Monday, October 25, 2010

Laos 2010

Just getting caught up on writing and posting.  Very slow internet so was not going to spend hours waiting for uploads!
I do have many more pictures if you want to see you can just email me at

Oct 24, Vientiane, Laos
On a tuk tuk at 8 am, on VIP bus by 9 am and not off bus until almost 7.30 pm!  Ouch, bum is very numb.
Not a very comfortable "VIP" bus but at least not crowded so had 2 seats.  Ticket included lunch.

Had a quick shower and out to find something to eat.  Many stalls closed up from festival, but did find one place selling fried rice and fried noodles.  Had the fried noodles!  They were excellent.  Sat down at table which I thought was for public but I think it was for the staff!  Oh well.  Enjoyed my noodles and they even brought me more!  I did not need it but was so good I ate anyway!
Oct 23, Luang Prabang, Laos
Well I have to say that Green Discovery Tour company is great!  I paid for the Vang Vieng tour in Vientiane, but paid the full price for only 1 person with the promise that they would refund me any overpayment.  There were 6 people on tour so they owed me about $33.  I left before I was able to catch the office, so in Luang Prabang I went in and booked another tour and they made a short phone call and applied the refund to the new tour!  Very easy.  That is so nice to see!
Today was a 'slow boat' tour up the Mekong for about 1 hour.  Very nice relaxing ride.  There were 3 other people on tour, all from Vancouver!
Made a stop at 2 Buddha Caves.  These were very busy.  Lots of exercise as had to walk up many steps to 1.
Then across the river where the elephants were.  Just looking, as this was another kayak trip, downsteam!
Stopped at a small village, where they make paper and the various products.  Very nice.  The paper is made from the bark of a tree and the dyes are all natural.
There is also much weaving of silk scarves and skirts done in same village.
A little bit more paddling and stopped at a village that makes Lao Lao whiskey!  Of course had a sample.  Made from rice.  The first was a rice wine, about 15%, which was actually not too bad.  But the whiskey was about 50% and just tasted like pure alcohol!  Not for me.  And just so know, I did not taste the whiskey that has the cobra or tiger snake and the scorpion and centipede in it!  That was just too gross!  Tasted a lot of different things, but could not do this!  Not matter how good it would be for me or what it was supposed to do for me!
A short ride and then onto the slow boat again.  
A very nice trip and sure that arms and shoulders will be sore, but that is ok.
Spent the night wandering around the city as it is the end of Buddhist lent!  Lots of firecrackers and even many home made hot air balloons being released into the air!  Very nice.  Everyone is into the party mood!
I had dinner at a restaurant not too far from guesthouse.  Run by the cousin of a guy that waited on me at breakfast.  Very nice kid and was very pleased that I showed up.  He spent the whole time just talking to me.  Very interesting.  He comes from a small village just north, and his parents are farmers.  He is studying English, and wants to be a teacher!
Oct 22, Luang Prabang, Laos

Today only a 6 hour mini bus ride!  A couple of German women on bus said that the driver was very fast!  He was!!!!   No need to get exercise as I was getting it just hanging on!  The mountain roads are very narrow, steep and very curvy!  No accidents, but there is one flat chicken on road in a small village.  Glad it was only a chicken!
Amazing as most animals just seem to slowly step aside as the traffic goes by, and the vehicles just weave their way through!

Laos 2010

Oct 21, Pontsavan, Laos
The tour group were in full force again today at breakfast.  But they were on the road by 7.30 am.  Wow that is early.
I had a private driver and private tour guide today as no one else signed up for the tour.
First stop was the information centre.  Here they had many of the bombs and mortars on display.  
Next stop Site 1 of the Plain of Jars.  Fascinating as there are these rocks carved into jars that are huge scattered around on top of a couple of hills!  They believe but not sure that they are about 2000 years old and used for burial.  There are several sites in the area.  Only 6 of the jars have any carvings on them.  A mystery.  

