Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Turkey 2010

August 30, Bodrum, Turkey
Lazed most of day at beach but that was after buying a new backpack from the shop that I originally stopped at.  When will I learn to just buy if price is right!  Great part was he honoured his last price!
August 29, Bodrum, Turkey
Got breakfast this morning, with 'real' filtered coffee!  Not to complain as it did taste good, just could have been a bit stronger!
And only a 8.30 start.  Short drive and were at Pamukkule, the calcium created pools that have formed terraces down a cliff!  What a site!

The old city of Hierapolis is on top of the cliff.  This was a city of about 180,000, created around the 'healing' powers of the waters that flow into the terraces.
Wandered around the terraces with a couple of Devon England, and then headed up to the theatre.  This is in the best shape of any I have seen.  Seats about 18,000.
Then went for a swim in the ancient pool, again, I should be cured!  This is probably the most expensive swim I will ever take, 25 lira ($12) for half an hour, but had to do it as the bottom of the pool is full of relics!  Columns and capitals.  
Then for the 4 hour drive back to Bodrum.  But a couple of stops (shopping) actually, Onyx and carpet.  It was interesting on how they make the carpets!  A silk one about 6 foot by 9, was priced at about $50,000 - but as the guy said you have to consider it as an investment!
Talked to a couple of guys from a city south of Moscow in Bodrum on holidays!  I meet the educated ones it seems.  One a Phd in Law and the other finishing his Phd in Economics!  Interesting to talk to them.  One of them was fluent in German and English.  He also asked me about Canada and IFRS (sorry accounting and I am on holidays!)  Russia adopted in 2005 and he is learning about it now!
Arrived back at the Bodrum Park Hotel to a big welcome back by the staff.  Hilarious!
August 28, Bodrum, Turkey
An early start, on the bus at 6.30, which means no coffee!  Nescafe even would be good!  2 hours later, finally get breakfast and coffee!
But that was after a minor breakdown on the bus!  Leak in radiator!  Stopped in a small town, in the 'garage district'!  Interesting as seems they are all in the same location.
Then to a jewelery factory, why do they do this!  Shopping!
Then to Ephesus an ancient Greek city, and later a major Roman city. This site dates back to 1000 to 1500 BC and they have excavated about 20%.  For many years it was the second largest city with a population of more than 250,000 in the 1st century BC.  One of the seven ancient wonders of the world.
The place is huge, but the center piece is the Library.  The story goes that the men would give their wives all the money they wanted to go shopping and they would go the the library.  Turns out there was a tunnel from the library to the brothel across the street!
Many mosaics here as well.
Then a 3 hour drive to the hotel!  Amazing that average speed is 50 kph.  So slow going!
The hotel is near Pamukkle, the hot spring area.
The scenery is beautiful and interestingly it is much greener here than on the coast.  Many pine tress.
The hotel has a hot pool so I spent some time in there, and again, I have been cured of all ailments!
Talked to a Romanian couple in the pool, as we were the only ones there!
After dinner went for a walk in the local village market street.  The usual shops with very few souvenir places, but was amazing to see was that when the shops closed up, they would just covered up their merchandise with a sheet and tie it down!  No locks or bars!
Had dinner with them, very nice couple.
August 27, Bodrum, Turkey
Did not do much today, had not planned staying this long, but tour only leaves on Saturdays.  Interesting as this guy is the one that serves my beer, and now have him putting it in the deep freeze.  He is 16 years old.  And the reception man that has a degree in Business Administration and working very hard at learning English.
August 26, Bodrum, Turkey
Caught the bus to the old ancient theatre.  Not much information provided so just wandered around a bit and then walked into the main area of Bodrum.
Went through a small market along the way.  Mostly fruit and vegetables but also a few spice places.  Smelled amazing.  Talked to one of the spice guys.  His English was very good.
Then continued on to the market area of Bodrum.  Interesting but all the shops are really the same.  Very quiet.  Stopped to have lunch at small place with tables right on the beach.  Very nice, but also very hot, even in the shade!

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