not lucky.  Saw a couple of sets of tracks coming out of the water but they turned around and headed back in.  
Very dark!  And to think we paid to walk along beach at night for about 3 hours!  Disappointed we did not see anything.  According to the guide one did land but at 4 am!  Strange as it would be getting light! when she finished (takes about 2 hours to lay 500 eggs).
Very tired and sandy when got back to the hotel.  

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