The area was bombed heavily as was the whole area, but the survived.  One of the them had a huge crater beside it, which caused the opposite side to split away!
Next to another cave.  This had a huge Buddha in it as well, but this one was used by the villagers to hide during the bombing.  A table is still there and supposedly a Russian operating table.
Just next to it was the Viet Cong cave.  This was used as a hospital for the VC.  Many morphine bottles still all over the cave floor.  The cave was bombed and most of it had caved in.  The site was perfect for overlooking the valley.
Stopped at a village where they have used old bombs and shells to build their houses and livestock pens.  A big industry in the area is recycling medal from bombs and planes, although illegal,   There is even a plant where they melt the aluminum and make spoons!
On way back to city stopped at the UXO site (unexploded ordinance)  A walk through the pasture and there are still unexploded shells and bombs on the ground.  They are marked with blue paint.  Even 35 years after the war ended, still having impact on area.  This area was the most heavily bombed of the Secret war and the Vietnam war.  The area is a stategic holding for both the US and the Vietnamese.  
Last was a quick stop at a Russian tank.  The guide said that the suspension was still on the tank when he first started doing tours 8 years ago.  Gone now!  Recycled!
Great day.  The tour guide keep saying  he was being bitten by 'flee'.  Strange I did not know where the flees were coming from!  I then figured out that he meant 'fly'!
Oct 20, Pontsavan, Laos

Caught a tuk tuk to the bus station, and then onto the mini bus, really a van.  Much newer than the last, and a good thing as the road was even rougher, windier and steeper than the one to Vang Vieng.  The scenery was beautiful.  Into the mountains.  Mostly bananas and rice.  Amazing as there are villages that have built up right along the highway.  The front of house on edge of highway and the back end on stilts hanging over the cliffs!  The fields are mostly on the steep mountain sides as well.
Shortly after leaving the city, an young guy got on.  20 years old and on his way to study at University in Laung Prabang!  He had very good English and was great just to talk to him.  He is of the Hmong tribe.  They have ancestry that originates in China.  They were also recruited by the CIA as a group to fight the Vietnamese that were using Laos (the HoChi Min trail) in the mountains of Laos during the 'Secret War' (1967 to 1971).  Secret as the US did not want to admit to having any activity in the war. He is studying Business and wants to be a business man, but could not be more specific!
After about 2 1/2 hours, he got off at the main junction where he would continue on to Laung Prabang and I would go to Pontsavan.  About 3 hours later arrived in Pontsavan.  Was met by 3 people from guesthouses.  The Maly hotel, as recommended by the guide book was there so went with them.  100,000 kip per night ($12) but no breakfast.  I also signed up for a tour of the area tomorrow as was too late when I arrived to do much.  Went for a walk around the city.  Very different.  Not many guest houses or hotels in this city, and only met very few foreigners on my walk.  I think they are all staying at the same place.
Got lots of stares walking.  One little guy just stared so I waved and smiled!  Well I got a wave back and big smile!  He was riding on the back of a motor bike so he had to tell his mother.
Lots of 'Hellos' but no "where are you from?'!
Tours are very expensive here which seems out of proportion to other prices!  But many of the cars are new Toyotas or Nissans, with the odd Ford thrown in!  Gas is about $1.10 to 1.20 per litre.  This tour is $75 (US, which is how they seem to be quoted) but includes lunch.
Oct 19, Vang Vieng, Laos

On tour today.  After a short ride in tuk tuk, stopped along the river and got into kayaks.  Rivier current fairly strong here and had to paddle across the river.  Did not even get wet!
First stop was the elephant cave!  A Buddha in cave but the limestone had created a form that looked like an elephant.
Then headed off through a small village, and through some rice paddies to a couple of other caves.  Interesting as we had to do a little bit of climbing, and the floor of cave was muddy and wet so very slippery.  That and very uneven.  I did not slip but one woman did!  Good thing not many bats in cave!
Caves had many stalagmites and stalactites many with crystals formed in to them.  Saw a huge spider!  Good thing I had not talked to the woman met on bus next day as she had a reaction to something that bit her in one of the caves.  Even worse was when we returned to leave the cave the spider was gone!  Where was it?  But had just moved a bit!
Lunch was a beef skewer and fried rice.  The skewer was cooked on a fire but the rice had been brought from town.  Was very good.
Then a short walk and into the water cave.  This cave has a river flowing from the rocks and out the mouth of the cave.  We climbed on inner tubes and pulled ourselves by a rope to the end the of cave.  Was great.  Water was cold to start but ok by the time we finished.
walked back to kayaks and then had a 3 hour paddle back to Vang Vieng.  Paddled along the river.  Was very scenic.  Went past the inner tube starting place but shortly after that were many bars where the inner tubers stop!  Big parties, and lots of people.  Many bars.  This is were most of the people were during the day!  Crazy.
Had to paddle through a few rapids, but nothing really serious except one of the couples did tip over.  Not surprising as they would end up in the bushes, pushed in by the rapids.
We went for a beer and then met for dinner later.  Was great to meet up with others.  1 German woman, an Israeli couple and another couple from London.
Oct 18, Vang Vieng, Laos

