Thursday, August 26, 2010

Bodrum, Turkey 2010

August 25, Bodrum, Turkey
Another slow start to day, did not sleep that well, so did not do much.  But got them to move me to different room so at least the a/c works!  Hopefully better.

Just headed off to buy ticket for tour on the weekend.  Means I have to stay a bit longer here but that is ok, place is fairly cheap and easy going.
Had a nap and then headed out to the restaurants for something to eat.  Late so wandered around the various bars.  Amazing.  All these bars with the music going, and again compeition as  to which bar can attract the most people with the loud music!  And they are right next door!  Also the city is very liberal considering Turkey is a Muslim country.  Most of the bars have guys entertaining the guests, making sure they have a great time.  Dancing, break dancing, leading dancing and getting the women up to dance.  Just crazy but then, not really that much different than Mykonos or Santorini, except this is a Muslim country!  Will be interesting to see if same elsewhere.

August 24, Bodrum, Turkey
Slow start to the day!  Leisurely breakfast.  Then sat having coffee with laptop and using Google translate to talk to the guys working in the hotel.  Very entertaining and learned a lot about where they are from.  None are from Bodrum, some up to 18 hours away by bus, Eastern Turkey.  Also learned that one of them is Kurdish.

Caught the mini bus.  Great as you do not have to go to bus stop, just wave them down as they drive by!
Went to the Castle of the Knights.  This is the castle that is right at the harbour that I arrived.  Interesting as very much a maze of paths through out the castle.  The castle was built in the mid 1400s by the crusaders.  They had a glass display that was really something.  Some of the pieces were from 3 and 4 th centuries BC.  Surprising that they could make glass bottles with such thin walls, and that they looked like they were mostly in tact!
Walked back toward the little town that I am staying, Gumbet, heading towards an ancient wall on one of the peninsulas in the area.  Turns out that it is inside the military zone and not accessible.  So just kept walking and went for a swim.  Water felt so good after the walk.  It is very hot here as well.
Dinner was simple gyro.  Turns out the guy working there lives 24 hours away.  From a farm and is very bored here as the restaurant is not that busy.  He will leave in 2 weeks, which seems when many places is close up for the season.
August 23, Bodrum, Turkey
Checked out of hotel.  Interesting as they had already charged by credit card for the room, but the machine would not work for the extra night, so had to pay cash.  The Manager showed me the reservation email and I pointed out that it says the room was to be air conditioned!  Instead of 38 euros for the last night he discounted it to 10, no hesitation.
Got to port ok, but 30 minutes before the boat was to leave I find out that the boat was not going today.  Found out from another couple that the agency would refund my money.  I made a dash to get my money back and then buy another ticket.  Made it by 10 minutes before 9.  But turns out the boat did not really leave until about 9.45.  They did not start passport control until 9 am and there were about 4 other boats going to Turkey!
Arrived no problem but had to pay 45 euro for a visa!  Cleaned me out of money!
Stopped at a restaurant close by for something to eat.  And then off to bus station to find bus to hotel.  The buses here are mid sized vans.  He was going to drop me off at the hotel but missed the stop by a bit.  The driver was very apologetic! 
Went for a swim.  It seems that there are not many people in this hotel.  Older and showing age but seems nice enough.  The guys working here are working very hard at making sure I have everything.  Had a beer by the bar and the guy serving me did not know much English.  He ended up bring out a Turkish/English book and had a lesson!  He learned some English and I learned some Turkish!  Hilarious as got to use on one of the guys, and he had a look of shock on his face.  Fun!  

And then off to see the beach.  Another very busy beach with umbrellas and lounge chairs.  Took a walk along the beach and ended up walking up the hill to the windmills along the ridge.  Tough going up hill in the heat but made it no trouble.
Walked into the main area of restaurants and bars in Gumbet, the area where hotel is.  The hustlers for restaurants here are much more aggressive in getting you into the restaurant.  Aggressive but in a friendly way!  Ended up in a place that had a very nice view of the bay, but also was able to watch the guy in action!  That was the entertainment, just watching him get people into the restaurant!  Told him after that was great to watch him work and he just laughed!  Said he teases the guy next door that is doing the same thing, but no where near as successful!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Randy,

    Glad to hear you are having a great trip. You are so lucky!

    I'm just prepping for school.

    All the best,

