Sunday, August 15, 2010

Mykonos and on to Santorini

August, 15 Santorini, Greece
Today I rented scooter and went to a beach that has huge cliffs.  You can see the layers of different 'stuff'.  Not sure what to call it!  Not lava as not hard.  Most is like ash with rocks mixed in.  But there are different colours.  White, sandy and some black as well.  Surprised not more black as the beach is mostly black.  There are a lot of pumice stones around.  I should have collected and set up a stall.  I see they go for 1 euro each!

The scooter was a bit shaky at first, as it has been a while since I have ridden a motorbike!  But did come back.  These things do not handle quite like a motor bike but close.  You do not have to change gears at all.  Cruised along at about 50 kph when no other traffic.  The only bad traffic was right after getting the bike and getting out of town.  The rest was pretty quiet!

Stopped at small restaurant on way into Fira.  Had another great Greek Salad, with loads of feta cheese and then chicken souvlaki!  Very good!
August, 14 Santorini, Greece
Spent the day wandering around the old city!  Tried to find some of the nice place I saw at night!  Found most!

Went to an exhibition (that means not a museum) of wall paintings that were found in the old city.  Buried under lava and ash.  Amazing at the great shape they are in!
Stopped and had a drink at one of the restaurants high up on the hill!  Beautiful view. 

Then headed towards the old port.  I walked down the donkey path!  Bit worried about walking behind them, for a couple of reasons, one of them being that if they kicked....
They did not move.  It was a longer walk than I expected, especially when so hot.  Expected to go for swim, but no swimming there!

I had booked a ticket on a sunset cruise, which included a walk on the volcano Island of Nea Kameni.  Many craters with that latest in the 1950s.  There is still some gas coming out of one!

Then for a swim in the hot springs on Palea Kameni.  Turned out we had to jump of boat and swim to a little inlet where the hot water seeped up into the sea!  Was warm but not hot, but the water was very red!  The iron I am guessing.  The 'guided' tour was not really guided, more of go here!  This red stuff stained all the swim suits!  Still nice
Then had dinner on board.  Was pretty good meal and included free wine!  That was pretty good as well.
Then off to the Oia point to watch the sun set.  
They actually put up the sails.  All on furlers, and set close hauled no matter which direction they went.  It was really for show, as motors kept running!  Did look good if you were not a sailor! 
Sunset was amazing! The pictures just do not do it justice!
Rode the cable car back up, I was not game to ride a donkey up the steps!

August, 13 Santorini, Greece
Today headed off to a black sand beach!  Beautiful place.  Told it was about 40 degree today!  Catch is the sand got so hot you could not walk on it without your shoes!  And the tempurature on beach, even with a breeze was baking!  I did not last too long!
Have decided that I am old!  I am the one heading back to hotel at 11 pm and the young ones are just heading out.  Then I am up in morning, and they are just getting home!  Serious, this has happened a few times!
August, 12 Santorini, Greece
Checked out of hotel and then spent the morning napping by the pool!  Oh it is a tough life!
Then off to catch a fast ferry to Santorini!  Huge, my guess had about 350 passengers on board!  Total chaos in boarding, no wonder late!  Could use a lot of easy fixes!
But 2 1/2 hours later in Santorini.  Caught the bus to Fira, the main town and called the hotel.  He picked me up within 5 minutes!  Great stuff.

I ended up in a private place as the hotel was full, but that is ok.
Headed into the old part of town and spent time just wandering around.  Another amazing place.  The town is high up on a cliff with all the houses, restaurants, and hotels built along the side of the hill leading to the cliff!  Needless to say got my exercise walking stairs for a couple of hours, and then headed back to hotel!  At least that is down hill!

And it has been awhile but found another 'pink' one!
August, 11 Mykonos, Greece
Did nothing!
Went out for dinner and for the 2nd night in a row a Pelican was leading a persession of people down the sideway along the water front!  Hilarious!
August, 10 Mykonos, Greece
Went to beach today.
Nice and relaxing.
This is an interesting island.  All the white houses with the colourful doors and window against the very dry desert like countryside.  Not much for vegetation but there is a lot of rock!  They build the fences and houses out of the rock, and of course pave the streets with it as well!
Saw some critters today.  Pelican in a square on way to bus, domestic duck swam by while I was having coffee at a sea side cafe, donkeys, goats and a couple of cows on way to beach.  And at the beach saw a lizard of some sort.  The person next to me said it was a gecko.  That is the most crittersI have seen anywhere.

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