Up very early this morning and not sure why!
But did have to catch a bus to Vang Vieng.  I thought that I was catching a big bus but turns out it was a mini van.  There were 1 German woman and  4 Thai guys in the van as well.
After a 3 hour ride over one of the main highways in Laos arrived at exactly where I really wanted to stay!  The highway was something else.  It was very slow going as there were very many pot holes and a lot of plain gravel sections that were very rough going.  
This city is in the mountains.  They really are limestone cliffs, but very nice as they are mostly covered in greenery!  It is beautiful countryside, as I hope to find out tomorrow.
Spent the afternoon wandering the streets of the village.  Not that big so did not even get lost!
The village is pretty all guesthouses and restaurants!  Many of the restaurants were empty but the ones that had people in had TVs going with either Friends or Family Guy on!  The people were sitting drinking beers!  Good think I do not like either of those shows!  Apparently this is a party hangout place where you drink lots, watch TV or if really ambitious float down the river on an inner tube, and of course drink beer or stop at the many pubs that are on the route!  Interesting place!  I did none of those.  I have a tour tomorrow and then leaving the following morning!
The village is on the Nam Song River which flows into the Mekong River.
I have taken a guesthouse with a room that over looks the river.  The view is beautiful.  Many long tail boats going by, tubers and lots of water, which a contrast to no water in the Jordanian wadis.  The sunset on the mountains was also very nice.  I will have to take pictures tomorrow night!  It would be very peaceful, except on the island across the river there are several bars with their music going.  None appear to be too busy!  I have been told this is the low season, as still raining, but also told it is the high season, so not really sure what season it is!  Just know that there are not very many people here.
In my wanderings I did run into the Indiana guy and his Thai girlfriend that I met in Vientiane.
Also discovered that I had left my camera battery charger somewhere!  Either Petra or Aqaba!  Damn!  But stopped in one shop on way to dinner, thinking that others have done the same here!  Sure enough, found an older model of my charger that hopefully will work!  After 85,000 kip ($11)  I am on my way.  I thought it was going to cost more!
Very much the rainy season still.  Just this afternoon 2 downpours went through!  They last about 5 minutes and then gone.  Sun did not come out today but looks like there are stars showing tonight.
Oct 17, Vientiane, Laos
Must have been tired as woke up at 9 am!

Breakfast and off.  
Went to the Morning Market.  Not sure why as is open most of the day!  The place is huge.  Probably 3 or 4 city blocks under very differing buildings.  One is like a 3 story shopping mall with small shops and the other 2 that i saw are under tin roofed building, with open sides.  Packed with stuff, everything you can imagine!  Appliances to small $1 store toys.  They even have brand new Singer sewing machines that are run by foot peddle!  That was a shocker.  Also another brand that I did not recognize.
Then headed off the the large monument.  This is a large concrete structure built years ago but never finished as they ran out of concrete.  Supposedly got finished with concrete diverted from the runways for the airport, but still looks unfinished!  Maybe as it is not painted.  
Also seems to be the local hangout for the young people.  They all seemed to be consuming large bottles of beer!
Oh yes, that is another contrast!  Beer everywhere here! As well as everything you can imagine for alcohol.  Beer is cheap as well.  Had a small beer for less that $1 tonight!  Still in heaven I guess!
Walking around the monument were also several monks of various ages.  All had big smiles for me!  And I even got there photo and helped them take photos of themselves.  Kind neat!
Wondered back to city area to travel agent to look at tours.  Very expensive, and they quote in US dollars.  1 day tour for $60 yet you can eat very well for less than $5.  Does not make sense.
Wandered along river bank again, and went the Wat Sisaket.  This is the oldest building in city as most others have been destroyed in the various wars.  It is also supposed to the largest in Laos.  Missed the museum, so will have to come back.
Back to hotel for a nap only to find out that the guy did not extend my reservation for tonight, and they wanted me to move rooms.  Not sure if I have a bus ticket or not for tomorrow, shall see!
Out for dinner and another excellent meal for about $4.  Got to love this!
Getting busier along the river.  Many of the stalls are already open.  Interesting the games of chance they have.  Toss a plastic wash pan over a bottle of beer, pop or wine!  And the usual dart into the balloons, balls into small boxes.
Oct 16, Vientiane, Laos
Slept in until about 8 am.  Very nice.  The hotel is very quiet, not many people here.
Spoke with a Japanese guy here working for a few weeks on an forestry project.  Very interesting.
Also met a guy from Indiana, with an accent that I have trouble understanding.
Wandered around the city today after a lounging breakfast.  I have died and gone to heaven!  The coffee here is excellent.  It is a Laos coffee and made nice and strong!  I do not think they believe how many cups I had this morning.

Talk about culture shock!  Such a drastic change from Jordan.  Dry to wet and humid.  It is raining, the pouring rain in Bangkok should have been a warning.
Conservative to very much not!  Covered women to women with very little on!
Back in the land of "tuk-tuk, 'no'; 'woman', 'no'; 'opium', 'no'  being the standard conversation!  Actually hilarious.  And does bring back memories of Bangkok!  Very similar, in fact some of the language is very similar as well!
Great as the city is getting ready for a boat festival next weekend, so people are setting up their stalls along the Mekong River.  
Talked to the owner of hotel this morning and he said they are in a scramble getting the river bank ready for the festival, and it shows.  Still earth movers building the dike to keep the river from flooding.
Went to the museum.  That was great.  Very low tech, as most was photographs with brief descriptions and some artifacts, but did provide insight into the the turbulent war torn history of the country!  Thailand, China and the US, all in the last 100 years.
People are very nice and extremely polite and soft spoken.
Walked along the river bank and around the cities downtown area.  There are sidewalks but you can;t use them as they either have motorcycles parked or have small restaurants.
Exhausted to went to bed early after a great meal for about $3.
Oct 15, Vientiane, Laos
After traveling all day, with 3 hours in Bangkok's new airport, arrived in Vientiane at about 8 pm.  It was a long day.  Very nice that hotel had shuttle picking me up.
The AV Hotel is a very newly renovated place and is luxuary, and only US$35!  Bit expensive but nice.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Jordan 2010

Oops, I guess it has been awhile since I posted anything.  Been busy!  Having way to much fun!

Oct 14, Amman, Jordan to Laos

Today the Lebanese guy offered to drive us to Umm Qais.  A city on the border of Syria, Israel and Jordan, with views of Triberon Lake.  Took a couple of hours.  Was great.
Had to pass through a couple of check points.  At first they told us we could not pass, but then the Lebanese guy said something and the let us pass.  At the 2 check point they could not believe that we got though so let us pass.  Great view.
Headed back to Amman.  On the highway there were actually water pipe stops!
Got back to hotel and said good bye to Lebanese guy.
The Dutch couple had left in morning so the numbers were going down!
We went for a walk and found the market just around the corner.  Great.  Huge produce.  Eggplant, potatoes, figs, dates, cucumbers, cauliflower.  And lots more.
As usual there was the request to have picture taken!
Walked some more and found this little coffee shop in a dead end alley.  Sat down and had a great cup of Turkish coffee.  They put cardamon in it so has a different taste, but still great!  And more pictures of the 3 old guys sitting there.  We finished coffee and went to pay and the one guy had paid for our coffee.  This was so typical of how generous the Jordanians are.
I then decided to have a hair cut!  Well the French girl enjoyed this.  And the barber was not so sure that I wanted the cut I did!  But he did the cut.  This time my neck and sides were shaved with straight razor.  But this time for the stray hairs he used a piece of string to pull hairs.  First for me!  How he used the string to pull them I have no idea and could not get across to him to show us.  4 Jordanian dinars ($6).
Did some shopping and then back to hotel.  Got stopped by guy in small cafe across from hotel to taste his food.  It was excellent so decided to go back.  Turns out he was a chef and this was his shop!  Kofta with tahini sauce.  Excellent, and so easy (kofta is just hamburger).  Just as finished that a impromptu dart game was started by guys in shop next door and we ended up joining in!  Hilarious.  
Had to head off as English guy was at different hotel and wanted to go say good bye!  He flies out in morning.  His hotel was having party and he got invite for us.
We were first welcomed by the owner and given heck as we were late and there was food for us!  All in good fun.
Had a great visit and caught up on his Israel adventures.
A sad farewell to my traveling friend for the last 2 weeks, been great, but no good byes, just 'see you soon'!!!!!!
Now at airport. 1.16 am Friday morning and plane leaves at 2.10 am.
Going to be a long night and long day!
Jordan is an amazing place, and so difficult to put into words!  The sights are fantastic and people I met are just as, if not more fantastic.  So friendly and willing to help or to just talk.  Talking happened whether there was much English or not!  When the Jordanians asked where you are from, you always got a big 'welcome' from them.  Also it was very important to all that you enjoyed 'their' country.  So nice to see and hear and to experience it.
Sad to leave, which is always a good sign that the stay was great!
Oct 13, Amman, Jordan
Up in morning and out for walk!  Mist settled over all the valleys.  And cool.  Almost eerie!
Breakfast and then off to catch taxi.  The taxi to Amman was going to be too expensive, so went back to Aqaba.  They were caught a collective taxi to Amman.  These are taxis that you share with someone else.
Was a 3 1/2 hour ride, but made it back to Arab Tower Hotel to a warm welcome!
Turns out the dutch couple are also here!  Great reunion even though we only left them in Aqaba, 2 days ago.
Decided to go out for dinner.  A Lebanese guy joined us.  He was here for work.  Very nice man!
Gave each of us a book by Richard Branson.  Went out for mansaaf, the traditional Jordanian meal.  Meat, rice, and potatoes with a sauce.  This time were we told that is made with fermented sheeps milk so who knows what it really was.  Pretty good but the one we had in Petra was much better.  The Lebanese guy bought us all dinner.  Very nice.
Then out to a cafe for beers!  Ah!!!!  The first beer since being here!  WAs very good.  The restaurant was weird as you had to go through a bookstore to get there!  The view from terrace of the city was great.  Also almost everyone was smoking the water pipe!  The guy next to us had a whole bottom of Chivas on the table.  He looked like he was going to be there for a while!  Was another fun night with lots of laughs.
Oct 12, Wadi Rum, Jordan
The 2 of us caught a taxi to Wadi Rum. A Czech professor also joined us.  He had just finished the same chemistry conference on the Dead Sea that the guy from Portugal had.   Interesting, but they did not know each other.
Arrived in the village.  The scenery is great.  Met by host at Bedouin camp and had tea at his house.  He is a story teller.  The best is is imitation of French people trying to speak English with some Arabic thrown in!  The best was "shokran beaucoup" , half French and half Arabic.  It became the saying of the night.  Off with a guide in old Toyota truck across the desert.  Not all sand as there many high rock mountains that stick out of sand here and there.  It is really nice.  The driver did some driving on the dunes, and gave us a chance to walk on them.  Some of the sand is really red and some is beige.  The area is beautiful.  Interesting as the guide stopped in a place with no one else around, lit a fire, put on kettle for tea and made us lunch.  Tuna, olives, cheese, humus with lots of pita!  Very good.  Surprising how fast he started the fire and how little wood he used to boil the water.  Good thing as not much for wood around.
Did some walking on the sand and between the rock.  Not a lot of wild life.  Lizards and beetles!  Crows and that is about it!
Went to the camp.  Very simple.  No running water, but there was a generator behind a concrete building.  Turned out it only ran for a while.  Then the only light was the campfire and the lamps people had.
2 other couples joined us.  A German couple that have lived in London for 30 years and a Jordanian couple that were friends of German couple.  They too, lived in London for about 30 years but about 3 years ago moved back to Amman.  Both very nice, but funny to hear them speak as they seemed to have perfect and proper English accents!
Do not believe they were cut out for this kind of camp.  There were tents, with sand floors.  But luxuary as had foam mattresses and an variety of blankets all just piled up in the corner of the tent!  
The other couples had brought their own sleeping bags, sheets and pillows with covers.  Hilarious to watch them prepare for bed.  The sand was everywhere and they were not really into it!  Took about 30 minutes for them to prepare.  Me, 30 seconds.  Mattress and a couple of blankets.
Dinners was excellent.  Chicken, rice, potatoes cooked in 1 pot.  Of course pita bead and cheese.  And tea after.
Watched the sunset before dinner.  The sun goes down very fast and early.  Was about 6.30 and was dark.
After dinner did some talking but by 9.30 the other couples went to bed, so the French girl and I grabbed a mattress and took it out behind the tents to look at the stars.  No other lights around to a lot to see.  Could not find anything I could recognize except for the milky way!
Never heard any critters but there was a cat fight somewhere that was loud.  No wild big cats, but told that they were domestic cats gone wild.
Oct 11, Aqaba, Jordan
Today I had my final exam!  Stress!  But passed!
Back to hotel.  It the the Darna Village, and it is super!  The staff here are great and have spent a lot of time just talking.  Learned a lot about the life of Jordanians.
They will help you any way they can!
Snorkeled in afternoon and then spent the rest of the day talking to a couple from the Netherlands.
Had dinner at hotel and asked them to prepare a surprise!  We ended up with great fresh fish, calamari and prawns!  Excellent!
Then the Dutch lady and I felt we wanted something sweet - baklava was the choice!  But none here.  After some discussion, the Dutch guy took one of the manager's brothers and off to Aqaba to buy some baklava.  Only 12 km away!  It was great, had a variety of baklava, but they did have to go to 2 or 3 shops to find as they were sold out!
It was enjoyed by all when they got back.  The staff from hotel and some of their friends that were visiting!
Oct 10, Aqaba, Jordan
Up and off to dive centre.  So nice as they pick you up even though it is just up the road!
Had 2 dives today and more lessons.  Great as much more comfortable in the water and seeing so much more around me.
Also had to read part of a text book!  And do 3 quizzes!  Not really sure if that makes it a holiday any more!  But I did pass them.  
Went snorkeling again.  Saw a couple of sea snakes!  These look more like eels and live on the bottom.
So many fish and so many colours.  Like an aquarium in a pet store!
Caught a taxi into Aqaba, about 12 
Oct 9, Aqaba, Jordan
Went on another dive today at the Japanese Garden!  Here there was even more fish!  I think we found Nemo!  There are many of  them.
Beautiful colours in coral - red, pink, violet, beige.
he instructor picked up puffer fish (?) the one that expands itself to be huge.  amazing
Had to put under rock as it kept floating up.  At night the guy at hotel showed me the moon star, a star that follows the moon.  Quite the sight as the moon is just a sliver with the star beside.  He says it only is seen a few days each year.
Snorkeled again in afternoon.
Was planning on leaving the next day but the French woman and I decided to take the PADI lessons.  Funny as we were both thinking the same thing!
Oct 8, Aqaba, Jordan
So easy to get very lazy here!  Sit over looking the Gulf of Aqaba, part of Red Sea.
But we did actually do something.  
Went diving!  I first put my contacts in.  Damn I had been missing a lot with out them.  It was great.  Introductory lesson and then into the water.  They took us to an army tank sunk just off of shore.
Lazy afternoon again, but did go snorkeling.
Oct 7, Aqaba, Jordan
The 3 of us caught a taxi to Acaba.  We were headed to one place but ended up at another, friends of driver!  But turns out this place is new and just across the road from The Red Sea, actually, the Gulf of Aqaba which is part of Red Sea.  Great place and fairly new!
Spent a lazy day snorkeling on the reefs which are very close to shore.  The fish and coral is great.
Then did nothing for the rest of the day!  I needed to recover from the 2 10 or 11 hour days of hiking!
Oct 6, Petra, Jordan
3 of us caught a taxi to Little Petra and had a tour with local guide.  He climbs so fast and agile and he had us follow him.  This is very nice, a smaller version of Petra.
In Little Petra there is a house that still has some of the painted walls.  Flowers, vines and pictures.  Had tea with a lady along the way, these are everywhere, and continued on to some great look outs over the wadi.
Then the guide showed us how to make the sand bottles.  He gave us directions to Big Petra, so we headed off.  It should take about 3 hours.  But somewhere we missed a corner.  We were following yellow painted rocks, where we supposed to or not.  So was really a very scenic tour!  But we spotted the large flags at the Monastery and Aaron's tomb, so we knew the general direction to go.  Back tracked a bit and headed down a canyon!  Walked by some more 'houses' carved out of rock.  Some were very small and not sure what use they would be.  The closer we got to Petra the caves and momuments became larger and more frequent.  Amazing the work!
but could see the Monestary lookout and Aaron's tomb so knew direction.
But made it back to the museum and ran into the guy on donkeys that met the day before.  The funny part is that he knew we were in Little Petra as his friend told him he had seen us pass through his village -  everyone knows everyone!

Went up to the look out over the Treasury and watched the sun go down and had great views of the Treasury!
Back to same restaurant for dinner and then got invited to one of the guys house for tea.  Was a late night.
Oct 5, Petra, Jordan
This morning we had an early start to the day.
Walking through the entry to the Treasury is very different by day than at night!  he size of the cliffs is huge.  Told about 100 meters and very narrow in places.  Amazing how they work for saving water.  They have carved a ditch in the side of the cliff to carry the water to the cisterns.  And then around the one corner you can see a part of the Treasury framed by the cliffs.  Amazing!
Continued walking and headed up the many many stairs to the High Place of Sacrifice.  Many women with they jewelery spread out on blankets or boards.  The view from the top is something.  There is a carved out rectangle for seating with an alter for the high priests and for the sacrifice.  There is a little place for the blood to run off.
Also here there are 2 obelisks that have been carved out.  Or should I say they have carved the mountain away and left the obelisks.  Always it is something to see the amount of work that went into the carved out areas.  Most of Petra has been carved out of the sides of the mountains, but there are a few buildings that have been built with stone bricks.
We walked down the alternate way.  The path had many steps as well, but around each corner and over every hill there was another very impressive monument or tomb.  All of them have varying amounts of detail.  Some are Nebetean, or Roman. The Garden and wall, the Soldier's tomb and the lion fountain.are probably the most impressive.
Very hot and the walking is exhausting.  Stopped for lunch near the museum and the London guy walked by!  He joined us and after a bit of rest we headed off for the Monastery.  2 people rode the donkeys and 2 of us walked.  We actually caught up with them having tea witha group of Bedouins part way up the mountain.  
I do not think any of the 4 of us saw anything on the way up as the other 2 were telling us about the donkey ride up.  It was hilarious just watching them relive the ride.  The donkeys have a mind of their own!!-
 The monument is probably more impressive than the Treasury as there is more detail to the structure, but the room inside is very small and does not come close to the size of the the monument.
There are 4 look outs from here each one is great!  You can see Aaron's tomb, the burial place of the brother of Moses.  
We walked down and was jetting close to sunset, so we to the Royal tombs to have a look and to watch the sunset.  The Royal tombs are very large with many rooms inside.  The carvings are very impressive as well.  
The one Bedouin found us again!  The man is nuts!  But funny!  He actually climbed up the side of one of the tombs.  He did say that tomorrow he would show us the view point that over looks the Treasury.
It was about 7.30 by the time we got back to the hotel.  Quick shower and off to the Al-Deir restaurant, the same as last night.
Tonight they just brought us a dish!  Chicken with rice and a yogurt/curried sauce.  Excellent!
Another late night as we ended up having tea and chatting until late.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Jordan 2010

Oct 4, Petra, Jordan
As the 3 of us were all heading to Petra the next day we hired the same taxi driver to take us.  Expensive but allowed for extra stops. 

The first stop was at Hammemet Ma'in.  This is a hot spring but with a large water fall with hot water.  There are 3 or 4 pools as well.  Great place, with only 3 other people there!
Had a great soak, and super massage in the big water fall and in the water flowing from one pool to the next!
Next to Karak Castle.  This is a very strong looking castle on the hill.  Many underground tunnels to homes and also a church.  This castle was built in the 12th century.
Made a stop at the lookout over Wadi Dana, a large natural river bed.  Looked very nice and supposed to be some great hikes in the canyon.
Arrived at Petra about 6.  Another long day.
Went for dinner a Al-Deir restaurant.  The food was excellent!  And the guys working were great.  They spent a fair bit of time talking to us.  We were the only ones there.  We got some more ideas on great food and told to come back.  
Met a guy that works at the local 5 star hotel during the day and at this restaurant, his brothers at night!  Very nice.  He said that he would invite us to his home.
Then off to see Petra.  They have a show some nights where you walk in the entrance, which is about 3 km long, to a candle lit path!  Very interesting shadows on the cliff walls.
Then when you arrive at the Treasury the main monument, there are several candles in front.  Tried taking pictures but they did not turn out, but the candle light certainly gave the monument a strange look.  Very difficult to describe! 

Oct 3, Amman, Jordan
Signed up for tour at hotel.  Again a taxi for only 3 people.  Was with with a French woman and Portugues guy.  Great people and we had lots of laughs.  Both of them have done a lot of traveling.  Drove south tour include look at Wadi Majib.  Looked great except it was very hazy and could not see very far.  
Next to Madaba, and the Church of St George.  This church had a floor that was completely covered by a mosaic.  The mosaic was a picture of Jordan showing many of the sites.  It had been created about 1500 years ago and is very accurate.  They believe that it was used to direct people on there travels, during the Crusades and for merchants on the Silk road.

Next to Mount Nebo.  This is where Moses saw the holy land and buried.  Again the views not great.
Went to the Baptism place of Jesus on the Jordan River.  Interesting as the Jordanians believe theirs in the real site but then the Israelis believe the same thing.
Amazing that the river is only about 3 meters across.  Israel is right there.  The site on that side is much more developed.  Also we were watched by guards on both sides.
Then off to Dead Sea.  Again not really very busy.
This was quite the experience.  We walked in and when the bottom dropped, we did not sink!  Amazing!  Could actually float standing straight up with the water at chests.
Hilarious.  We were all laughing.  It is really amazing how easy it is to float.  Tried to go under but very difficult!  And the water really stung the eyes!  Apparently it is about 30% salt whereas most seas are about 5%.  Spent about 3 hours floating and of course taking a free mud bath!  Saved about $20 as we used the mud from the sea and not the packages sold in the shop!
Dead sea is the lowest place on earth, about 300 meters below sea level.

Oct 2, Amman, Jordan
Met Dutch girl at breakfast and we headed off to the Roman Theatre.  This place is huge as well.
There is a great museum in the theatre showing traditional dress, tools and jewelry.  Very interesting.
Next to the theatre is the parliment, which seats about 500.  Both sites in very good shape as they have been rebuilt.
Great as there are not many people around.
As we were leaving a local guy started telling where we should visit in Amman.  Was hilarious as I got the impression he was a local 'character'!  Found out later that he is well known.
Also ran into the guy from London and he joined us.
Hired a taxi to get us to the Citadel on top of the hill over looking the old part of Amman.  This covers a huge area and has been built up over about 1500 years.
Great museum that covers about 10,000 years.  They had some fossils of animals that were very old.
Leaving the Citadel hired another taxi to take us around the city for a couple of hours.  Went over a famous bridge, although I had never heard about it and around some of the rich parts of the city.
Got dropped off near a park.  But this park did not have any grass, but many trees.
Caught the bus back to centre.
Stopped at a small restaurant that the taxi driver recommended and had falafel!  Excellent food!  And for all 3 it was 3.50 dinar, about $5.
Oct 1, Amman, Jordan
Left london and arrived in Jordan about 11 pm.  Caught a taxi to Hotel but by this time it was almost 2 am.  Ended up talking to the night clerk for 30 minutes as he was working on a computer graphic design project for his homework.  He was designing an office, right down to the furniture.